Brisa, Tamara y Maria Paz 4 II Se単o GladysRomina Cuppari
El documento ofrece consejos para cuidar el sistema locomotor, incluyendo sentarse correctamente, comer de forma saludable y hacer ejercicio regularmente.
El documento repite varias veces la frase "MDGP NOVACAIXAGALICIA XIX PROMOCIN" y sus variaciones, lo que sugiere que se trata de un anuncio o comunicado relacionado con la 19a promoci坦n de la entidad MDGP Novacaixagalicia. Adem叩s, enumera del 1 al 7 sin incluir informaci坦n adicional.
Las leyes de reforma de 1857 en M辿xico separaron la iglesia del estado y obligaron a la iglesia cat坦lica a vender sus propiedades. Esto llev坦 a una guerra de tres a単os entre la iglesia y el gobierno liberal mexicano liderado por Ju叩rez, Lerdo de Tejada e Iglesias, que result坦 en una victoria para los liberales.
Este documento describe las unidades b叩sicas de la ecolog鱈a como el nicho ecol坦gico, h叩bitat, ecosistema y biodiversidad y sus relaciones. Explica que los ec坦logos estudian estos sistemas naturales a diferentes niveles de jerarqu鱈a, incluyendo individuo, poblaci坦n, comunidad y ecosistema. Adem叩s, define brevemente los principales biomas como la tundra, taiga, selva tropical y sus caracter鱈sticas de ubicaci坦n y organismos.
Este documento discute um terremoto que ocorreu na It叩lia em 2008/2009. Foi escrito por estudantes como um projeto de Biologia e Geologia para mostrar como os conhecimentos dessas disciplinas podem ser aplicados a eventos do mundo real. O documento descreve o terremoto inicial e as 200 r辿plicas subsequentes de baixa intensidade e conclui que a geologia pode ajudar a entender e evitar cat叩strofes naturais no futuro.
Jeremias, Matias y Francisco 4to II Se単o GladysRomina Cuppari
El documento habla sobre la importancia de comer bien, sentarse correctamente y hacer ejercicios.
The 9th European Karate Regions Championships was held from June 4-5, 2011 in Ankara, Turkey. The medals table shows that the Marmara region of Turkey and the Madrid and Valencia regions of Spain each won 1 gold medal. The Beograd region of Serbia won the most total medals with 1 gold, 2 silver, and 1 bronze. A total of 20 regions from 11 countries competed in the championships.
O documento fornece instru巽探es para uma apresenta巽達o de slides, dizendo ao usu叩rio para usar o formato fornecido, que tem 20 slides para usar, e que o temporizador de slides ser叩 tratado automaticamente, pedindo ao usu叩rio para come巽ar a apresenta巽達o apagando as instru巽探es.
The document summarizes a regional engineering meeting about the West LRT project in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The project involves constructing approximately 5 miles of light rail line with 6 stations, some at grade and some below or above grade. It will provide access to downtown Calgary and add to the existing light rail system. EFCO equipment like EZ Deck forms are being used on the project, which is experiencing challenges from its design-build approach and contractor errors requiring rework. The project is on schedule to open in 2012 despite EFCO equipment being used for 16 months total, 6 months longer than originally planned.
This document introduces a research study that aims to investigate the effects of management styles on student achievement. It provides background on the topic, stating that management approaches in schools have increasingly mirrored styles used in businesses. The research questions examine who is involved in managing school leadership, how management styles impact students, and whether current practices are effective. The objectives seek to identify relationships between management and students and the impacts of different leadership styles. The scope is limited to a single college and significance discussed for researchers, students, and the public. Key terms are also defined.
Este documento descreve os requisitos de um sistema de gest達o ambiental de acordo com a norma ISO 14001. Ele cobre t坦picos como pol鱈tica ambiental, planejamento, implementa巽達o e opera巽達o, verifica巽達o, auditoria e revis達o pela administra巽達o. A organiza巽達o deve estabelecer e manter um sistema de gest達o ambiental que atenda a estes requisitos.
