The document discusses prepaid accounts for customers who file large volumes with the Indiana Secretary of State. There are two types of prepaid accounts: UCC and Corporations. The Bookkeeper is responsible for mailing monthly statements to customers showing their account activity and balance. Statements are generated using report filters and the prepaid account ID. Customers can check their balance and activity by providing their account ID to the Bookkeeper.
The document lists various golf clubs, brands, models, and features. It includes drivers, irons, wedges, and putters from brands such as Titleist, W&H, J.C. Higgins, Tommy Armour, and others. Each club lists the model name or number and sometimes additional details like loft angles or material descriptions.
The document provides guidance to bookkeepers on reconciling financial records for the Indiana Secretary of State. It explains that reconciliation involves verifying deposit amounts, expenditures, and revenue reported by different systems. It describes using the Alchemy program and database files to view daily revenue reports from the Auditor's Office and reconcile them to internal records like the Report of Collections. Bookkeepers must reconcile all financial data daily and notify their director immediately of any inconsistencies.
The document discusses how digital disruption is impacting businesses across many industries. It notes that incumbent businesses are being disrupted by new digital business models and new players. It then offers the services of the authors, who have decades of experience in the telecom, media, and ICT industries, to help companies understand market disruption, gain insights into customers and competitors, develop partnerships and products, and exploit opportunities in the changing market.
WellPoint continues to improve its cost structure while not sacrificing margins. The document analyzes WellPoint's business strategies, objectives, strengths, weaknesses and recommendations. It notes that WellPoint acquired many companies to become the largest health insurer with over 34 million members. It recommends pursuing national accounts, advertising Medicare plans, avoiding non-core investments, lowering costs from mergers, and potentially acquiring more Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans.
Cities can embrace new technologies and user trends to improve the experiences of both tourists and citizens. By developing single, consistent mobile experiences that make it simple for users to discover interesting locations and gather promotions, cities can generate more traffic and sales for local merchants. If cities actively work to provide these kinds of mobile-ready experiences, they will drive greater adoption and innovation while benefiting both users and the local economy.
This document provides specifications and details for various jute and cotton tote bags, including dimensions, materials, colors, and features. It also includes contact information for the importer and distributor, Tote Bags Direct. The bags are produced by Freeset, a social enterprise in India that employs women rescued from sex trafficking and provides them with job training, fair wages, and benefits. Purchasing the bags supports Freeset's mission of helping women gain freedom and independence through employment.
The idea of developing electronic resource management systems emerged from research by Tim Jewell in 2001-2002. In 2002, the Digital Library Federation and NISO began developing standards for ERM data, which were published in 2004 as the Electronic Resource Management report. Since the publication of the report, several vendors of integrated library systems have released ERM products.
This document is an advertisement for Bert's Bierhuis, a wholesale business for beer and soft drinks located at Ravenwade 88 in Nieuwegein, Netherlands. The business sells standard pilsners and specialty beers from around the world and delivers orders. It is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm for hospitality and private customers.
(1) The document provides lesson objectives, instructions, and descriptions for the square dance "Red River Valley" including the music, formations, steps, and figures.
(2) The dance involves groups of three (two girls and one boy) facing another group across from them. It includes walking, circling, swinging partners, and the girls forming a star.
(3) Over the course of three verses, the dance involves leading down to the valley, circling, swinging partners, and on the last verse the girls change places by passing each other.
The document provides instructions for completing an evaluation of Chapter 2, which discusses the Chinese Fan Dance and Japanese Parasol Dance. Students are asked to fill in a table with information about the costumes, music, count, and formation of each dance. They are also to write the step patterns of basic dance steps. Finally, they must answer questions comparing the dances and choosing which one they would prefer to prepare, including their reasons.
This document defines and describes various glacial and geological terms found in the Rocky Mountains, including types of flora and fauna, landforms created by glaciers such as moraines and cirques, features of glaciers like seracs and crevasses, rock formations such as limestone and strata, and other terms such as cairns. Specific terms defined include arete, col, lateral moraine, s竪rac, Assiniboine River, n竪v竪, trilobite, skree, and The Burgess Shale formation.
