Jake is a young athlete training for an important rugby match to represent his university. Though he always falls just short of winning, his girlfriend Naomi is always supportive. During an intense training session, Jake's coach informs him he is ready for the big game. However, when Jake tells Naomi, she scorns his dream of rugby, wanting him to spend less time on the sport. They nearly break up until the closing scene where Naomi attends Jake's match for support.
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1. Synopsis
Thestorybeginswitha youngathletenamedJake,andheistraining- aimingfor
ultimatefitnessandvarsity. Jakeisdueto representtheuniversityin an
importantrugbymatch and this begins withhisstruggleandperseverancewhen
training forhisbigday.Jakeliveswith hisgirlfriend-Naomiand sheisalways
supportiveof hisgoals.No matterhowhard hetrains, healwaysfallsshortof
winning and alwaysappearssecond best-Mr Second. Heis constantlyhardon
himself and thetruestrainsof thissportand competition take itstoll,butNaomi
is always thereto pickhimup.
Duringoneof Jakestraining sessions, hepushes himselfparticularly hard and his
coachis extremely impressed withhim-informing himnowthatheis MrFirst
and iscompletelyready forhisbiggametomorrow.Jakeisso excitedandeager
to tellNaomiwhen hegetshomefrom training,andwaitedfortheiranniversary
dinnerthatnight. Jaketold Naomieverything andwaited forherreaction.
However, theresponsefrom Naomiwasnotwhathewashoping for. Shescorned
him- tellinghimthatrugbywas a terriblecareerandhewillgetan injuryand fail.
This argumentescalated and resultedin a near breakup aftershestatesthatshe
wantshimto giveup his dreamto spend moretimewith her.
Jake, after assuming thatNaomiwouldbesupportiveleavesthehouseto meet
his best friend-Josh. Theclosingsceneendswith him playing hisrugby match,
and heturnsaroundto seehisgirlfriendwaiting for him atthe edgeof thepitch.