This is a PowerPoint I prepared during my Teaching Practice on Symmetry. Not all slides are original !! It covers the whole symmetry topic :) Hope you find it useful !
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Symmetry greta
1. The first three letters of your name
Can you fold the letters in a way that
the top half exactly covers the bottom
If you can draw a line !
4. What is Symmetry?
If a shape can be folded in half so that one
half fits exactly on top of the other, than we
say that the shape has got line symmetry.
The fold is called a line of symmetry, it divides
the shape into two equal parts!
The lines of symmetry may be vertical,
horizontal or diagonal
5. 1 LoSOne Line of Symmetry
Vertical lines of
Horizontal lines of
Diagonal lines of
6. RectangleThe Rectangle Problem
A rectangle has only 2 lines of symmetry and not 4 like the square
To see this consider the following:
Half a rectangle
Mirror Line
7. The Rectangle Problem
A rectangle has only 2 lines of symmetry and not 4 like the square
To see this consider the following:
Half a rectangle
Mirror Line
A reflection in the diagonal
would produce a kite!
8. Regular
Regular Polygons
Equilateral Triangle Square Regular Pentagon
Regular Hexagon Regular Octagon
Regular polygons
have lines of
symmetry equal to
the number of
sides/angles that
they possess.
12. Symmetry in Real Life
God made many things in nature symmetrical!
Humans like to follow Gods footsteps when
making objects because in this way things look
nicer !
13. How many ?
An object may have
One line of Symmetry
Many lines of Symmetry
No lines of Symmetry
A circle ?
14. Mix 1
How many lines of symmetry for each shape?
4 3
5 8
15. Formula one Book
Pg 49 No. 1 and No.2
Get square mirror again
16. Mix 3
2 5 3
2 4
How many lines of symmetry for each shape?
17. Mix 4
How many lines of symmetry for each shape?
6 2 4
1 2 1
18. Mix 5
How many lines of symmetry for each shape?
1 2 4
5 3
56. Another kind of symmetry?
What do you think we call this kind of symmetry?
TOP Centre of
Rotational Symmetry !
57. We say a shape has ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY if it
fits exactly into itself (looks exactly THE SAME)
when it is rotated.
How many times does this shape fit into itself?
We say it has rotational symmetry of order 4
58. A shape may have NO Rotational Symmetry
A shape is said to have
NO Rotational Symmetry
(Rotational Symmetry of
If it fits onto itself only
68. Regular Polygons
What did we say a Regular Polygon is?
A regular polygon is a shape which has:
All sides equal
All angles equal
Examples ?
What did we say about lines of symmetry of regular
Regular polygons have lines of symmetry equal to the
number of sides/angles that they possess.
69. What then can we conclude?
Regular polygons have order of rotational
symmetry equal to the number of
sides/angles that they have.
72. Home Work from FORM 1 Maths Pack
Pg 17 ALL Page (short questions)
Pg 18 No.5 and No.7
Date: Friday 4th April
Topics: Data Handling & Symmetry
Sub-topics :
Tally Charts
Bar Charts
Pie Charts
Finding the lines of symmetry of a shape
Drawing the other half of shapes in lines of symmetry
Finding the Order of Rotation of a shape
74. Questions 2
Rotational Symmetry
State the order of rotational symmetry for each shape below:
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
Order 4 Order 1 Order 2 Order 5
Order 2 Order 4 Order 6 Order 3
Order 5 Order 4 Order 3 Order 1
#51: Ghax l angle li taghmel mal line il line ta lisquare hijja 45 degrees so biex tamel angle ohra ta 45 degrees parigga trid iddur 90 degrees ghalhekk horizontal become vertical and vertical become horizontal
#52: Ghax l angle li taghmel mal line il line ta lisquare hijja 45 degrees so biex tamel angle ohra ta 45 degrees parigga trid iddur 90 degrees ghalhekk horizontal become vertical and vertical become horizontal