The document provides instructions for dance positions including: 1) one arm in front and one arm raised overhead, heels close and toes apart at 45 degrees; 2) one arm raised sideways and one arm raised upward, feet spaced one pace apart; 3) both arms raised overhead, front heel close to back toe. It asks the reader to perform a creative work demonstrating these fundamental dance positions over 4 measures of music in 2/4 time.
A presentation used in Social Studies 10 to get a conversation/research started into the traditional methods used in logging on the West Coast of BC (although some images are from the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
The document is a brochure for the Komatsu BX50 forklift that provides details on its features and specifications. It highlights that the BX50 offers high performance, low maintenance, total operator comfort, and reliability based on over 80 years of Komatsu forklift experience. Key features discussed include the Komfort Zone dual floating structure for operator protection, fuel efficient hydraulics and engines, intuitive controls, and simplified maintenance for lower cost of ownership. The BX50 is available in cushion tire and pneumatic tire models with lifting capacities ranging from 4,000 to 7,000 pounds.
Creating a social media strategy for a tourism business | Block 4: Case prese...Francisco Hernandez-Marcos
Creating a social media strategy for a tourism business
Block 4: Case presentation
International Master in Hospitality and Tourism Management
ESCP Europe - Cornell University School of Hotel Administration
Mobile payments is a growing industry projected to reach $320 billion by 2016. It consists of 3 building blocks and different collaboration models between telecom companies, banks, and app stores. While initiatives and trials are underway using NFC and proximity payments, the industry still has 2-4 years before business models mature. Mobile payments may ultimately be part of a larger digital economy equation.
This document summarizes Eastside High School's technology vision and plan. It discusses aligning technology with the curriculum, conducting teacher training, and inventorying current hardware and software. It also outlines next steps like investigating online textbook content and software needs to support classes where textbooks are outdated or unavailable online. The plan aims to be consistent with the district technology plan while also requesting support and resources from the district to improve wireless access, bandwidth, and multimedia capabilities.
This document contains feedback from two students regarding a course on American politics taught by Professor J. Schaefer in the fall of 2006. Both students found the lectures interesting and felt the assignments, including papers and debates, added value. One student enjoyed the guest speakers. While finding the textbook dry, both felt the professor did not show bias. One suggested adding pop quizzes to ensure students do the readings. Overall, both thought it was a good course that made the material engaging.
The Hyksos, invaders from Western Asia, took advantage of a weakened Egypt and gained control of Lower and Middle Egypt around 1650 BCE. They had superior weapons like bronze and chariots. Many Egyptian towns surrendered without resistance, moving to Thebes in Upper Egypt. The Hyksos established trade alliances that cut off Thebes. Kamose became king of Thebes and began attacking the Hyksos and their allies. His younger brother, Ahmose, finally defeated the Hyksos after a three-year campaign, reunifying Egypt and beginning its New Kingdom period.
This document is an advertisement for Bert's Bierhuis, a wholesale business for beer and soft drinks located at Ravenwade 88 in Nieuwegein, Netherlands. The business sells standard pilsners and specialty beers from around the world and delivers orders. It is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm for hospitality and private customers.
(1) The document provides lesson objectives, instructions, and descriptions for the square dance "Red River Valley" including the music, formations, steps, and figures.
(2) The dance involves groups of three (two girls and one boy) facing another group across from them. It includes walking, circling, swinging partners, and the girls forming a star.
(3) Over the course of three verses, the dance involves leading down to the valley, circling, swinging partners, and on the last verse the girls change places by passing each other.
The document provides instructions for completing an evaluation of Chapter 2, which discusses the Chinese Fan Dance and Japanese Parasol Dance. Students are asked to fill in a table with information about the costumes, music, count, and formation of each dance. They are also to write the step patterns of basic dance steps. Finally, they must answer questions comparing the dances and choosing which one they would prefer to prepare, including their reasons.
This document defines and describes various glacial and geological terms found in the Rocky Mountains, including types of flora and fauna, landforms created by glaciers such as moraines and cirques, features of glaciers like seracs and crevasses, rock formations such as limestone and strata, and other terms such as cairns. Specific terms defined include arete, col, lateral moraine, s竪rac, Assiniboine River, n竪v竪, trilobite, skree, and The Burgess Shale formation.
