- The document discusses systematic searching for systematic reviews. It provides an overview of databases commonly used for evidence-based medicine searches, including Medline, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, and BMJ. It discusses developing focused search terms and strategies for different databases. It also addresses evaluating search results and broadening searches when too few results are found initially.
This document provides an overview of the systematic review process. It begins with developing the research question using PICO(S) or SPICE frameworks. This is then translated into search terms and concepts. The document outlines searching databases and other sources, as well as screening and critically appraising the literature. It discusses data synthesis and publication bias. Tips are provided for searching, such as using wildcards, adjacency searches, and combining concepts. Challenges like books, grey literature, and other languages are noted. Reference manager software is also mentioned.
This document provides information about a literature search workshop for first-year honors psychology students. It includes an agenda with topics like known-item searching, searching by subject, evidence-based practice, generating search terms, and additional search techniques. Contact information is provided for Janneke Staaks, who is the specialist for scientific information in psychology, pedagogy and anthropology. Examples of specific searches are also included, such as a search on parenting stress in parents of children with epilepsy across various databases.
This document summarizes a workshop on systematic searching in Oslo presented by Janneke Staaks. The workshop covered formulating a search question using PICO(S) criteria, systematically searching databases, using inclusion/exclusion criteria, critically appraising results, and analyzing data. Specific search techniques like using subject headings, keywords, wildcards, and adjacency operators were demonstrated. Developing a search strategy around a sample question on the effects of anti-epileptic drugs in pregnancy was discussed. Reporting search results and ensuring reproducibility were also addressed.
Morning session presentation. From Evidence Based Medicine to the social sciences; Differences between the clinical and social/behavioral sciences; Theoretical and practical implications
Afternoon session: Workshop on systematic searching
- Defining a search strategy, database selection,tips and tricks
- Setting up your systematic review 'toolbox'
- How do you support your workflow? Documenting the search process, deduplication, prisma statement.
The document provides an overview of a continuing education course on finding evidence-based clinical information in the Cochrane Library and PubMed. It discusses developing well-built clinical questions using PICO, searching efficiently in PubMed and the Cochrane Library, critically appraising evidence, and hands-on exercises for practicing search skills. Examples of clinical questions and their PICO components are provided to illustrate how to develop search strategies.
Literature searching for research provides guidance on conducting literature searches to identify existing research on a topic, avoid duplication, and inform the planning of new studies. It outlines strategies for developing search terms using a PICO framework, techniques for searching bibliographic databases and other sources, and tips for managing references. The document aims to help researchers conduct thorough literature searches to identify the extent and quality of previous work in an area of interest.
This document provides information about PubMed and impact factors and includes exercises for a summer school session on pediatrics and neuroscience. It discusses how to formulate search questions using the PICO framework in PubMed, defines impact factors and how they are calculated, explains other measures of impact like h-index and top 25% of journals, and provides examples and exercises for participants to practice citation analysis and calculating h-index.
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The Treatment of Phobias Essay
Everyone in life has fears, it s a natural way our brains process certain objects or situations that may be dangerous. Common fears may be heights or spiders; some would rationally go out of their way to avoid these, but this is quite different from having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational distress with a particular object or concept/idea. Although fears are well known now, they do not have to disrupt the lives of those who are living them. Throughout the essay there will be three different treatments with three different phobias in ways to cure a phobia; the first is a trauma focused treatment approach for travel phobia, assessment and treatment for childhood phobias, and hypnosis in facilitating clinical treatment of injections....show more content...When introduced to in vivo exposure the patients showed an increase of PTSD symptoms (Handley, Salkovskis, Ehlers, 2008). When performing the study 125 people received TF CBT, and the remaining 59 received EMDR + in vivo exposure . In results there was a clear sign of reduction in mild travel anxiety with up to 7.3 sessions. Although, there were found that one treatment would be more beneficial than the other in terms of reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD. Overall the signs of Travel Phobia and anxiety were reduced in both methods of treatments giving the researchers plenty of evidence for being successful in a trauma focused treatment plan.
