With four editions, AfricaSan has become a leading platform to promote political prioritization of sanitation and hygiene. This year, the Government of Senegal is the convener and organizer of the meeting. It will be held in Dakar, Senegal from May 25 27 2015.
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Swa at AfricaSan 4
1. Sanitation and Water for All (SWA)
at 4th AfricaSan Conference
HLM and AfricaSan commitments: what next?
This event will bring together governments, civil society organizations,
donors and other stakeholders in the SWA partnership to hear about the
work being done to monitor progress towards achieving 2014 High Level
Meeting commitments. It will be a chance to hear about
the lessons learned and challenges associated with the
monitoring, and to plan national advocacy activities
that can build on the release of the 2015 Progress
Report in June and the announcement of new
AfricaSan commitments.
Join SWA Focal Points from over 30
countries to discuss:
What are the achievements and challenges in taking the
HLM commitments forward?
Which decision-makers can unblock further progress-
ministers, parliamentarians, heads of state,
county governors?
How can decision-makers be reached more effectively? Is
advocacy the role of civil society or a joint effort?
Can we make concrete plans to meet and surpass
AfricaSan and HLM Commitments jointly? How can we
ensure they are still relevant in the new SDG framework?
27th May
See other side for an overview of SWAs presence at AfricaSan
Follow the event on social media
@sanwatforall SanitationAndWaterforAll
WSSCC / Kate