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Passion for the Mission
SYM Technologies
DAS Venue Performance Solution
Todd Masters
Director of Sales
Connect - Control - Monitor
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
UWMS-05 SmartModem
4G LTE Speed
4 Ethernet Ports
SMS Text Re-bootable
2GIS24 iSpectrum & Omini
24 port Virtual Spectrum Analyzer
Black Box Spectrum Recorder
Operational Support
Performance Management
Engineering Tool
Active DAS Tray
ASPOI-Active SYM Point of Interface
Innovative GUI
High & Low Power RF Input
Remote Controlled Attenuation
Power-Loss Bypass Safety Feature
The SYM DAS Solution Is Focused on Venue KPI Performance
The Ultimate DAS Venue Solution
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UWMS-05 LTE Wireless Smart Modem
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
UWMS-05 Key Features
 LTE Wireless Modem
 Reverts to 3G if LTE is not available
 Performs measurements on network parameters such as RSSI, RSRP, RSRQ, SNR,
and Cell PCI
 Can be rebooted via SMS  no more having to visit the site to reboot!
 New features include Throughput Testing, either live or scheduled
 Throughput history also available as a report
 Remote monitoring via GUI
 IPSec VPN and IP Filter
 Four ports for multiple devices
 Fast and easy set-up via drop-down menus
 Provides Heartbeat Notification
 Compact Size (4.6 x 3.5 x 1.2 / 8.8 oz)
LTE 700(B13), 700(B17), 850(B5), 1900(B25), AWS(B4)
WCDMA 850(B5), 1900(B2), AWS(B4)
CDMA/EVDO 800(BC0), 1700(BC10), 1900(BC1)
GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
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Scheduled & Immediate Throughput Testing
Quickly Identify Connectivity Issues & Zoom In As Needed
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Network Performance KPI
 Advanced Smart
Features Provide
Network Intelligence
 Cell ID
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Reset UWMS-05 via SMS
When connectivity cannot be established with the modem, the UWMS-05 can be
remotely reset via an SMS text message, eliminating the need to send a
technician to site!
2G- S24 : 2nd Generation
iSpectrum BlackBox
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2G- S24 : 2nd Generation iSpectrum BlackBox
 With a frequency range of 700 MHz to 2.7GHz and 24 input ports, the
iSpectrum is a fundamental component in the network.
 It is widely used in DAS environments to monitor and analyze spectrum
waveforms and create appropriate SNMP alarm notifications.
24 Port Virtual Spectrum Analyzer
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Where To Connect The iSpectrum
1. From BTS to
3. From Active
DAS Tray to
2. From in-line
Splitter/Coupler to
4. From DAS
Monitoring Ports
to iSpectrum
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iSpectrum Sector by Sector Monitoring
 Permanent monitoring
and connectivity to each
sector  to every band
and both uplink and
downlink paths
 Proactively monitor and
maintain the entire venue
both on-site and remotely
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The iSpectrum  What Does It Do?
 Provides real-time spectrum display of selected frequencies for
consistent monitoring and signal analysis.Real Time Alarming
 SNMP based alarm notifications are sent out automatically.
SNMP & Email
 Users can replay and download spectrum recordings to view and
analyze spectrum health and alarms at their convenience.Performance Alarming
 The iSpectrum undoubtedly improves maintenance procedures
and troubleshooting processes for better spectrum management.Troubleshooting
 Continuous recording allows for post-event analysis and reduces
the need for on-site supportBlack-Box Recording
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Most Common iSpectrum Use Cases
 Site Commissioning
 TX Demodulation
 Pre/Peak/Post Event
 Monitoring RF live
response to network
 Optimization, Test, and
Turn-Up Support
 Uplink RX Noise Floor
Rise Proactive
Performance Alarming
 Uplink and Downlink
Power Threshold
 Custom KPI
Performance Alarming
 Real-Time Spectral
Viewing vs. Operation
System Performance
Delayed Monitoring
 Email & SNMP
 Remote connectivity
for live Spectral
Viewing to reduce site
 Identifying spectral
issues with Mug
 Reporting capabilities
to share identified
issues quickly and
 Interference alarming,
identification, and
positional tracking
Using the iSpectrum gives you access to the Super User community to share In-
Building issues nationwide with other performance teams
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
What Benefits Does the iSpectrum Provide?