The study case of children phobia is not like others present before it, this case suggests that that to decrease a phobia is should be multi method, multi informant, and developmentally sensitive. Another aspect that differs from others is that it w
This document provides an overview of psychology as a discipline. It discusses:
1) Psychology's roots in philosophers like Aristotle and the founding of experimental psychology by Wundt.
2) Key ideas in psychology like critical thinking and the biopsychosocial model of behavior.
3) How psychologists use the scientific method to ask and answer questions through description, correlation, and experimentation.
4) Major perspectives and subfields in contemporary psychology.
Searching class conducted on March 23, 2010 for the graduate students in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario.
1) The document discusses a presentation given by clinical librarians to medical staff about finding medical evidence in the neonatal intensive care unit.
2) It provides an overview of library services available from both hospital and university libraries and how to access full text articles off-site using the proxy server.
3) The presentation demonstrates how to effectively search PubMed, including using clinical queries and filters, to find relevant research studies to answer clinical questions.
This document summarizes four major biomedical databases: PubMed, Embase, Web of Knowledge, and Scopus. It provides information on the number of records in each database, years of coverage, subject areas, search features, and tips for effective searching. The document also provides an example of developing search terms for the topic "Is CBT effective for teenagers with eating disorders?". Key details are extracted to formulate searches using Boolean logic and synonyms. Searching techniques and getting help from librarians are also advised.
How to search for literature - Lecture at Forskning ved fj脱ra, Holmsbu May 2015Hilde Str淡mme
This document outlines four steps for searching literature: 1) Formulate a question using PICO, 2) Choose sources to search, 3) Prepare a search strategy, and 4) Review results and revise the strategy if needed. It provides guidance on using PICO to organize terms and choosing relevant articles. Key tips include using synonyms when searching, combining terms with Boolean operators, and refining searches with filters or limits to reduce overly broad results. The goal is to conduct a systematic and thorough literature search.
This document provides guidance on how to conduct a systematic search in PubMed to identify relevant studies for a systematic review. It discusses developing a focused research question, identifying subject headings and keywords, constructing a search strategy, running the search in PubMed, applying filters, and exporting references to a citation manager. The document also provides an overview of systematic reviews and reviews each step of the systematic search process in detail with examples.
Stress and Immune Dysfunction Related to Diseases.docxwrite31
The document discusses how stress can impact immune function and influence chronic diseases. It provides an assignment for students to research the relationship between depression, immune dysfunction, and how stress affects immunity for a selected disease. The assignment requires choosing a disease from the list provided, finding 3 articles on depression/immune dysfunction relationships for that disease, and explaining how stress influences immunity for it. The document provides optional reading materials and recommends reviewing specific sources from prior weeks.
This document provides resources for clinical reasoning exercises for psychiatry clerks. It discusses formulating clinical research questions using the PICO framework and identifying relevant databases for searching. It also covers applying basic criteria to appraise evidence quality, such as publication type, sample size, methodology. Contact information is provided for the librarian as a resource for more information on search strategies, citation styles, and databases.
S. Sherrill - General Psychology - Chapter 1 (M1) Spring 2016sjbrabham
The document provides an overview of key concepts from an introductory psychology course, including:
1) It outlines three course modules focused on understanding human behavior, development, and applying psychology.
2) Key areas of psychology are defined, such as cognitive, developmental, and social psychology.
3) The history and origins of psychology are summarized, from early philosophers to the founders of modern approaches like structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism.
4) The differences between related fields like psychology and psychiatry are clarified.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in psychology including:
- The history and development of psychology from its philosophical roots to modern approaches like behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and humanism.
- The main fields of specialization within psychology like cognitive, developmental, social, and clinical psychology.
- Common research methods used in psychology like surveys, observation, and experimentation.
- Important figures who shaped the field like Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud, John Watson, and humanistic psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that affects 1-3% of the population equally among males and females. Sigmund Freud believed that OCD stemmed from issues with potty training as a child. Therapists now use various approaches including trait, biological, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, and exposure response prevention to understand and treat OCD. Treatment focuses on helping clients gain self-esteem and reduce anxiety when confronting obsessive thoughts and compulsions.
