1. The document is a letter from Dr. V. Krishnamohan, forwarding the synopsis of a thesis titled "Entrepreneurship Development and Women Empowerment: A Study on the Role and Performance of Entrepreneurs in Micro-Small Enterprises in North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh".
2. The thesis is being submitted by Mrs. M. Sirisha Rani for the award of a Doctoral degree from Andhra University under Dr. Krishnamohan's guidance.
3. Dr. Krishnamohan requests suggestions to improve the synopsis and recommendations for examiners from within the department and abroad who could evaluate the thesis.
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Synopsis Circulation
1. A N D H R A U N I V E R S I T Y
Tele: 0891- 2844269
Fax: 0891 - 2525611
Mobile: +91-98482-89827
(Established: Commerce 1934 Management 1957)
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (AP) 530003, INDIA
From: DATE: 10-11-20236
Dear Professional Colleague:
I am glad to forward a copy of the synopsis of the thesis on ENTREPRENEURSHIP
DEVELOPMENT AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT: A Study on the Role and Performance of
Entrepreneurs in Micro-Small Enterprises in North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh to be
submitted by Mrs. M. SIRISHA RANI, Research Scholar (Part-time), under my guidance for the award
of Doctoral degree in the faculty of Commerce & Management Studies of Andhra University,
This synopsis copy is sent as a pre-requisite before final submission of thesis for your kind
perusal and circulation among your colleagues in the department.
I will be thankful if you offer your suggestions for its improvement and also suitable examiners
who are interested for evaluating the thesis.
Your kind cooperation is solicited in the preparation of a panel of examiners comprising of 12
Indian and 6 Foreign, preferably from English speaking countries that are not of Indian origin for
consideration by the University for sending thesis for Adjudication.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Encl: a/a