 Use the iSpectrum in lieu of DAS/System Alarms
 Generate alarms when access to DAS/Base Station
alarms are restricted
 Allows for alarming across all carriers in a host-neutral
Mirror/Bypass DAS
System Alarms
 Introduce Proactive KPI RF Performance Alarms to the
 Provides Performance notifications for both DAS/System
as well as Base Stations
Add Venue
Performance KPI
 Provide carriers and venues with valuable tools for use
from test/commissioning to operational performance
 Provides remote visibility into the venue for monitoring
 SNMP & email notifications to designated recipients
Provide Engineering,
Performance, &
Monitoring capabilities
The Many Use-Cases provides new opportunities that often are not available with
the current mode of operations, as well as potential revenue generation
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iSpectrum Return of Investment Customer Feedback
Task Savings Annual
Savings per
Total Annual
Site Alarm Validation: Before sending a tech to
site to respond to an alarm, remotely validate
the alarm to determine if a site visit is required
25 $400
(5 manhours saved
per each)
Remote Analysis: Use iSpectrum Spectrum
Analyzer functions remotely instead of sending
a tech to site
20 $640
(8 manhours saved
per each)
24 Spectrum Analyzers in one box: Reduce the
need for expensive Hand-Held Spectrum
Analyzers and use the iSpectrum instead
2 $25,000
(2 less Spec As
per each)
Run reports quickly and remotely for baselining,
optimizing, analysis etc.. instead of sending
techs to do it on-site
12 $1,280
(16 manhours
saved per each)
Total Annual Savings $88,160
Based on customer feedback and use-cases, these are only a few ROI examples
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
Network BlackBox Functionality
Everything is Saved
 The built in hard drive auto
continuously records all spectrum
activity across all ports
 Go back in time and replay any
port for any time period
 Download a recorded file to your
computer for playback anytime,
 Built in local replayer software is
built in the iSpectrum and is
always available to be used to
replay the downloaded file
 No other system in the industry
allows you to go back in time so
easily to manage your network
Your Networks Flux Capacitor
that lets you go back in time!
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
Automatic KPI Venue Performance Reporting
The iSpectrum now has AI to Gauge Performance
The iSpectrum KPI Dashboard displays
performance at a glance
All the data is reported in easy to use graphs to
allow you to quickly pinpoint performance issues
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Customize KPI Thresholds
The Performance Team Controls the KPI Thresholds
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Quickly Identify Issues by Ports and Time of Day
Alarm Counts Reveal Performance Issue Patterns by Time
Alarm Count Graphs assist in
pinpointing time-based
 Jumbo-Tron Activiation
 Media Team Turn-Up
 Venue Staff
 Local Area Activity
 Macro Activity
 Fan Arrival/Departure
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Quickly Identify Issues by Sector and Frequency
Alarm Count Graphs by
Sector and Frequency assist
in pinpointing location and
technology based events:
 Congested Areas
 Saturated Sectors
 Specific Venue Sector
Performance Issues
 Sector Based Interference
Alarm Counts Reveal Performance Issue Patterns by Area
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Analyze Channel Power Issues
Track Power Issues by Port/Sector To Find Trouble Spots
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Analyze Noise Floor Rise Issues
Track Noise Floor Issues by Port/Sector To Find Performance Issues
Make Live Network Adjustments if Using ASPOI
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Analyze Downlink Performance Issues
Track Radio Downlink Performance for any issues
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Run Ad-Hoc Custom KPI Performance Reports
Run Custom Event Performance Reports  Anytime!
