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丿亅 亅丱亅丱 丶亅 丐 仆 / SWMONGOLIA NGO:
   2011 仂仆 6 舒亟 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒仆 / Founded in June 2011

   仆亠仗亠仆亠 亞仍亞, 仂仍亞 亟仄亢亳亞,
    唏亞亢勵勵仍亞 仄唏仆 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亟 舒仆亳仍舒亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒
    To inspire, educate and support entrepreneurship and startups.

   丼舒亟于舒仍舒亞, 亳亟于亳亶, 亳仍亟亞 亰舒仍, 亟仄亢亳亞 仆舒仆 仆亞亟仍
仂亳仍亞仂, 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 / Mission, Activities

 弌亞舒仍, 仂仍仂于仂仍, 仄亟仍亞 仂仍亞仂 & 舒仍亟舒舒仆
    / Competitions, trainings, and Education
     Startup Weekend Mongolia

     亅仍 亞 于舒仍 仍亠从

   亞亢仍亳亶仆 亰唏于仍唏亞唏唏 唏亞唏 / Professional Services
 仍仂仆 仆亳亶亳亶仆 舒亞舒 仄亢 / Public Activities and celebrations
     Global Entrepreneurship Week Mongolia

 仍仂仆 仍仆 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仂仂仂亟仆 丱-亞 舒舒仆 仂仂仍仍舒, 亞舒亟舒舒亟
  舒亳仍舒舒仆 亞勵勵 弍仂仍仂
  / Investment Relations
Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011
                          Mongolia 2011 舒礌 勵仆亟

                           11 舒亞舒 仄亢 / 11Events

                           25 舒仄舒亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 / 25

                           1100 亞舒亶 仂仂仍仂亞亳亟 / 1100

仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 亳仆亠仗亠仆亠 仂仍, 亢亳亢亳亞 亟仆亟 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仍舒舒
舒仍舒亢, 仄亞仍亢 仄唏仆 舒亳仍舒仆 亳舒 唏仆勵勵仍亢 仂仍仂仆 亳亶亟仍亟
勵仆 仆 弍亳亟仆亳亶 于亟 舒舒 亳 勵 亟勵仆亶 舒仄亢亳仍舒亶 亟仂仍仂仂
仂仆仂亞 弍仂仍亢 舒亟舒仆
   3 亟舒舒亞亳亶仆 舒亞舒 仄亢 / 3 events in the past
   160 亞舒亶 仂仂仍仂亞亳亟, 23 亰唏于仍唏 / 160 partici
   70 亞舒亶 弍亳亰仆亠 舒仆舒舒 / 70 new ideas
   6 磿舒亞亳亟 / 6 winners
Startup Weekend Mongolia

   SHARE YOUR                                              STARTUP YOUR
    BEST IDEA                  BUILD YOUR                   COMPANY

          Friday                                                   Sunday

Startup Weekend 仆 54 舒亞亳亶仆 亟仂仂 于亳亶仆 弍亳亰仆亠 仂仆亳仂亞亳亟 舒仄舒
亳仆 弍亳亰仆亠 舒仆舒舒亞舒舒 唏唏 仂仂仂仆亟仂仂 于舒舒仍舒亢, 亳仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳
弍舒亶亞仍亢, 勵仆 仆 弍勵亳亶 弍亳亰仆亠 仍勵勵仍亟亞 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 ミ.

Startup Weekends are 54-hour events where developers, designers, marketers,
product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form
teams, build products, and launch startups! - to build applications and develop a
commercial case around them.
SWM Winner: Peepp.com
SWM Winner: Organic Roof
SWM Winner: PlacesMongolia.com
SWM Winners

ANS Recruitment / Classifieds

Xoc.mn - Dating Services

ChocoHouse  a specialized cafe

Dudu  Auto service franchising
仄亢亳亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 / Partners
2012 丱亳亶亞亟亢 弍亶 舒亢仍亟 / 2012 Plans

 BCM-亶 舒仄舒 亳仆 弍亳亰仆亠 仍亞亟亟
  亰仂亳仍舒仆 亞舒仆 舒于仍舒亞舒 弍仂仍仂于仍舒
  The First Entrepreneurial Handbook with BCM

 NEW MONGOL Accelerator Program
  弍亳亰仆亠勵勵亟亳亶仆 亞舒舒舒仆 唏唏仍亳亶亞 亟舒亞舒,
  舒仆勵勵亢勵勵仍 唏仍勵勵亟 仆于勵勵仍

 CleanTech Open  sustainable energy 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆

  Startup Weekend Mongolia (3 installments)

 Your Big Year/MERIT  Richard Branson
                                      We are always looking for people to
                                       work with, so please hit us up!
                                       Lets grab a coffee

                                        亳亟 勵亞仍亢 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒 于 勵仆
                                         弍仂仍仂仆 舒仍弍舒仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亞 舒亶亟舒亞 仍
                                         弍亳亟仆亶 仂仍弍仂仂 弍舒亳仆舒 !