This document provides guidance on conducting systematic literature reviews. It discusses key steps like clarifying the research question, selecting appropriate databases and search terms, developing a comprehensive search strategy, and managing references. An example search strategy is also included that explores the effectiveness of advice to rest in bed versus staying active for acute low back pain and sciatica.
This document provides instructions for using Rayyan, a web-based tool for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It outlines the key features and functions of Rayyan including how to create a new review project, upload reference sets from reference managers, invite collaborators, start screening references, resolve duplicates, and export results. The summary highlights the main workflow steps in Rayyan for organizing literature screening projects.
Literature searching for research provides guidance on conducting literature searches to identify existing research on a topic, avoid duplication, and inform the planning of new studies. It outlines strategies for developing search terms using a PICO framework, techniques for searching bibliographic databases and other sources, and tips for managing references. The document aims to help researchers conduct thorough literature searches to identify the extent and quality of previous work in an area of interest.
This document provides information about PubMed and impact factors and includes exercises for a summer school session on pediatrics and neuroscience. It discusses how to formulate search questions using the PICO framework in PubMed, defines impact factors and how they are calculated, explains other measures of impact like h-index and top 25% of journals, and provides examples and exercises for participants to practice citation analysis and calculating h-index.
Paper Writing Service - HelpWriting.net
You get an original and high-quality paper based on extensive research. The completed work will be correctly formatted, referenced and tailored to your level of study.
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From answering simple questions to solving any possible issues, we're always here to help you in chat and on the phone. We've got you covered at any time, day or night.
The Treatment of Phobias Essay
Everyone in life has fears, it s a natural way our brains process certain objects or situations that may be dangerous. Common fears may be heights or spiders; some would rationally go out of their way to avoid these, but this is quite different from having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational distress with a particular object or concept/idea. Although fears are well known now, they do not have to disrupt the lives of those who are living them. Throughout the essay there will be three different treatments with three different phobias in ways to cure a phobia; the first is a trauma focused treatment approach for travel phobia, assessment and treatment for childhood phobias, and hypnosis in facilitating clinical treatment of injections....show more content...When introduced to in vivo exposure the patients showed an increase of PTSD symptoms (Handley, Salkovskis, Ehlers, 2008). When performing the study 125 people received TF CBT, and the remaining 59 received EMDR + in vivo exposure . In results there was a clear sign of reduction in mild travel anxiety with up to 7.3 sessions. Although, there were found that one treatment would be more beneficial than the other in terms of reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD. Overall the signs of Travel Phobia and anxiety were reduced in both methods of treatments giving the researchers plenty of evidence for being successful in a trauma focused treatment plan.
The study case of children phobia is not like others present before it, this case suggests that that to decrease a phobia is should be multi method, multi informant, and developmentally sensitive. Another aspect that differs from others is that it w
This document provides an overview of psychology as a discipline. It discusses:
1) Psychology's roots in philosophers like Aristotle and the founding of experimental psychology by Wundt.
2) Key ideas in psychology like critical thinking and the biopsychosocial model of behavior.
3) How psychologists use the scientific method to ask and answer questions through description, correlation, and experimentation.
4) Major perspectives and subfields in contemporary psychology.
Searching class conducted on March 23, 2010 for the graduate students in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario.
1) The document discusses a presentation given by clinical librarians to medical staff about finding medical evidence in the neonatal intensive care unit.
2) It provides an overview of library services available from both hospital and university libraries and how to access full text articles off-site using the proxy server.
3) The presentation demonstrates how to effectively search PubMed, including using clinical queries and filters, to find relevant research studies to answer clinical questions.
This document summarizes four major biomedical databases: PubMed, Embase, Web of Knowledge, and Scopus. It provides information on the number of records in each database, years of coverage, subject areas, search features, and tips for effective searching. The document also provides an example of developing search terms for the topic "Is CBT effective for teenagers with eating disorders?". Key details are extracted to formulate searches using Boolean logic and synonyms. Searching techniques and getting help from librarians are also advised.
How to search for literature - Lecture at Forskning ved fj脱ra, Holmsbu May 2015Hilde Str淡mme
This document outlines four steps for searching literature: 1) Formulate a question using PICO, 2) Choose sources to search, 3) Prepare a search strategy, and 4) Review results and revise the strategy if needed. It provides guidance on using PICO to organize terms and choosing relevant articles. Key tips include using synonyms when searching, combining terms with Boolean operators, and refining searches with filters or limits to reduce overly broad results. The goal is to conduct a systematic and thorough literature search.
