SecurePost introduced an electronic smart safe called SecureCube to improve cash management processes for their customers. The SecureCube allows customers to deposit cash directly into the safe, providing an accurate count and enabling collections to occur when the safe is full. This reduces costs for customers with unpredictable volumes while improving security, convenience, and efficiency over traditional cash-in-transit services. SecurePost has now installed over 600 SecureCube units across Switzerland based on the benefits customers receive from increased visibility and understanding of their cash levels.
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1. Technology That Counts
Electronic Smart Safe
In Tune with Market Needs
securepost CASE STUDY
The Rolling Stones lyrics, You cant always get what you want, could be an anthem for cash management.
Progress, however, is made by companies that challenge the status quo. Swiss cash-in-transit (CIT) company
SecurePost attempted to do just that with their product SecureCubeand the smart safe solution has been music to
their customers ears since its introduction in 2011.
Our customers have a variety of different requirements, said Daniel Buetler, director of logisticsSecurePost. As
our business expanded, it became increasingly difficult to maintain a system that was timely and cost-effective for
everyone. Those customers with low or inconsistent volumes would experience an increased cost of doing business
because collections would sometimes occur at an inefficient time. We felt there had to be a way to help them save
money without sacrifice to the quality of service.
Traditionally, a CIT customer has to schedule collections based upon anticipated needs. Deposits would then be picked
up, counted in a cash processing center and posted to a designated bank account. This practice, however, is flawed
due to the natural, but often unpredictable, fluctuations in business.
Swiss CIT SecurePost
evolves cash management to
simultaneously reduce costs
and increase traceability
2. SecurePosts introduction of the SecureCube in-
payment terminal has offered its customers a new
solution. The electronic smart safe, produced by WAB
and equipped with an MEI SC Advance note acceptor,
generates newfound cash management efficiencies by
improving security and enhancing CIT service processes
at business locations. It streamlines cash processes
from the store to the bank.
SecureCube has to be stable, accurate and secure,
said Mr. Buetler. We couldnt afford to compromise.
And, as a result, our customers receive a complete
solutionallowing us to take ownership of the cash as
soon as its deposited into the safe.
Now, our customers receive credit to their account
overnight as opposed to waiting for a cash collection.
Its convenient. Its efficient. And the benefits flow
through all of the cash processes within the store.
The SecureCube solution begins with the ability to
accurately account for and report all cash deposits.
The goal is to provide managers an exact count of
how much money is inside the safeat all times. This
not only eliminates the need to sort and count cash
twice, but it also enables them to schedule collections
at the most efficient and cost-effective timewhen the
cashbox is full.
Precisely tracking the cash that is deposited into the
safe eliminates the need to access the safe within the
store, said Mr. Buetler. This improves security for
both us and our customers.
The SecureCube solution is further completed by
SecurePosts Cash Management/Forecasting SW
solution, which provides the highest possible device
availability, as well as device monitoring and cash
reporting. This information, which can be accessed
through the SecureData web portal, not only facilitates
full management by SecurePost but also provides
visibility to its customers.
SecurePost has placed more than 600 SecureCube
units across Switzerland since introducing the product
two years ago. Another 200 more are scheduled for
Even at the busiest locations, where traditional
CIT services might be a more sensible solution, our
customers still prefer the SecureCube, said
Mr. Buetler. Having such a clear understanding of
their revenue and the corresponding cash on handnot
to mention the time they save on cash handlinghas
proven invaluable.
The solutions popularity is now leading to additional
enhancements. Options including a 1,000-note
cashbox and a version that feeds a 2,000-note bag
allow customers the flexibility to customize a solution
depending on cash volume.
We recognized early in the process that flexibility was
really important to our customers, said Mr. Buetler.
The SC product portfoliowhich includes multiple sized
cashboxes, acceptors with and without cashboxes and
a bunch note feeding (BNF) optionallows us to serve
our customers needs. We can now deploy a series of
machines from the same base technology. It makes
maintenance so much easier, further lowering costs for
our customers.
Indeed, SecureCube is so much more than just a
product in a storeit creates a better process all
the way to the bank. Combined with its versatile
configuration, this means SecurePost and its
customers can always get what they wantand doesnt
that rock?
We couldnt afford to
compromise. And, as a result,
our customers receive a
us to take
of the cash
as soon
as its
into the
息2014 Crane Payment Innovations. All rights reserved.
securepost CASE STUDY