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Every soul is potentially divineEvery soul is potentially divine
Ideal of man is to see God inIdeal of man is to see God in
Hold the ideal a thousand timesHold the ideal a thousand times
and if you fail a thousand timesand if you fail a thousand times
make the attempt once more.make the attempt once more.
Let us be brave .The goal mayLet us be brave .The goal may
be distant ,but arise ,awake andbe distant ,but arise ,awake and
stop not till the goal is reachedstop not till the goal is reached
Come up ,O lions and shake off theCome up ,O lions and shake off the
delusion that you are sheep; youdelusion that you are sheep; you
are souls immortal, spirits freeare souls immortal, spirits free
Seek the highest, always theSeek the highest, always the
highest for in highest is eternalhighest for in highest is eternal
If I am to hunt ,I will hunt theIf I am to hunt ,I will hunt the
rhinocerous.If I am to rob, I willrhinocerous.If I am to rob, I will
rob the treasury of the king.Seekrob the treasury of the king.Seek
the highest.the highest.
Faith ,faith, faith in ourselves,Faith ,faith, faith in ourselves,
faith , faith in Godfaith , faith in God
- this is the secret of goodness..- this is the secret of goodness..
Teach your children that they areTeach your children that they are
divine ,that religion is a positivedivine ,that religion is a positive
something not a negetivesomething not a negetive
You will be nearer to heavenYou will be nearer to heaven
through a game of football thanthrough a game of football than
through the study of Gita….through the study of Gita….

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  • 1. Every soul is potentially divineEvery soul is potentially divine
  • 2. Ideal of man is to see God inIdeal of man is to see God in everythingeverything
  • 3. Hold the ideal a thousand timesHold the ideal a thousand times and if you fail a thousand timesand if you fail a thousand times make the attempt once more.make the attempt once more.
  • 4. Let us be brave .The goal mayLet us be brave .The goal may be distant ,but arise ,awake andbe distant ,but arise ,awake and stop not till the goal is reachedstop not till the goal is reached
  • 5. Come up ,O lions and shake off theCome up ,O lions and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; youdelusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal, spirits freeare souls immortal, spirits free
  • 6. Seek the highest, always theSeek the highest, always the highest for in highest is eternalhighest for in highest is eternal bliss.bliss.
  • 7. If I am to hunt ,I will hunt theIf I am to hunt ,I will hunt the rhinocerous.If I am to rob, I willrhinocerous.If I am to rob, I will rob the treasury of the king.Seekrob the treasury of the king.Seek the highest.the highest.
  • 8. Faith ,faith, faith in ourselves,Faith ,faith, faith in ourselves, faith , faith in Godfaith , faith in God - this is the secret of goodness..- this is the secret of goodness..
  • 9. Teach your children that they areTeach your children that they are divine ,that religion is a positivedivine ,that religion is a positive something not a negetivesomething not a negetive nonsense…nonsense…
  • 10. You will be nearer to heavenYou will be nearer to heaven through a game of football thanthrough a game of football than through the study of Gita….through the study of Gita….