This document provides guidance on how to conduct a systematic search in PubMed to identify relevant studies for a systematic review. It discusses developing a focused research question, identifying subject headings and keywords, constructing a search strategy, running the search in PubMed, applying filters, and exporting references to a citation manager. The document also provides an overview of systematic reviews and reviews each step of the systematic search process in detail with examples.
Stress and Immune Dysfunction Related to Diseases.docxwrite31
The document discusses how stress can impact immune function and influence chronic diseases. It provides an assignment for students to research the relationship between depression, immune dysfunction, and how stress affects immunity for a selected disease. The assignment requires choosing a disease from the list provided, finding 3 articles on depression/immune dysfunction relationships for that disease, and explaining how stress influences immunity for it. The document provides optional reading materials and recommends reviewing specific sources from prior weeks.
This document provides resources for clinical reasoning exercises for psychiatry clerks. It discusses formulating clinical research questions using the PICO framework and identifying relevant databases for searching. It also covers applying basic criteria to appraise evidence quality, such as publication type, sample size, methodology. Contact information is provided for the librarian as a resource for more information on search strategies, citation styles, and databases.
S. Sherrill - General Psychology - Chapter 1 (M1) Spring 2016sjbrabham
The document provides an overview of key concepts from an introductory psychology course, including:
1) It outlines three course modules focused on understanding human behavior, development, and applying psychology.
2) Key areas of psychology are defined, such as cognitive, developmental, and social psychology.
3) The history and origins of psychology are summarized, from early philosophers to the founders of modern approaches like structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism.
4) The differences between related fields like psychology and psychiatry are clarified.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in psychology including:
- The history and development of psychology from its philosophical roots to modern approaches like behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and humanism.
- The main fields of specialization within psychology like cognitive, developmental, social, and clinical psychology.
- Common research methods used in psychology like surveys, observation, and experimentation.
- Important figures who shaped the field like Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud, John Watson, and humanistic psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that affects 1-3% of the population equally among males and females. Sigmund Freud believed that OCD stemmed from issues with potty training as a child. Therapists now use various approaches including trait, biological, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, and exposure response prevention to understand and treat OCD. Treatment focuses on helping clients gain self-esteem and reduce anxiety when confronting obsessive thoughts and compulsions.
This document provides guidance on conducting systematic literature reviews. It discusses key steps like clarifying the research question, selecting appropriate databases and search terms, developing a comprehensive search strategy, and managing references. An example search strategy is also included that explores the effectiveness of advice to rest in bed versus staying active for acute low back pain and sciatica.
This document provides instructions for using Rayyan, a web-based tool for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It outlines the key features and functions of Rayyan including how to create a new review project, upload reference sets from reference managers, invite collaborators, start screening references, resolve duplicates, and export results. The summary highlights the main workflow steps in Rayyan for organizing literature screening projects.
This document provides instructions for importing references from multiple databases into Zotero and deduplicating the references. It recommends preparing files for import, naming files with database and number of results. It then explains how to import files into separate folders in Zotero, copy all references to a main folder, and select all to check the total matches the main folder. It details how to duplicate items and select fields to simplify deduplication, merging obvious duplicates first before harder ones. It provides tips for comparing references like DOIs, abstracts, titles, and item types when deduplicating.
This document provides an overview of the process for conducting a systematic review, from developing a research question to searching for relevant literature and screening results. It discusses formulating the research question into searchable terms and concepts, using different search techniques and databases to maximize sensitivity and specificity. Iterative searching is emphasized to refine search strategies. The importance of documenting search strategies for reproducibility is also highlighted.
This document summarizes the process of conducting a systematic literature review. It discusses developing a focused research question, translating it into searchable concepts and terms. It covers systematically searching relevant databases, screening results, and assessing studies for inclusion. The goals are to improve reproducibility, reduce bias, and balance search sensitivity and specificity. Working with a librarian can help challenge assumptions and formulations, leverage knowledge of database syntax, and produce a reproducible search strategy.