Ad-Hoc Reporting provides reporting flexibility
 Run reports for any time from start to stop
Perfect for Post-Event Analysis
Run Event Reports for all Events
 At the end of the season!
 No Walk Testers Necessary
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Schedule Automatic KPI Performance Reports
Automatically Receive Reports in your In-Box
Just like when you learned to ride a bike, Look Ma, No Hands!
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
Venue Performance Automatically Emailed To You
Everything you need to know about your venue
Delivered directly to you  It cant get any easier
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A Few Major Installations
 Petco Park
 KC Arrowhead Stadium
 US Airways Arena
 ASU Stadium
 Miami Dolphins Stadium
 Dallas Cowboys Stadium
 Las Vegas Convention Center
 Cardinals Stadium
 Kentucky Derby/Churchill Downs
 Panthers Stadium
 UC Berkeley
 Detroit, Michigan
 ATT Park
 Kentucky Speedway
 Century Link Field
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Interference Identification, Tracking, and Alarming
 This view is from the recorded local Replayer program in 3D view with
marker added to show the exact center frequency
 Identify, Track,
and report on
signals in both
uplink and
downlink paths
 Set specific
alarms to track
issues that are
identified for
specific alarming
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Side Band Encroachment
 This snapshot is from the reporting feature that can be run during live
spectrum monitoring or from recordings. This is from a live view report
 Monitor and Alarm on
power threshold levels,
set proactively to
identify performance
 Keep an eye on your
neighbors signals to
ensure host neutral
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Full Game RF Plots  Good Performance
Data displays sector performance over entire game for both channels
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Poor Sector Performance
Spectrum performance
should be a solid bell
curve of high traffic.
This sector is
experiencing issues
evidenced by periodic
dips in power
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Introducing The Outdoor Mini-iSpectrum O-Mini
By customer demand,
we combined the
with the iSpectrum,
miniaturized them, and
created the Omini
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Omini Is The Best of Both Worlds
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Outdoor Mini-iSpectrum O-Mini
 650MHz to 2690 MHz
 Range: -100 dBm to +10 dBm
 4x physical ports
 5x Virtual Channels per port
 Band-Cycling Probe:
LTE: 700 (B13), 700 (B17), 850 (B5), 1900
(B25), AWS (B4)
WCDMA: 850 (B5), 1900 (B2), AWS (B4)
CDMA/EVDO: 800 (BC0), 1900 (BC1)
GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850, 900, 1800, 1900
7.15 x 6.45 x 1.81
Input Power: -48VDC
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Omini GUI - System
Everything the 2G-IS24 can do, but more, and in a smaller package
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Omini GUI - Modem
Use the Omini for End User Performance Evaluation
Band-Cycling Modem = Probe
Auto cycles through available
bands, connects, diagnoses,
records & repeats
Can be set to manual or auto if
only a single band is desired to
be monitored
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Omini GUI - iSpectrum
Complete Visibility to Analyze RF Wave Forms
Same features as the
iSpectrum  with the addition
of the Virtual Channels for
combined signal analysis
Customized KPI Alarming
Can be set to manual or auto if
only a single band is desired to
be monitored
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Omini GUI - Alarms
Alarms are automatically organized and searchable
Alarm History to review
performance issues
Replay the video of the
actual alarm
Determine the root cause of
the issue such as
interference, power levels,
PIM, noise etc..
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Omini GUI  KPI Trending
Reports are auto-generated and auto-delivered
All Performance data is available for RF Spectrum Performance as well as
End User Performance metrics from the Probe
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Active Single Point of Interface  Active SPOI
The Active SYM Point Of Interface (ASPOI) is the scalable
and modular DAS tray providing both an active interface to
condition the RF signal between the BTS and the DAS.
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Why Choose Active Trays over Passive Trays?
