This document contains information about an entrepreneurship and business plan project for Boungiorno Cais. It includes a ranking of hypotheses for the business model based on impact and probability of invalidity. There are also SWOT analyses for three concepts: Boungiorno Cais, an Italian Restaurant in Lisbon, and a Traditional Bakery. Market size calculations are provided for Boungiorno Cais targeting tourists and residents in Lisbon.
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1. Boungiorno Cais
Entrepreneurship and Businness plan
Spring 2013/2014
Professors: Jo達o Trigo da Roza & Ant坦nio Lucena de Faria
Claudia Seidenstricker 152113370 Gon巽alo Carreteiro 152113342
Liat Schliesser 152113318 Pedro Guerreiro 152113317
2. Ranking our hypothesis
Very High
High H 10 H 8
Medium H 7 H 3 / H 9 H 4 H 2
Low H 1 / H 6
Very Low H 5
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
Impact in the Business Model if Invalid hypothesis
3. 損 Lisbon 2M
Central Lisbon 500.000
Tourists 10M per year
TAM = 10M + 2M = 12M
SAM = 25% x 500.000 + 2% x 10M = 325.000
SOM = 325.000 x 30% = 97.500 / year
8.125/ month
271 / day
11 / hour
Avg Price = 7 then Revenues = 682.500 / year
Boungiorno Cais
4. SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
New trend
Recent market no direct competition
Easy creation of partnerships
Environment after-hours
Fast food price issues
Importing costs access to special products
Legislation concerns
No brand image/recognition
Low variety of meal options
Initial investment
Fast service
International food
5. Italian Restaurant( in lisbon)
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Trendy restaurants
Easy access to raw materials
Price (Expensive)
High Competition
Low variety of meal options
Difficult to promote
Too much linked to dinners
Brand Image
6. Traditional Bakery
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Creation of partnerships
Boost the concept
Environment after-hours
Legislation concerns
Bread Machines (At Home)
High Competition
No brand image/recognition
Difficult to promote
Only local clients
Fast service