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  • 2. 丿亅 亅丱亅丱 丶亅 丐 仆 / SWMONGOLIA NGO: 2011 仂仆 6 舒亟 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟舒仆 / Founded in June 2011 仆亠仗亠仆亠 亞仍亞, 仂仍亞 亟仄亢亳亞, 唏亞亢勵勵仍亞 仄唏仆 仂仍仂仆 仆亳亶亟 舒仆亳仍舒亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒 To inspire, educate and support entrepreneurship and startups. 丼舒亟于舒仍舒亞, 亳亟于亳亶, 亳仍亟亞 亰舒仍, 亟仄亢亳亞 仆舒仆 仆亞亟仍
  • 3. 仂亳仍亞仂, 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 / Mission, Activities 弌亞舒仍, 仂仍仂于仂仍, 仄亟仍亞 仂仍亞仂 & 舒仍亟舒舒仆 / Competitions, trainings, and Education Startup Weekend Mongolia 亅仍 亞 于舒仍 仍亠从 亞亢仍亳亶仆 亰唏于仍唏亞唏唏 唏亞唏 / Professional Services 仍仂仆 仆亳亶亳亶仆 舒亞舒 仄亢 / Public Activities and celebrations Global Entrepreneurship Week Mongolia 仍仂仆 仍仆 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仂仂仂亟仆 丱-亞 舒舒仆 仂仂仍仍舒, 亞舒亟舒舒亟 舒亳仍舒舒仆 亞勵勵 弍仂仍仂 / Investment Relations
  • 5. Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011 Mongolia 2011 舒礌 勵仆亟 11 舒亞舒 仄亢 / 11Events 25 舒仄舒亞 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亟 / 25 partners 1100 亞舒亶 仂仂仍仂亞亳亟 / 1100 participants 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 亳仆亠仗亠仆亠 仂仍, 亢亳亢亳亞 亟仆亟 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仍舒舒 舒仍舒亢, 仄亞仍亢 仄唏仆 舒亳仍舒仆 亳舒 唏仆勵勵仍亢 仂仍仂仆 亳亶亟仍亟 勵仆 仆 弍亳亟仆亳亶 于亟 舒舒 亳 勵 亟勵仆亶 舒仄亢亳仍舒亶 亟仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞 弍仂仍亢 舒亟舒仆
  • 6. 3 亟舒舒亞亳亶仆 舒亞舒 仄亢 / 3 events in the past 160 亞舒亶 仂仂仍仂亞亳亟, 23 亰唏于仍唏 / 160 partici 70 亞舒亶 弍亳亰仆亠 舒仆舒舒 / 70 new ideas 6 磿舒亞亳亟 / 6 winners
  • 7. Startup Weekend Mongolia Saturday SHARE YOUR STARTUP YOUR BEST IDEA BUILD YOUR COMPANY PRODUCT Friday Sunday Startup Weekend 仆 54 舒亞亳亶仆 亟仂仂 于亳亶仆 弍亳亰仆亠 仂仆亳仂亞亳亟 舒仄舒 亳仆 弍亳亰仆亠 舒仆舒舒亞舒舒 唏唏 仂仂仂仆亟仂仂 于舒舒仍舒亢, 亳仍仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳 弍舒亶亞仍亢, 勵仆 仆 弍勵亳亶 弍亳亰仆亠 仍勵勵仍亟亞 仂仍仂仆 仍仆 勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒 ミ. Startup Weekends are 54-hour events where developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups! - to build applications and develop a commercial case around them.
  • 11. SWM Winners ANS Recruitment / Classifieds Xoc.mn - Dating Services ChocoHouse a specialized cafe Dudu Auto service franchising
  • 13. 2012 丱亳亶亞亟亢 弍亶 舒亢仍亟 / 2012 Plans BCM-亶 舒仄舒 亳仆 弍亳亰仆亠 仍亞亟亟 亰仂亳仍舒仆 亞舒仆 舒于仍舒亞舒 弍仂仍仂于仍舒 The First Entrepreneurial Handbook with BCM NEW MONGOL Accelerator Program 弍亳亰仆亠勵勵亟亳亶仆 亞舒舒舒仆 唏唏仍亳亶亞 亟舒亞舒, 舒仆勵勵亢勵勵仍 唏仍勵勵亟 仆于勵勵仍 CleanTech Open sustainable energy 弍亳亰仆亠亳亶仆 舒仍亟舒舒仆 Startup Weekend Mongolia (3 installments) Your Big Year/MERIT Richard Branson
  • 14. Contact We are always looking for people to work with, so please hit us up! Lets grab a coffee 亳亟 勵亞仍亢 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒 于 勵仆 http://swmongolia.org 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仍弍舒仆 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞亞 舒亶亟舒亞 仍 弍亳亟仆亶 仂仍弍仂仂 弍舒亳仆舒 ! http://mongolia.startupweekend.org oko@swmongolia.org ganga@swmongolia.org +976-99196613