Passive Solution Active Solution
Tray Solution
provides many
more options than
the Passive
Solution, and with
SYM, it really isnt
that much more
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Advanced Features
 It handles up to 48dBm on High Power Mode and 38dBm
on Low Power mode with insertion loss of 12.0 to 13.5dB
for High Power Mode and 2.0 to 3.5dB for Low Power
Mode respectively.
Dual Power
 With integrated CW tone generation, it streamlines CW
test procedures without walki-talking between two
installers, significantly reducing DAS commissioning time
CW Tone
 In case of power failure, the active SPOI bypasses to
safe mode to ensure continuous service. Downlink will
maintain same path loss before DC power off and Uplink
will have 7.5dB insertion loss always when DC power off.
Safe Mode
 Each card has a physical monitoring port for both Uplink
and Downlink, eliminating the need to but couplers or test
ports in you link
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Birds Eye View & Quick Access
SYM GUI Design Innovation:
1. Intuitive Design: Manual Free
 Dummy Proof to intuitively
control the system with little
training required
2. On-Site Replication- The
remote user should have the
same experience as being on-
3. See and click  GUI
navigation should be touch
enabled to easily navigate
through the system by clicking
on what you want to see
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Innovative GUI & Auto Recognition
Block Diagram GUI Control
 Replaces complicated
menus with a graphical
representation of the link
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Combine With The iSpectrum For Complete Control
Make Live
Adjustments with
full visibility &
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Network Performance Statistics
Keep Track of Venue Power Performance Quickly & Easily
This is from a live Verizon Venue  What Happened Here?
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SYM DAS Venue System Solution
www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc.  Proprietary and Confidential Information
SYM DAS Venue System Solution
Thank You
234 E.Colorado Blvd., Ste 515 Pasadena, CA 91101
Todd Masters
Director of Sales

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Sym 2015 product overview apr2015

  • 1. Passion for the Mission SYM Technologies DAS Venue Performance Solution Todd Masters Director of Sales Connect - Control - Monitor
  • 2. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information UWMS-05 SmartModem 4G LTE Speed 4 Ethernet Ports SMS Text Re-bootable Multi-Band Scalable 2GIS24 iSpectrum & Omini 24 port Virtual Spectrum Analyzer Black Box Spectrum Recorder Operational Support Performance Management Engineering Tool Active DAS Tray ASPOI-Active SYM Point of Interface Innovative GUI High & Low Power RF Input Remote Controlled Attenuation Power-Loss Bypass Safety Feature The SYM DAS Solution Is Focused on Venue KPI Performance The Ultimate DAS Venue Solution
  • 3. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information UWMS-05 LTE Wireless Smart Modem
  • 4. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information UWMS-05 Key Features LTE Wireless Modem Reverts to 3G if LTE is not available Performs measurements on network parameters such as RSSI, RSRP, RSRQ, SNR, and Cell PCI Can be rebooted via SMS no more having to visit the site to reboot! New features include Throughput Testing, either live or scheduled Throughput history also available as a report Remote monitoring via GUI IPSec VPN and IP Filter Four ports for multiple devices Fast and easy set-up via drop-down menus Provides Heartbeat Notification Compact Size (4.6 x 3.5 x 1.2 / 8.8 oz) Technology/Bands: LTE 700(B13), 700(B17), 850(B5), 1900(B25), AWS(B4) WCDMA 850(B5), 1900(B2), AWS(B4) CDMA/EVDO 800(BC0), 1700(BC10), 1900(BC1) GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
  • 5. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Scheduled & Immediate Throughput Testing Quickly Identify Connectivity Issues & Zoom In As Needed
  • 6. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Network Performance KPI Advanced Smart Features Provide Network Intelligence RSSI Ec/Io SINR Cell ID PCI RSRQ, RSRP, RSSI
  • 7. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Reset UWMS-05 via SMS When connectivity cannot be established with the modem, the UWMS-05 can be remotely reset via an SMS text message, eliminating the need to send a technician to site! 555-555-1411
  • 8. www.symtechnology.com 2G- S24 : 2nd Generation iSpectrum BlackBox
  • 9. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information 2G- S24 : 2nd Generation iSpectrum BlackBox With a frequency range of 700 MHz to 2.7GHz and 24 input ports, the iSpectrum is a fundamental component in the network. It is widely used in DAS environments to monitor and analyze spectrum waveforms and create appropriate SNMP alarm notifications. 24 Port Virtual Spectrum Analyzer