New Era of Software with modern Application Security (v0.6)Dinis Cruz
Description: This presentation will start with an overview of the current state of Application Insecurity (with practical examples). This will make the attendees think twice about what is about to happen to their applications. The solution is to leverage a new generation of application security thinking such as: TDD, Docker, Test Automation, Static Analysis, cleaver Fuzzing, JIRA Risk workflows, Kanban, micro web services visualization, and ELK. These practices will not only make applications/software more secure/resilient, but it allow them to be developed in a much more efficient, cheaper and productive way.
The v.06 was presented at London Software Craftsmanship Community on 18/Feb/2016 -
The v.0.6 was presented at the OWASP London Chapter meeting on 25t/Feb/2016
El docente considera que las asignaturas de historia son relevantes a pesar de que inicialmente no lo cre鱈a. Utiliza preguntas para evaluar los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes y luego les presenta materiales para interesarlos en los temas hist坦ricos. Como ejemplo, les pide a los estudiantes que investiguen sobre Miguel Hidalgo, luego les narra sobre su vida y el movimiento de independencia, y terminan haciendo actividades. El docente cree que es bueno que los estudiantes compartan sus experiencias para motivar su participaci坦n.
The 9th European Karate Regions Championships was held from June 4-5, 2011 in Ankara, Turkey. The medals table shows that the Marmara region of Turkey and the Madrid and Valencia regions of Spain each won 1 gold medal. The Beograd region of Serbia won the most total medals with 1 gold, 2 silver, and 1 bronze. A total of 20 regions from 11 countries competed in the championships.
O documento fornece instru巽探es para uma apresenta巽達o de slides, dizendo ao usu叩rio para usar o formato fornecido, que tem 20 slides para usar, e que o temporizador de slides ser叩 tratado automaticamente, pedindo ao usu叩rio para come巽ar a apresenta巽達o apagando as instru巽探es.
The document summarizes a regional engineering meeting about the West LRT project in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The project involves constructing approximately 5 miles of light rail line with 6 stations, some at grade and some below or above grade. It will provide access to downtown Calgary and add to the existing light rail system. EFCO equipment like EZ Deck forms are being used on the project, which is experiencing challenges from its design-build approach and contractor errors requiring rework. The project is on schedule to open in 2012 despite EFCO equipment being used for 16 months total, 6 months longer than originally planned.
This document introduces a research study that aims to investigate the effects of management styles on student achievement. It provides background on the topic, stating that management approaches in schools have increasingly mirrored styles used in businesses. The research questions examine who is involved in managing school leadership, how management styles impact students, and whether current practices are effective. The objectives seek to identify relationships between management and students and the impacts of different leadership styles. The scope is limited to a single college and significance discussed for researchers, students, and the public. Key terms are also defined.
Este documento descreve os requisitos de um sistema de gest達o ambiental de acordo com a norma ISO 14001. Ele cobre t坦picos como pol鱈tica ambiental, planejamento, implementa巽達o e opera巽達o, verifica巽達o, auditoria e revis達o pela administra巽達o. A organiza巽達o deve estabelecer e manter um sistema de gest達o ambiental que atenda a estes requisitos.
New Era of Software with modern Application Security (v0.6)Dinis Cruz
Description: This presentation will start with an overview of the current state of Application Insecurity (with practical examples). This will make the attendees think twice about what is about to happen to their applications. The solution is to leverage a new generation of application security thinking such as: TDD, Docker, Test Automation, Static Analysis, cleaver Fuzzing, JIRA Risk workflows, Kanban, micro web services visualization, and ELK. These practices will not only make applications/software more secure/resilient, but it allow them to be developed in a much more efficient, cheaper and productive way.
The v.06 was presented at London Software Craftsmanship Community on 18/Feb/2016 -
The v.0.6 was presented at the OWASP London Chapter meeting on 25t/Feb/2016
El docente considera que las asignaturas de historia son relevantes a pesar de que inicialmente no lo cre鱈a. Utiliza preguntas para evaluar los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes y luego les presenta materiales para interesarlos en los temas hist坦ricos. Como ejemplo, les pide a los estudiantes que investiguen sobre Miguel Hidalgo, luego les narra sobre su vida y el movimiento de independencia, y terminan haciendo actividades. El docente cree que es bueno que los estudiantes compartan sus experiencias para motivar su participaci坦n.