The document provides instructions for dance positions including: 1) one arm in front and one arm raised overhead, heels close and toes apart at 45 degrees; 2) one arm raised sideways and one arm raised upward, feet spaced one pace apart; 3) both arms raised overhead, front heel close to back toe. It asks the reader to perform a creative work demonstrating these fundamental dance positions over 4 measures of music in 2/4 time.
A presentation used in Social Studies 10 to get a conversation/research started into the traditional methods used in logging on the West Coast of BC (although some images are from the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
The document is a brochure for the Komatsu BX50 forklift that provides details on its features and specifications. It highlights that the BX50 offers high performance, low maintenance, total operator comfort, and reliability based on over 80 years of Komatsu forklift experience. Key features discussed include the Komfort Zone dual floating structure for operator protection, fuel efficient hydraulics and engines, intuitive controls, and simplified maintenance for lower cost of ownership. The BX50 is available in cushion tire and pneumatic tire models with lifting capacities ranging from 4,000 to 7,000 pounds.
Creating a social media strategy for a tourism business | Block 4: Case prese...Francisco Hernandez-Marcos
Creating a social media strategy for a tourism business
Block 4: Case presentation
International Master in Hospitality and Tourism Management
ESCP Europe - Cornell University School of Hotel Administration
Mobile payments is a growing industry projected to reach $320 billion by 2016. It consists of 3 building blocks and different collaboration models between telecom companies, banks, and app stores. While initiatives and trials are underway using NFC and proximity payments, the industry still has 2-4 years before business models mature. Mobile payments may ultimately be part of a larger digital economy equation.
This document summarizes Eastside High School's technology vision and plan. It discusses aligning technology with the curriculum, conducting teacher training, and inventorying current hardware and software. It also outlines next steps like investigating online textbook content and software needs to support classes where textbooks are outdated or unavailable online. The plan aims to be consistent with the district technology plan while also requesting support and resources from the district to improve wireless access, bandwidth, and multimedia capabilities.
This document contains feedback from two students regarding a course on American politics taught by Professor J. Schaefer in the fall of 2006. Both students found the lectures interesting and felt the assignments, including papers and debates, added value. One student enjoyed the guest speakers. While finding the textbook dry, both felt the professor did not show bias. One suggested adding pop quizzes to ensure students do the readings. Overall, both thought it was a good course that made the material engaging.
The Hyksos, invaders from Western Asia, took advantage of a weakened Egypt and gained control of Lower and Middle Egypt around 1650 BCE. They had superior weapons like bronze and chariots. Many Egyptian towns surrendered without resistance, moving to Thebes in Upper Egypt. The Hyksos established trade alliances that cut off Thebes. Kamose became king of Thebes and began attacking the Hyksos and their allies. His younger brother, Ahmose, finally defeated the Hyksos after a three-year campaign, reunifying Egypt and beginning its New Kingdom period.
