17. An information system (IS) is
an arrangement of people
data, processes, and
information technology that
interact to collect, process,
store, and provide as output
the information needed to
support an organization.
50. A woman without her man is nothing
A woman without her. Man is nothing
A woman, without her man is nothing
52. What is a Feature ?
A condition or capability to which a system must
53. Q: Is features enough ?!
A: Yes ..
When you are a Tailor
55. What is a Use Case?
A sequence of actions a system performs that yields an
observable result of value to a particular actor.
56. Use Case contain :
Use Case Name
Brief Description
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
Alternative flow
Special Requirements
Post condition
Extension point
58. Alternative :
Necessitating a choice between mutually
exclusive possibilities
Act of expanding in scope; making
more widely available
61. Withdraw Features
A withdrawal transaction asks the customer to choose a type of account to
withdraw from (e.g. checking) from a menu of possible accounts, and to
choose a dollar amount from a menu of possible amounts. The system
verifies that it has sufficient money on hand to satisfy the request before
sending the transaction to the bank. (If not, the customer is informed and
asked to enter a different amount.) If the transaction is approved by the
bank, the appropriate amount of cash is dispensed by the machine before
it issues a receipt. (The dispensing of cash is also recorded in the ATM's
A withdrawal transaction can be cancelled by the customer pressing the
Cancel key any time prior to choosing the dollar amount.
64. Use Case Name Withdraw amount
Use Case ID WA-01
Trigger Customer selects to withdraw money
Precondition The user is identified as authenticated through his PIN number
Basic Flow 1. System displays available accounts type according to the customer
2. Customer select specific accounts.
3. System displays default amounts.
4. Customer select specific amount.
5. System verifies the ATM has sufficient money.
6. System verifies with the bank that the account has sufficient
7. System approve transaction, dispense amount
8. Customer retrieve amount and Card
9. System generate receipt.
Alternative Flow 5.1 ATM doesnt have enough money, display message and go to step 4
6.1 Customer balance not enough, display message and go to step 4
8.1 Customer didnt retrieve card and money on time, Hold the card
and the amount and display message and produce receipt
Post condition Transaction status recoded in the system