  • 10. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Where To Connect The iSpectrum RX/TX RX/TX 1. From BTS to iSpectrum 3. From Active DAS Tray to iSpectrum 2. From in-line Splitter/Coupler to iSpectrum 4. From DAS Monitoring Ports to iSpectrum iSpectrum 1 2 3 4
  • 11. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information iSpectrum Sector by Sector Monitoring Permanent monitoring and connectivity to each sector to every band and both uplink and downlink paths Proactively monitor and maintain the entire venue both on-site and remotely
  • 12. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information The iSpectrum What Does It Do? Provides real-time spectrum display of selected frequencies for consistent monitoring and signal analysis.Real Time Alarming SNMP based alarm notifications are sent out automatically. SNMP & Email Notification Users can replay and download spectrum recordings to view and analyze spectrum health and alarms at their convenience.Performance Alarming The iSpectrum undoubtedly improves maintenance procedures and troubleshooting processes for better spectrum management.Troubleshooting Continuous recording allows for post-event analysis and reduces the need for on-site supportBlack-Box Recording
  • 13. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Most Common iSpectrum Use Cases OPERATIONS Performance Baselining Site Commissioning TX Demodulation Pre/Peak/Post Event Monitoring Monitoring RF live response to network changes Optimization, Test, and Turn-Up Support PERFORMANCE Uplink RX Noise Floor Rise Proactive Performance Alarming Uplink and Downlink Power Threshold Monitoring Custom KPI Performance Alarming Real-Time Spectral Viewing vs. Operation System Performance Delayed Monitoring Email & SNMP Alarming MAINTENANCE Remote connectivity for live Spectral Viewing to reduce site visits Identifying spectral issues with Mug Shots Reporting capabilities to share identified issues quickly and effectively Interference alarming, identification, and positional tracking Using the iSpectrum gives you access to the Super User community to share In- Building issues nationwide with other performance teams
  • 14. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information What Benefits Does the iSpectrum Provide? Use the iSpectrum in lieu of DAS/System Alarms Generate alarms when access to DAS/Base Station alarms are restricted Allows for alarming across all carriers in a host-neutral environment Mirror/Bypass DAS System Alarms Introduce Proactive KPI RF Performance Alarms to the venue Provides Performance notifications for both DAS/System as well as Base Stations Add Venue Performance KPI Alarming Provide carriers and venues with valuable tools for use from test/commissioning to operational performance Provides remote visibility into the venue for monitoring SNMP & email notifications to designated recipients Provide Engineering, Performance, & Monitoring capabilities The Many Use-Cases provides new opportunities that often are not available with the current mode of operations, as well as potential revenue generation
  • 15. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information iSpectrum Return of Investment Customer Feedback Task Savings Annual Occurrences Savings per Occurrence Total Annual Savings Site Alarm Validation: Before sending a tech to site to respond to an alarm, remotely validate the alarm to determine if a site visit is required 25 $400 (5 manhours saved per each) $10,000 Remote Analysis: Use iSpectrum Spectrum Analyzer functions remotely instead of sending a tech to site 20 $640 (8 manhours saved per each) $12,800 24 Spectrum Analyzers in one box: Reduce the need for expensive Hand-Held Spectrum Analyzers and use the iSpectrum instead 2 $25,000 (2 less Spec As per each) $50,000 Run reports quickly and remotely for baselining, optimizing, analysis etc.. instead of sending techs to do it on-site 12 $1,280 (16 manhours saved per each) $15,360 Total Annual Savings $88,160 Based on customer feedback and use-cases, these are only a few ROI examples
  • 16. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Network BlackBox Functionality Everything is Saved The built in hard drive auto continuously records all spectrum activity across all ports Go back in time and replay any port for any time period Download a recorded file to your computer for playback anytime, anywhere Built in local replayer software is built in the iSpectrum and is always available to be used to replay the downloaded file No other system in the industry allows you to go back in time so easily to manage your network Your Networks Flux Capacitor that lets you go back in time!