1. Swobodne spadanie cia Janusz Cichor nauczyciel fizyki w gimnazjum nr3 w Augustowie Eksperyment uczniowski
2. Temat wiczenia: Obserwacja spadku swobodnego cia. Wyznaczanie przyspieszenia grawitacyjnego Cele: - Przekonanie uczni坦w przy pomocy dowiadczenia, 甜e w polu grawitacyjnym ciaa o r坦甜nych masach spadaj z jednakowymi prdkociami. - Nauka umiejtnoci przeprowadzania eksperymentu dowiadczalne wyznaczenie przyspieszenia ziemskiego. Wprowadzenie: Ucze jest przekonany na podstawie wasnych obserwacji, 甜e ciaa l甜ejsze spadaj wolniej ni甜 ci甜sze, przecie甜 pi坦rko spada wolniej ni甜 kamyk. Dlatego przekonanie ucznia o tym, 甜e w polu grawitacyjnym ciaa spadaj z jednakowym przyspieszeniem jest trudne. Wyposa甜enie pracowni w pomp pr坦甜niow le甜y obecnie poza zasigiem wikszoci szkolnych bud甜et坦w, dlatego zachcam, aby wykorzysta do tego celu kamerk CCD. Do wykonania projektu polegajcego na obserwacji i analizie spadku swobodnego cia zaanga甜owaem trzech chtnych uczni坦w II klasy gimnazjalnej. Bya to ich pierwsza powa甜niejsza praca eksperymentalna, wic we wszystkich etapach dowiadczenia musielimy pracowa wsp坦lnie. Na zakoczenie odbya si prezentacja wynik坦w na forum klasy i na Szkolnym Festiwalu Prac Tw坦rczych. Uczniowie nauczyli si przy tym: projektowania dowiadczenia, projektowania i wykonania przyrzd坦w dowiadczalnych (plansza z podziak, zapadnia), analizowania wzor坦w, szacowania bd坦w i okrelania ich 添r坦de, posugiwania si technik CCD, obsugi webkamerki, obsug program坦w: Registax, Iris, Salsa, OpenOffice-Impress, OpenOffice-Writer, prezentowania wynik坦w swojej pracy przed publicznoci. Oto wynik pracy gimnazjalist坦w
3. Obserwacja spadku swobodnego cia. Wyznaczanie przyspieszenia grawitacyjnego Ziemi. Projekt wykonali: Michalina J. Tomasz C. Pawe Z. <uczniowie klasy II gimnazjalnej > Opiekun projektu : Janusz Cichor August坦w 2006
4. Etap I Wykonanie dowiadczenia Projekt ukadu dowiadczalnego do por坦wnania spadku swobodnego cia o r坦甜nych masach Chcielimy si przekona jak spadaj swobodnie ciaa o r坦甜nych masach. 纏eby pozby si problemu opor坦w ruchu do dowiadczenia wykorzystalimy ciaa o identycznym ksztacie: *dokadno pomiaru: + - 1 mm **dokadno pomiaru: + - 50 mg (pomiaru masy dokonalimy za pomoc szkolnej wagi laboratoryjnej) Po dokonaniu oblicze mo甜na okreli stosunek mas tych cia. Wynosi on ok. 1:7 . Gdyby masa miaa wpyw na spadek swobodny cia, to przy takim stosunku mas cia r坦甜nice przy spadaniu powinny by zauwa甜alne. 18,6g** 128,55g** Masa Mosidz Szko organiczne Materia 42 mm/25 mm/14 mm* 42 mm/25 mm/14 mm* Wymiary Nr 2 Nr 1 Ciao
5. Problemem, jaki zaistnia w zwizku z wykonaniem dowiadczenia okazao si jednoczesne rozpoczcie ruchu cia. Postanowilimy rozwa甜y kwesti wpywu op坦添nienia przy starcie. Wykonalimy rachunek okrelajcy r坦甜nic obserwowanych dr坦g, by okreli dokadno, z jak oba ciaa powinny wystartowa. Obliczylimy skutki op坦添nienia rozpoczcia ruchu o 0,01s: Czas spadania Warto przyspieszenia Spodziewamy si, 甜e ciaa bd spada ruchem jednostajnie przyspieszonym, wic w obliczeniach posu甜ymy si wzorem: Dugo drogi przyjmujemy jest to dugo naszej planszy pomiarowej. a droga przez nie przebyta R坦甜nica dr坦g ( wyprzedzenie) w kocowej fazie ruchu bdzie wynosio: Przy niewielkich op坦添nieniach przy starcie nale甜y spodziewa si znaczcych r坦甜nic w pokonywanych przez ciaa drogach. / / / Po podstawieniu danych otrzymujemy czas pokonania drogi : Jeli drugie ciao wystartuje o 0,01s p坦添niej, to czas jego ruchu bdzie wynosi
