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譟壱譬(V0.9, 14/06/11)
覈 谿
 SWT Bot?
 ろ 貊 
SWT Bot?
 SWT Bot?
 Java Base UI testing tool (SWT and Eclipse Base)
 WindowTester Pro eclipse 4.x襯 讌讌 .
 Update Site 伎
 Eclispe 4.x 覯
SWTBot 2.2 伎 れ
Test Project 
 Plugin Project 
JUnit4 Test貊 
 SWTWorkbenchBot()  螻 ろ
ろ ろ
 SWTBotTest 襦 ろ
Run Test Recorder
 File -> New -> SWTBot -> RunTest Recorder

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Editor's Notes

  • #4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Widget_Toolkit