Как улучшать конверсию коммерческого сайта на практике — примеры, инструменты...SeoProfy PresentationsПрзентация с выступления Виктора Карпенко (SeoProfy) на конференции AllinTop 2014 в Москве 13-го февраля.
Camden Town Unlimited Bid ReviewCamden Town Unlimited BIDThis leadership team report summarizes the accomplishments of Camden Town Unlimited over the past 4 years and their vision for the future. They reduced drug crime and improved streets when first appointed in 2006. Major improvements include widened streets free of drug dealers and higher employer satisfaction. Looking ahead, they will consult on projects to continue delivering value, focusing on establishing Camden Town as a creative industries center and sustainable high street environment that attracts innovative businesses.
Presentation1Jack Wentworth-WeedonDoug reflects on past mistakes that have strained his relationships with Michael, Lily, and Vera, who have all had enough of Doug's actions. Michael finally confronts Doug after 20 years about the root of all their problems as Doug's past begins to replay around him and he stares at his fate while walking through scenic Saltaire to contemplate his actions as portrayed by Richard White in his portrayal of the intemperate young Doug.
04 Lake of FireRicardo MThe document discusses the biblical teachings around hell and the lake of fire. It asks when, where, and how long hellfire will burn. It argues that hellfire will burn at the end of the world, on earth, and only long enough to destroy sin and sinners, not eternally. Several bible passages are cited to support this, showing hellfire is for purification and the wicked will perish, not burn forever. God is portrayed as loving, not cruel, and desiring to save all from sin.
Wp seidman 07Visalus Bay AreaThis document summarizes research on age-related hearing loss (presbyacusis) and its association with reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial DNA damage. It discusses several theories of aging and applies them to presbyacusis. Several animal models of presbyacusis are described that have helped illuminate the molecular mechanisms, including mitochondrial dysfunction and hair cell loss. Presbyacusis is characterized by a progressive, high-frequency hearing loss that affects a significant portion of older populations. Understanding its molecular underpinnings may help address its socioeconomic impacts and identify methods for mitigating age-related hearing impairment.
Charter Review Committee Minutes 02 March 2011Adam CohenThe Northampton Charter Review Committee met to discuss draft reports to present to the City Council regarding revisions to the city charter. Committee members debated the appropriate scope and level of revisions, with some advocating for more substantive edits to the charter itself and others arguing that their mandate was only to review the existing charter and recommend forming a charter commission to undertake more extensive revisions. The meeting did not reach a consensus on a final report and different perspectives were presented on the level of changes needed and the committee's role in the process.
Tech wireless wifi_antennaHARRY CHAN PUTRAThis document provides instructions for building a homemade outdoor 2.4 GHz WiFi antenna. It describes the dimensions needed based on the wavelength at 2.4 GHz. The antenna design uses an aluminum cake pan for the reflector and a plastic microwave bulb for the cover. It includes a dipole element and disc attached to the cover at a distance of one-quarter wavelength from the dipole. The document also discusses mounting the antenna, lightning protection, and cable connections.
Le Farmacie nel Diritto dell\'EconomiaNicola_C_SalernoNel dibattito che accompagna i tentativi di riforma degli esercizi farmaceutici e della distribuzione del farmaco si continua, in maniera pretestuosa, a far riferimento a un presunto contrasto tra da un lato le indicazioni dell’Agcm e della Commissione Europea e, dall’altro, le sentenze della Corte Costituzionale e della Corte di Giustizia Europea.
Agcm e Commissione chiedono il superamento degli aspetti anti-concorrenziali e di chiusura corporativistica che caratterizzano il settore. Dalle due Corti sopraggiungono sentenze che, a prima vista e soprattutto ad occhio inesperto, potrebbero sembrare sconfessare Agcm e Commissione.
Il disallineamento è solo apparente. Tra l’altro, per quanto riguarda la Corte di Giustizia Europea, spetta ai Giudici nazionali formulare il quesito pregiudiziale in termini precisi e netti, in modo da ottenere dalla Corte una pronuncia circostanziata. E lo stesso si può dire dei ricorsi alla Corte Costituzionale: è dal tenore della domanda del ricorrente che dipende la "praticabilità" della risposta del Giudice costituzionale.