6. Byy dwa pomysy na urzdzenie startowe rozwizujce ten problem : przecinanie no甜yczkami nitek , na kt坦rych zawieszone byy ciaa i zapadnia. Pierwszy pomys nie sprawdzi si. Zapadnia spenia swoje zadanie. Zapadnia Materiay, z kt坦rych zostaa przez nas skonstruowana: -deska -2 ruby -sznurek -stara linijka -kawaek drutu Ta zapadnia umo甜liwia nam przeprowadzenie dowiadczenia z dobr dokadnoci. Zdjcie zapadni: Spos坦b dziaania zapadni: Oba ciaa umieszczamy na linijce, kt坦ra jest podtrzymywana przez sznurek i zawleczk z drutu , kt坦rej koniec wystaje z drugie strony deski . Usunicie zawleczki umo甜liwia jednoczesne rozpoczcie ruchu prze oba ciaa. Wykonana przez nas zapadnia umo甜liwia nam przeprowadzenie dowiadczenia z dobr dokadnoci. zawleczka
7. Filmowanie Ruch zosta przez nas zarejestrowany za pomoc kamery internetowej Philips ToUcam PRO II na tle papierowej planszy o dugoci 1,8m z podziak co 10 cm. Zdjcia wykonywalimy na korytarzu szkolnym ze wzgldu na owietlenie. Dodatkowo u甜ylimy reflektora o mocy 2 kW. Wykonalimy film w formacie avi przy pomocy program坦w doczonych do kamery. Czas ekspozycji - 1/250 s Czstotliwo - 15 klatek/s Film po wesoej obr坦bce i konwersji do formatu wmv wyglda nastpujco: Kliknij, aby odtworzy film
8. Etap II Analiza wynik坦w pomiaru i wycignicie wniosk坦w Tabela zale甜noci S(t) zawierajca dane odczytane z klatek filmu spadek_swobodny.wmv z zarejestrowanym ruchem dw坦ch mas. Z ustawie sterownika kamerki wynika, 甜e czas midzy kolejnymi ekspozycjami wynosi Analogiczna tabela zale甜noci S(t) zawierajca wartoci wyliczone teoretycznie dla 1,59 1,24 0,93 0,68 0,45 0,28 0,14 0,06 0,01 0 s [m] 0,60 0,53 0,47 0,40 0,33 0,27 0,20 0,13 0,07 0,00 t [s] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 nr klatki 1,77 1,40 1,07 0,78 0,55 0,35 0,20 0,09 0,02 0,00 s [m] 0,60 0,53 0,47 0,40 0,33 0,27 0,20 0,13 0,07 0,00 t [s]
10. Problem tkwi w pierwszej klatce. Wypeniajc tabel z danymi przyjlimy, 甜e klatka nr 0 przedstawia moment startu, a przecie甜 tak by nie musiao. Dlatego, ruch zarejestrowany na filmie mo甜e by przesunity o pewn warto 隆 t nie wiksz ni甜 0,067 s. Metod pr坦b i bd坦w znale添limy odpowiedni warto 隆 t = -0,03s i wprowadzilimy jako poprawk do tabeli danych. Oto rezultat: 1,59 1,24 0,93 0,68 0,45 0,28 0,14 0,06 0,01 0 s [m] 0,57 0,50 0,44 0,37 0,30 0,24 0,17 0,10 0,04 -0,03 t [s] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 nr klatki
11. Ostatni wykres nie pozostawia wtpliwoci, 甜e przypieszenie obserwowanych przez nas cia spadajcych swobodnie ma warto zbli甜on do teoretycznej. Podstawiajc dane z klatki nr 9 i zakadajc 甜e ruch jest jednostajnie przyspieszony otrzymalimy : Prawd m坦wic, nasz opiekun nie spodziewa si tak dobrej zgodnoci wyniku pomiaru z wartoci tablicow. 店r坦de bd坦w przy pomiarach byo przecie甜 sporo. Wydaje si, 甜e najmniej dokadne byo odczytywanie drogi z poszczeg坦lnych klatek filmu, t niepewno oszacowalimy na 3cm. Za b d czasu przyjlimy czas ekspozycji 0,004s. Wz坦r na obliczenie bdu pomiaru poda nam opiekun. Procentowy bd wyni坦s wic ok. 3,3%
12. Podsumowanie Obserwacja spadku swobodnego za pomoc webkamerki pozwolia nam przekona si o tym, 甜e ciaa spadaj w polu grawitacyjnym jednakowo, niezale甜nie od ich masy, 甜e ich ruch jest ruchem jednostajnie przyspieszonym. Ponadto , pozwolia dowiadczalnie wyznaczy warto przypieszenia ziemskiego :