This document describes the development of a WebGIS decision support system (SWAMP) for irrigation water management. SWAMP was developed using ArcGIS Server, SQL database, and JavaScript API. It allows users to monitor farm activities, view field data like yields and water balance components, perform analysis and editing online, and schedule irrigation based on field water demand. SWAMP has advantages like reaching a wider audience, reducing costs, and providing flexible integration and compatibility with future updates.
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Swamp development
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Development of Web Geospatial Decision Support
System (DSS) for Irrigation Water Management
M. M. Maina
B.Eng.,M.Eng.,PgDE, PhD
Agricultural water management (AWM)
Agricultural water resources issues
Measurements/estimation of WBM components
Performance Indicators of AWM
Development of WEBGIS DSS for AWM
Uses and Advantage of AWM Web Application
SWAMP- soil water assessment and management for paddies
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3. Agricultural Water management
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Agricultural water management:
The planned development, distribution
and use of water resources to meet
predetermined agricultural objectives
4. Agricultural Water management
Why do we concern about Agricultural
water management?
One of the biggest concerns for our
water-based resources in the future is
the sustainability of the current and
even future water resource allocation.
Climate change
Population Increase
2/26/2015 4
5. Agricultural Water management
Agriculture is said to be the major
consumer of our fresh water resources.
Nearly 70% of the fresh water
resources goes to Agriculture (FAO,
2/26/2015 5
6. Agricultural Water management
Researches in Agricultural fields have
shown that most of the agricultural
water losses occur in the field.
Study of the Paddy field water balance
model reveals how much water is loss
during irrigation.
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7. Paddy Water Balance Model
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A water balance model for paddy is
developed primarily based on the principle of
conservation of mass: soilwater within the
root zone. The water balance for paddy is
different from that of field crops because
paddy requires standing water in the field
during most of its growth period.
Therefore, the water balance components
includes the standing water depth on the
2/26/2015 13
. +
+ ( )
+ ( + . )
ETo Reference Evapotranspiration [mm day-1]
Rn Net radiation at crop surface [MJ m-1 day-1]
G Soil heat flux density [MJ m-2 day-1]
T Mean daily air temperature at 2 m height [属C]
U2 Wind speed at 2 m height [m s-1]
es Saturation vapor pressure [kPa]
ea Actual vapor pressure [kPa]
es-ea Saturation vapor pressure deficit [kPa]
Slope of vapor pressure curve [kPa 属C-1]
Psychometric Constant [kPa 属C-1].
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Soil Water Assessment and Management
for paddies (SWAMP 2.0) is a WebGIS
decision Support system for irrigation
management. It is an online, interactive,
and real-time*.
It was developed using ArcGIS for Server,
MS SQL Database and ArcGIS Viewer for
flex based on JavaScript API
25. Advantages and Uses of SWAMP
SWAMP has many advantages amongst but not limited to:
1. Reach wider audience and stakeholders
2. All farm Information can be spread instantly
3. Cost effective
3. Reduce software installation, support and maintenance
4. Need not to be GIS professional to use it
5. Flexible for DBMS integration and presentation
6. Easy to use and maintain compatibility with the future development
7. Cut software costs
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27. Operations of SWAMP
Once the web application loads, the Attribute
Table widget checks for any feature layer
feature(s) in the current extent and populates
the attribute table with its feature(s). Aside from
providing a tabular display of the layer's data,
the features can be selected, deselected, and
zoomed-to by interacting with the attribute table.
If these feature layers are editable, the
corresponding feature attributes will also be
editable. In addition, the fields can be sorted by
clicking on its heading
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28. Operations of SWAMP Contd.
Paddy water balance model can be displayed
and scheduling can be based on field demand
Analysis and editing can be carried out online
Area and length measurement can be done
easily and precisely
Farm Activities can be monitored online
Yields and yield components can be viewed in
the form of charts and tables.
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