  • 17. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Automatic KPI Venue Performance Reporting The iSpectrum now has AI to Gauge Performance The iSpectrum KPI Dashboard displays performance at a glance All the data is reported in easy to use graphs to allow you to quickly pinpoint performance issues
  • 18. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Customize KPI Thresholds The Performance Team Controls the KPI Thresholds
  • 19. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Quickly Identify Issues by Ports and Time of Day Alarm Counts Reveal Performance Issue Patterns by Time Alarm Count Graphs assist in pinpointing time-based events: Jumbo-Tron Activiation Media Team Turn-Up Venue Staff Arrival/Departure Local Area Activity Macro Activity Fan Arrival/Departure
  • 20. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Quickly Identify Issues by Sector and Frequency Alarm Count Graphs by Sector and Frequency assist in pinpointing location and technology based events: Congested Areas Saturated Sectors Specific Venue Sector Performance Issues Sector Based Interference Alarm Counts Reveal Performance Issue Patterns by Area
  • 21. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Analyze Channel Power Issues Track Power Issues by Port/Sector To Find Trouble Spots
  • 22. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Analyze Noise Floor Rise Issues Track Noise Floor Issues by Port/Sector To Find Performance Issues Make Live Network Adjustments if Using ASPOI
  • 23. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Analyze Downlink Performance Issues Track Radio Downlink Performance for any issues RSRP EVM RSSI RSRQ
  • 24. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Run Ad-Hoc Custom KPI Performance Reports Run Custom Event Performance Reports Anytime! Ad-Hoc Reporting provides reporting flexibility Run reports for any time from start to stop Perfect for Post-Event Analysis Run Event Reports for all Events At the end of the season! No Walk Testers Necessary
  • 25. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Schedule Automatic KPI Performance Reports Automatically Receive Reports in your In-Box Just like when you learned to ride a bike, Look Ma, No Hands!
  • 26. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Venue Performance Automatically Emailed To You Everything you need to know about your venue Delivered directly to you It cant get any easier
  • 27. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information A Few Major Installations Petco Park KC Arrowhead Stadium US Airways Arena ASU Stadium Miami Dolphins Stadium Dallas Cowboys Stadium Las Vegas Convention Center Cardinals Stadium Kentucky Derby/Churchill Downs Panthers Stadium UC Berkeley Detroit, Michigan ATT Park Kentucky Speedway Century Link Field
  • 28. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Interference Identification, Tracking, and Alarming This view is from the recorded local Replayer program in 3D view with marker added to show the exact center frequency Identify, Track, and report on encroaching signals in both uplink and downlink paths Set specific alarms to track issues that are identified for specific alarming
  • 29. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Side Band Encroachment This snapshot is from the reporting feature that can be run during live spectrum monitoring or from recordings. This is from a live view report Monitor and Alarm on power threshold levels, set proactively to identify performance issues Keep an eye on your neighbors signals to ensure host neutral cooperation
  • 30. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Full Game RF Plots Good Performance Data displays sector performance over entire game for both channels
  • 31. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Poor Sector Performance Spectrum performance should be a solid bell curve of high traffic. This sector is experiencing issues evidenced by periodic dips in power transmission
  • 32. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Introducing The Outdoor Mini-iSpectrum O-Mini By customer demand, we combined the SmartModem/Probe with the iSpectrum, miniaturized them, and created the Omini + =
  • 33. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Omini Is The Best of Both Worlds