This document discusses systematic reviews and the benefits of collaborating with librarians on such reviews. It provides an overview of the systematic review process, from developing a research question to searching databases and screening results. The document notes that librarians can help with developing effective search strategies, managing workflows, assessing quality, and reproducing searches. Several references are also provided that discuss librarian contributions to the systematic review process.
This document provides information and guidance to first-year students on researching literature for their studies in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. It discusses the importance of being an information literate student who can determine the scope of needed information, locate the information, evaluate and process it, and use it ethically. Tips are provided on evaluating different sources of information, including books, journal articles, and primary sources. Search techniques are also covered, such as using keywords, searching multiple fields, and applying limits.
The document provides information to first-year students in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology about how to evaluate information sources. It discusses evaluating academic and scientific sources based on factors like the author, intended audience, reference list, content and timeliness. Non-academic sources can be used for illustration or when they provide primary sources or indicate social relevance. The document encourages combining search terms with Boolean operators like OR and AND to broaden searches and increase results when too few are initially found. It also suggests searching different fields and using synonyms to expand search results.
This document provides an overview of a library instruction session for first-year students at UPvA on finding scholarly information. It discusses what constitutes scholarly information, search strategies like using keywords and limiting searches based on aspects like peer review. It provides examples of databases like PsycINFO and Web of Science for finding articles, and how to broaden searches by using synonyms or combining search terms with OR. Practical tips are also given for citation tracking and finding different resource types like books.
This document provides information about searching for literature on the topic of snake phobia. It includes an abstract of a research article on the effect of feared animal stimuli on attention. Key concepts and subject headings related to the topic are also listed. The document discusses using search terms like "snake phobia", "snake fear", and "ophidiophobia" to search for literature on the topic and combining terms with Boolean operators like OR to broaden search results. It also provides tips for narrowing searches using limits and finding additional sources through citation searching.
CARDS: de praktijk: ondersteuning bij opslag van onderzoeksdatajstaaks
Presentatie Janneke Staaks. Tijdens conferentie over onderzoeksdata universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam.
Zie ook: http://ubaeinfo.wordpress.com/2011/12/07/conferentie-over-onderzoeksdata-op-15-december-in-de-ub/
Omschrijving conferentie: Onderzoeksdatamanagement is een belangrijk thema voor de komende jaren. Tijdens de conferentie worden projecten bij de UB rond onderzoeksdata en de rol van informatiespecialisten toegelicht. De opslag van onderzoeksdata is bij een aantal pilots gekoppeld aan de samenwerkings- en communicatieomgeving van de UvA (UvA Communities) en zijn daarmee de voorloper van de Virtuele Research Environments (VREs). Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op de plannen van SURF rond onderzoeksdata
2. Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
Bron: Laikas Medlibblog
o.a. Medline, PsycINFO
o.a. Cochrane Library
o.a. BMJ
o.a. NHG standaarden
o.a. TRIP database
3. Disclaimer
Repliceerbaarheid en transparantie
Vind ik alles?
A specificity of 100% means that the test
recognizes all actual positives
A sensitivity of 100% means that the test
recognizes all actual negatives
7. You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
9. Abstract Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal
stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on
attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders)
faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition,
spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared
stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and
neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no
significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the
fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the
attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider
fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more
generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli. (PsycINFO Database
Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
Key Concepts animal specific fears, attention measures, emotion measures, fear relevant
stimuli, feared animal stimuli
*Emotional Responses
Snake Phobia
12. Algemeen - specifiek
ethnic minority or Asian
Synoniemen en gerelateerde termen
social phobia or social anxiety or blushing
Major Depressive Disorder or MDD
behavior or behaviour
fertility or infertility
Zoektermen genereren
14. child behavio?r
vindt zowel behavior als behaviour
fear* ADJ3 speak* vindt ook:
speaking fears
fearful of speaking
fear of public speaking
public speaking fear
speakers subjective fear
Slimmer zoeken
15. child behavio?r
vindt zowel behavior als behaviour
fear* ADJ2 speak* vindt ook:
speaking fears
fearful of speaking
fear of public speaking
public speaking fear
speakers subjective fear
Slimmer zoeken
16. Test je hypotheses
snake fear 54
snake fear
snake AND fear
famil* 295.000
family OR families 253.000
1 NOT 2
3 NOT 1
17. Tip zoektermen genereren
snake phobia 107
snake fear 54
Ophidiophobia 293
3 NOT (1 OR 2) 213
Hiermee vind je artikelen die wel over slangenfobie gaan (want trefwoord)
maar niet de vrije teksttermen bevatten die je tot nu toe gebruikt hebt
18. Abstract Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal
stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on
attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders)
faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition,
spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared
stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and
neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no
significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the
fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the
attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider
fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more
generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli. (PsycINFO Database
Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
Key Concepts animal specific fears, attention measures, emotion measures, fear relevant
stimuli, feared animal stimuli
*Emotional Responses
Snake Phobia
snake fear.ti,ab,id.