È importante liberare il campo da convincimenti infondati e pretestuosi sui rapporti tra Agcm, Commissione, Corte Costituzionale e Corte di Giustizia Europea. Se questo punto di vista sbagliato viene propugnato e si concretizza sulla distribuzione del farmaco, è concreto il rischio che esso venga esteso anche ad altri settori sovraregolati e presidiati da lobby.
Non è accettabile che equivoci istituzionali di questo tipo trasformino l’affermazione della legalità in un’azione di natura soltanto formale, non falsificabile, e strumentalizzabile per mantenere lo status-quo anche quando palesemente pervaso da storture corporativistiche.
Localizationwebinar.1QuestionProThis document discusses options for localizing international surveys, including using translation services from Language Intelligence and SurveyAnalytics or doing it yourself with DIY tools. It covers translating surveys into multiple languages, creating multilingual reports, and going mobile with international surveys. Translation services offer quick turnaround times from experienced translators certified to ISO standards, while DIY tools allow editing surveys directly in other languages. Mobile surveys can help reach international audiences on smartphones.
2011 Toyota Sequoia Accessories DallasToyota of IrvingThis document is a brochure for 2011 Toyota Sequoia accessories. It lists and describes over 30 genuine Toyota accessories for both the exterior and interior of the Sequoia. The accessories range from cargo management items like cargo mats and nets, to performance parts from Toyota Racing Development (TRD) like brake kits and wheels, to electronics like a rear entertainment system and Bluetooth hands-free system.
Как улучшать конверсию коммерческого сайта на практике — примеры, инструменты...SeoProfy PresentationsПрзентация с выступления Виктора Карпенко (SeoProfy) на конференции AllinTop 2014 в Москве 13-го февраля.
Camden Town Unlimited Bid ReviewCamden Town Unlimited BIDThis leadership team report summarizes the accomplishments of Camden Town Unlimited over the past 4 years and their vision for the future. They reduced drug crime and improved streets when first appointed in 2006. Major improvements include widened streets free of drug dealers and higher employer satisfaction. Looking ahead, they will consult on projects to continue delivering value, focusing on establishing Camden Town as a creative industries center and sustainable high street environment that attracts innovative businesses.
Presentation1Jack Wentworth-WeedonDoug reflects on past mistakes that have strained his relationships with Michael, Lily, and Vera, who have all had enough of Doug's actions. Michael finally confronts Doug after 20 years about the root of all their problems as Doug's past begins to replay around him and he stares at his fate while walking through scenic Saltaire to contemplate his actions as portrayed by Richard White in his portrayal of the intemperate young Doug.
04 Lake of FireRicardo MThe document discusses the biblical teachings around hell and the lake of fire. It asks when, where, and how long hellfire will burn. It argues that hellfire will burn at the end of the world, on earth, and only long enough to destroy sin and sinners, not eternally. Several bible passages are cited to support this, showing hellfire is for purification and the wicked will perish, not burn forever. God is portrayed as loving, not cruel, and desiring to save all from sin.
Wp seidman 07Visalus Bay AreaThis document summarizes research on age-related hearing loss (presbyacusis) and its association with reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial DNA damage. It discusses several theories of aging and applies them to presbyacusis. Several animal models of presbyacusis are described that have helped illuminate the molecular mechanisms, including mitochondrial dysfunction and hair cell loss. Presbyacusis is characterized by a progressive, high-frequency hearing loss that affects a significant portion of older populations. Understanding its molecular underpinnings may help address its socioeconomic impacts and identify methods for mitigating age-related hearing impairment.
Charter Review Committee Minutes 02 March 2011Adam CohenThe Northampton Charter Review Committee met to discuss draft reports to present to the City Council regarding revisions to the city charter. Committee members debated the appropriate scope and level of revisions, with some advocating for more substantive edits to the charter itself and others arguing that their mandate was only to review the existing charter and recommend forming a charter commission to undertake more extensive revisions. The meeting did not reach a consensus on a final report and different perspectives were presented on the level of changes needed and the committee's role in the process.