  • 34. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Outdoor Mini-iSpectrum O-Mini 650MHz to 2690 MHz Range: -100 dBm to +10 dBm 4x physical ports 5x Virtual Channels per port Band-Cycling Probe: LTE: 700 (B13), 700 (B17), 850 (B5), 1900 (B25), AWS (B4) WCDMA: 850 (B5), 1900 (B2), AWS (B4) CDMA/EVDO: 800 (BC0), 1900 (BC1) GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850, 900, 1800, 1900 7.15 x 6.45 x 1.81 Input Power: -48VDC
  • 35. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Omini GUI - System Everything the 2G-IS24 can do, but more, and in a smaller package
  • 36. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Omini GUI - Modem Use the Omini for End User Performance Evaluation Band-Cycling Modem = Probe Auto cycles through available bands, connects, diagnoses, records & repeats Can be set to manual or auto if only a single band is desired to be monitored
  • 37. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Omini GUI - iSpectrum Complete Visibility to Analyze RF Wave Forms Same features as the iSpectrum with the addition of the Virtual Channels for combined signal analysis Customized KPI Alarming Can be set to manual or auto if only a single band is desired to be monitored
  • 38. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Omini GUI - Alarms Alarms are automatically organized and searchable Alarm History to review performance issues Replay the video of the actual alarm Determine the root cause of the issue such as interference, power levels, PIM, noise etc..
  • 39. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Omini GUI KPI Trending Reports are auto-generated and auto-delivered All Performance data is available for RF Spectrum Performance as well as End User Performance metrics from the Probe
  • 40. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Active Single Point of Interface Active SPOI The Active SYM Point Of Interface (ASPOI) is the scalable and modular DAS tray providing both an active interface to condition the RF signal between the BTS and the DAS.
  • 41. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Why Choose Active Trays over Passive Trays? Passive Solution Active Solution The ASPOI DAS Tray Solution provides many more options than the Passive Solution, and with SYM, it really isnt that much more expensive
  • 42. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Advanced Features It handles up to 48dBm on High Power Mode and 38dBm on Low Power mode with insertion loss of 12.0 to 13.5dB for High Power Mode and 2.0 to 3.5dB for Low Power Mode respectively. Dual Power Mode With integrated CW tone generation, it streamlines CW test procedures without walki-talking between two installers, significantly reducing DAS commissioning time CW Tone Generator In case of power failure, the active SPOI bypasses to safe mode to ensure continuous service. Downlink will maintain same path loss before DC power off and Uplink will have 7.5dB insertion loss always when DC power off. Safe Mode Each card has a physical monitoring port for both Uplink and Downlink, eliminating the need to but couplers or test ports in you link Monitoring Ports
  • 43. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Birds Eye View & Quick Access SYM GUI Design Innovation: 1. Intuitive Design: Manual Free Dummy Proof to intuitively control the system with little training required 2. On-Site Replication- The remote user should have the same experience as being on- site 3. See and click GUI navigation should be touch enabled to easily navigate through the system by clicking on what you want to see
  • 44. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Innovative GUI & Auto Recognition Block Diagram GUI Control Replaces complicated menus with a graphical representation of the link
  • 45. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Combine With The iSpectrum For Complete Control Make Live Network Performance Adjustments with full visibility & control
  • 46. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Network Performance Statistics Keep Track of Venue Power Performance Quickly & Easily This is from a live Verizon Venue What Happened Here?
  • 47. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information SYM DAS Venue System Solution
  • 48. www.symtechnology.comSYM Technology, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information SYM DAS Venue System Solution
  • 49. Thank You 234 E.Colorado Blvd., Ste 515 Pasadena, CA 91101 Todd Masters Director of Sales 913.486.5636 todd.masters@symtechnology.com www.symtechnology.com