19. Difference severity of depression between securely
versus insecurely attached children
PsycINFO 1.745 titels
Medline 504 titels
ERIC 176 titels
Cochrane 115 titels
20. (beck* depression inventory OR BDI).ti,ab,id,tm.
(depress* OR affective).tm.
Voorbeeld zoekopdracht
21. You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
Depression AND AND
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
22. You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
Depression Diabetes RCT & SR
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
23. You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
336 titles
213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
24. Databases
(geestelijke) gezondheidszorg
Medline, Embase, PsycINFO
CINAHL, Sportdiscus, Pilots
Cochrane Library
ERIC, Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
Sociological Abstracts, Campbell library
25. OvidSP
Omzetten naar andere zoeksystemen
Ophidiophobia/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
(MH "Ophidiophobia") OR TI "snake fear"
OR AB "snake fear"
SU.EXACT("Ophidiophobia") OR
TI ("snake fear") OR AB ("snake fear")
Ophidiophobia[mh] OR "snake fear"[tiab]
26. PsycINFO
Omzetten naar andere databases
Ophidiophobia/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
Phobic disorders/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
27. Nieuwe woorden
Steekproef met artikelen
Hulp nodig?
Hulpfunctie database
UB handleidingen en demos
28. Aanvullende zoektechnieken
Citation tracking
Web of Science, Scopus
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Hand searching journals
Pubmed reminer
Consulting experts
38. Prisma statement: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Cochrane Handbook
Sampson M., McGowana J., Cogob E., Grimshaw J., Moher D.,
Lefebvre C. (2009) An evidence-based practice guideline for the
peer review of electronic search strategies. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology. 62(9) 944-952
#11: Range: tussen de 361 en 846 resultatenVoorbeeld: reading
#25: ERIC: altijd veel ruis. Komt door grijze literatuur (peer review limit gebruiken!). Wel handig op gebied van onderwijskunde, zeker ivm thesaurusMedline: ik gebruik de in process-versie. Omdat ik meestal zowel PsycINFO als ERIC gebruik is het makkelijker om in dezelfde interface te blijven (vooral mbt mijn klanten)EMBASE: bijna altijd nuttige aanvulling. Ik ga alleen naar het AMC als daar een goeie reden voor is (mneuropees onderzoek). Op gebied van psychologische onderwerpen betere thesaurus dan MedlineCINAHL: aardige aanvulling tot nu toe. Viel niet tegen (search licht therapie en slaapstoornissen)LLBA: vreselijk omdat het de Proquest interface betrof, thesaurus zeer gebruiksonvriendelijk en lang niet zo goed ontsloten als PsycINFO, Medline etc. Sociological Abstracts: zie LLBA + In onderwijssetting stelt sociological abstracts vaak teleur omdat ze belangrijke werken lijken te missen. Dit komt denk ik deels door de gedeelde markt met SocINDEX en IBSS. Daarnaast wordt SA slechts maandelijks geupdate en bevat het krap 1 miljoen titels. Wat wel goed bevalt (en waarvoor ik het ook gebruik) is het genereren van zoektermen.EPPI: Marike?
#37: Let op: je blijft zelf verantwoordelijk voor de correctheid van je referenties. Refworks en zoekmachines kunnen dit niet geheel foutloos.