This document discusses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which is an XML-based standard for vector graphics. It offers graphic quality through vector elements, scalability through resolution-independent elements, interactivity through declarative and procedural scripting, and animation through declarative syntax. SVG can be viewed in major browsers through plugins or emulators and authored through export tools, authoring software, or JavaScript frameworks. It has applications in web mapping through tools like OpenLayers that allow dynamic and interactive vector maps.
2. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
SVG is the XML for Graphics (W3C standard)
It offers:
graphic quality
animated & dynamic maps
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3. SVG: graphic quality (1)
all usual operations of 2D vector graphics
paths can be closed or open
paths can be filled with colour, gradients, patterns, etc.
attributes can control line style, dash, joining, miter, etc.
shortcuts for rectangles, arcs, circles, splines, etc.
+ in-line raster (jpeg, gif, png)
text (as fonts, search/index, UNICODE)
all anti-aliased
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4. SVG: graphic quality (2)
clipping, masking
filter operations
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5. SVG: scalability
vector elements are resolution-independent
zoom, pan
transformable, user defined coordinate-spaces
everything can be transformed (rotated,
skewed, translated, etc) separately
visualisation depending on users needs and
use of CSS
(cascading style sheets)
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6. SVG: interactivity
Declarative (in SVG objects)
<circle id="c1" cx="100" cy="100" r="50">
<animate id="c1" attributeName="r" from="50" to="100"
dur="3s" begin="click"/>
Procedural (scripting ECMAscript = Javascript)
<script type="text/ecmascript">
function clickCircle(evt) {
alert(you clicked me!);
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7. SVG: animated & dynamic maps
declarative animation:
dynamic change of object attributes
declarative syntax (limited file size)
animation client-side
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9. Implementation: Viewers
Opera, Webkit (Safari, Google Chrome), Mozilla Firefox
mobile viewers such as QuickOffice BitFlash, Ikivo, and
the iPhone version of Safari,
Apache Batik for standalone viewer
Internet Explorer: have to use plugins/emulators
SVGweb (Google) Javascript + Flash lib
Raphael (Dmitry Baranovskiy) Javascript + VML lib
Adobe's SVGviewer plugin (EOL)
growing and largely stable
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10. Implementation: Authoring
Export from (drawing)software
(Illustrator,, etc)
Export from GIS & conversion tools
easy, limited in possibilities
BATIK project (Java subclass for Java's Graphics2D plus
direct SVG DOM implementation)
Server-side integration in XML solutions
Javascript frameworks (e.g. D3.js)
powerful, developers solutions
SVG authoring software:
Lacking: no consumer solution
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11. SVG in WebGIS clients: OpenLayers
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