The document discusses the systems development lifecycle (SDLC) and related methodologies and roles. The SDLC consists of four main stages: planning, analysis, design, and implementation. It describes six major development methodologies, including the waterfall method, parallel development, phased development, and various types of prototyping. It also outlines five major team roles in systems development and analysis projects.
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2. Many failed systems were abandoned because analysts tried to build wonderful systems without understanding the organization. The primarily goal is to create value for the organization. 1 -
3. The systems analyst is a key person analyzing the business, identifying opportunities for improvement, and designing information systems to implement these ideas. It is important to understand and develop through practice the skills needed to successfully design and implement new information systems. 1 -
5. The project -- Moves systematically through phases where each phase has a standard set of outputs Produces project deliverables Uses deliverables in implementation Results in actual information system Uses gradual refinement 1 -
6. Planning (Why build the system? How should the team go about building it?) Analysis (Who uses system, what will it do, where and when will the system be used?) Design (How will the system work?) Implementation (System delivery) 1 -
8. 1 - Process Product Planning Analysis Design Implementation System Request Feasibility Analysis Workplan System Proposal System Specification New System and Maintenance Plan
10. A formalized approach to implementing the SDLC A series of steps and deliverables Methodology Categories 1 - Process-Centered Data-Centered Object-Oriented Structured Design Rapid Application Development Agile Development
12. 1 - Pros Cons Identifies systems requirements long before programming begins Minimizes changes to requirements as project progresses Design must be specified on paper before programming begins Long time between system proposal and delivery of new system
20. 1 - Pros Cons Users Get a System To Use Quickly Users Can Identify Additional Needs For Later Versions Users Work with a System that is Intentionally Incomplete
22. 1 - Pros Cons Users Interact with Prototype Very Quickly Users Can Identify Needed Changes And Refine Real Requirements Tendency to do Superficial Analysis Initial Design Decisions May Be Poor
26. 1 - Pros Cons Fast Delivery of Results Works Well in Projects With Undefined or Changing Requirements Requires Discipline Works Best in Small Projects Requires Much User Input
27. Clear user requirements Familiarity with technology Complexity of system Reliability of system Time schedule Schedule visibility 1 -
29. Business analyst Systems analyst Infrastructure analyst Change management analyst Project manager 1 -
30. The Systems Development Lifecycle consists of four stages: Planning, Analysis, Design, and Implementation There are six major development methodologies : the waterfall method, the parallel development method, the phased development method, system prototyping, design prototyping, and agile development. There are five major team roles : business analyst, systems analyst, infrastructure analyst, change management analyst and project manager. 1 -