Tech wireless wifi_antennaHARRY CHAN PUTRAThis document provides instructions for building a homemade outdoor 2.4 GHz WiFi antenna. It describes the dimensions needed based on the wavelength at 2.4 GHz. The antenna design uses an aluminum cake pan for the reflector and a plastic microwave bulb for the cover. It includes a dipole element and disc attached to the cover at a distance of one-quarter wavelength from the dipole. The document also discusses mounting the antenna, lightning protection, and cable connections.
Le Farmacie nel Diritto dell\'EconomiaNicola_C_SalernoNel dibattito che accompagna i tentativi di riforma degli esercizi farmaceutici e della distribuzione del farmaco si continua, in maniera pretestuosa, a far riferimento a un presunto contrasto tra da un lato le indicazioni dell’Agcm e della Commissione Europea e, dall’altro, le sentenze della Corte Costituzionale e della Corte di Giustizia Europea.
Agcm e Commissione chiedono il superamento degli aspetti anti-concorrenziali e di chiusura corporativistica che caratterizzano il settore. Dalle due Corti sopraggiungono sentenze che, a prima vista e soprattutto ad occhio inesperto, potrebbero sembrare sconfessare Agcm e Commissione.
Il disallineamento è solo apparente. Tra l’altro, per quanto riguarda la Corte di Giustizia Europea, spetta ai Giudici nazionali formulare il quesito pregiudiziale in termini precisi e netti, in modo da ottenere dalla Corte una pronuncia circostanziata. E lo stesso si può dire dei ricorsi alla Corte Costituzionale: è dal tenore della domanda del ricorrente che dipende la "praticabilità" della risposta del Giudice costituzionale.
È importante liberare il campo da convincimenti infondati e pretestuosi sui rapporti tra Agcm, Commissione, Corte Costituzionale e Corte di Giustizia Europea. Se questo punto di vista sbagliato viene propugnato e si concretizza sulla distribuzione del farmaco, è concreto il rischio che esso venga esteso anche ad altri settori sovraregolati e presidiati da lobby.
Non è accettabile che equivoci istituzionali di questo tipo trasformino l’affermazione della legalità in un’azione di natura soltanto formale, non falsificabile, e strumentalizzabile per mantenere lo status-quo anche quando palesemente pervaso da storture corporativistiche.
Localizationwebinar.1QuestionProThis document discusses options for localizing international surveys, including using translation services from Language Intelligence and SurveyAnalytics or doing it yourself with DIY tools. It covers translating surveys into multiple languages, creating multilingual reports, and going mobile with international surveys. Translation services offer quick turnaround times from experienced translators certified to ISO standards, while DIY tools allow editing surveys directly in other languages. Mobile surveys can help reach international audiences on smartphones.
2011 Toyota Sequoia Accessories DallasToyota of IrvingThis document is a brochure for 2011 Toyota Sequoia accessories. It lists and describes over 30 genuine Toyota accessories for both the exterior and interior of the Sequoia. The accessories range from cargo management items like cargo mats and nets, to performance parts from Toyota Racing Development (TRD) like brake kits and wheels, to electronics like a rear entertainment system and Bluetooth hands-free system.
Badgeville Summit, Engage 2012 - Presentation : Gamifying Retail Loyalty Stra...Badgeville, Inc.Gamifying Retail Loyalty Strategies with America’s #1 Book Retailer
Marc Parrish, VP of Customer Retention and Loyalty Marketing at Barnes & Noble, discusses how retailers can use gamification to improve customer loyalty and engagement. Most retailers have loyalty programs but few listen to customers, as programs are often inactive with high turnover. Gamification uses elements of games like challenges, virtual rewards and a sense of achievement to motivate customer behavior. Starbucks has successfully gamified their mobile app to drive increased payments and store visits. Retailers must pivot quickly to capture customers in the digital world through personalized gamified experiences.
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