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Systematisch zoeken voor
Systematic Reviews
Janneke Staaks, j.staaks@uva.nl
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
Bron: Laikas Medlibblog
o.a. Medline, PsycINFO
o.a. Cochrane Library
o.a. BMJ
o.a. NHG standaarden
o.a. TRIP database
 Repliceerbaarheid en transparantie
 Vind ik alles?
 A specificity of 100% means that the test
recognizes all actual positives
 A sensitivity of 100% means that the test
recognizes all actual negatives
 Onderzoeksvraag en/of protocol
 Cochrane library
Medline/Pubmed 530 titels
PsycINFO 238 titels
Cinahl 108 titels
Cochrane 24 titels
Embase 958 titels
Parenting Stress of Parents with children with Epilepsy
+ 516
+ 88
+ 33
Retrieved May 24, 2012 with Anna Ridderinkhof
+ 8
ERIC CINAHL PsycINFO Embase Medline
You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
Abstract Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal
stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on
attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders)
faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition,
spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared
stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and
neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no
significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the
fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the
attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider
fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more
generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli. (PsycINFO Database
Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
Key Concepts animal specific fears, attention measures, emotion measures, fear relevant
stimuli, feared animal stimuli
*Emotional Responses
Snake Phobia
snake phobia 107
snake fear 54
Ophidiophobia 293
overlap (1 OR 2 OR 3) 368
Je zoekt altijd met..
 vrije tekstwoorden (title, abstract)
 snake fear.ti,ab.
 Algemeen - specifiek
 ethnic minority or Asian
 Synoniemen en gerelateerde termen
 social phobia or social anxiety or blushing
 Major Depressive Disorder or MDD
 behavior or behaviour
 fertility or infertility
Zoektermen genereren
Slimmer zoeken
 child behavio?r
 vindt zowel behavior als behaviour
 fear* ADJ3 speak* vindt ook:
 speaking fears
 fearful of speaking
 fear of public speaking
 public speaking fear
 speakers subjective fear
Slimmer zoeken
 child behavio?r
 vindt zowel behavior als behaviour
 fear* ADJ2 speak* vindt ook:
 speaking fears
 fearful of speaking
 fear of public speaking
 public speaking fear
 speakers subjective fear
Slimmer zoeken
Test je hypotheses
snake fear 54
snake fear
snake AND fear
famil* 295.000
family OR families 253.000
1 NOT 2
3 NOT 1
Tip zoektermen genereren
snake phobia 107
snake fear 54
Ophidiophobia 293
3 NOT (1 OR 2) 213
Hiermee vind je artikelen die wel over slangenfobie gaan (want trefwoord)
maar niet de vrije teksttermen bevatten die je tot nu toe gebruikt hebt
Abstract Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal
stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on
attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders)
faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition,
spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared
stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and
neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no
significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the
fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the
attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider
fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more
generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli. (PsycINFO Database
Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
Key Concepts animal specific fears, attention measures, emotion measures, fear relevant
stimuli, feared animal stimuli
*Emotional Responses
Snake Phobia
snake fear.ti,ab,id.
Difference severity of depression between securely
versus insecurely attached children
PsycINFO 1.745 titels
Medline 504 titels
ERIC 176 titels
Cochrane 115 titels
(beck* depression inventory OR BDI).ti,ab,id,tm.
(depress* OR affective).tm.
Voorbeeld zoekopdracht
You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
Depression AND AND
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
Depression Diabetes RCT & SR
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
You searched a database and found far too
few results. How can you broaden your
search and increase the search results?
Choose the three right answers from the
A. Add search terms and combine with AND.
B. Search more fields, for example "words in
C. Limit to the most recent publications.
D. Combine the search terms with OR.
E. Use different search terms, for example
336 titles
213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder
(..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
 (geestelijke) gezondheidszorg
 Medline, Embase, PsycINFO
 CINAHL, Sportdiscus, Pilots
 Cochrane Library
 ERIC, Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
 Sociological Abstracts, Campbell library
Omzetten naar andere zoeksystemen
Ophidiophobia/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
(MH "Ophidiophobia") OR TI "snake fear"
OR AB "snake fear"
SU.EXACT("Ophidiophobia") OR
TI ("snake fear") OR AB ("snake fear")
Ophidiophobia[mh] OR "snake fear"[tiab]
Omzetten naar andere databases
Ophidiophobia/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
Phobic disorders/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
 Nieuwe woorden
 Steekproef met artikelen
 Hulp nodig?
 Hulpfunctie database
 UB handleidingen en demos
Aanvullende zoektechnieken
 Citation tracking
 Web of Science, Scopus
 Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
 Hand searching journals
 Pubmed reminer
 Consulting experts
Systematisch Zoeken voor Systematic Reviews
NB. Dit is een voorbeeld en niet het Refworks account van Linda en Nikki
Systematisch Zoeken voor Systematic Reviews
Systematisch Zoeken voor Systematic Reviews
Systematisch Zoeken voor Systematic Reviews
Systematisch Zoeken voor Systematic Reviews
of www.uba.uva.nl > diensten
 schrijven en publiceren of
 cursussen en workshops
Prisma statement: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Cochrane Handbook
Sampson M., McGowana J., Cogob E., Grimshaw J., Moher D.,
Lefebvre C. (2009) An evidence-based practice guideline for the
peer review of electronic search strategies. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology. 62(9) 944-952

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Systematisch Zoeken voor Systematic Reviews

  • 1. Systematisch zoeken voor Systematic Reviews Janneke Staaks, j.staaks@uva.nl Universiteitsbibliotheek
  • 2. Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Bron: Laikas Medlibblog o.a. Medline, PsycINFO o.a. Cochrane Library o.a. BMJ o.a. NHG standaarden o.a. TRIP database
  • 3. Disclaimer Repliceerbaarheid en transparantie Vind ik alles? A specificity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual positives Ruis? A sensitivity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual negatives
  • 4. Voorbereiding Onderzoeksvraag en/of protocol Kernbegrippen Zoektermen Artikelen Zoekstrategie谷n Cochrane library
  • 5. Medline/Pubmed 530 titels PsycINFO 238 titels Cinahl 108 titels Cochrane 24 titels Embase 958 titels Parenting Stress of Parents with children with Epilepsy + 516 + 88 + 33 Retrieved May 24, 2012 with Anna Ridderinkhof + 8 EMBASE Medline P
  • 7. You searched a database and found far too few results. How can you broaden your search and increase the search results? Choose the three right answers from the following. A. Add search terms and combine with AND. B. Search more fields, for example "words in abstract". C. Limit to the most recent publications. D. Combine the search terms with OR. E. Use different search terms, for example synonyms. RCT & SR Diabetes Depression Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder (..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
  • 9. Abstract Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders) faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition, spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract) Key Concepts animal specific fears, attention measures, emotion measures, fear relevant stimuli, feared animal stimuli Subject Headings *Emotional Responses *Fear *Ophidiophobia *Stimulation Attention Snake Phobia
  • 10. snake phobia 107 snake fear 54 Ophidiophobia 293 overlap (1 OR 2 OR 3) 368 Zoektermen
  • 11. Je zoekt altijd met.. trefwoorden Ophidiophobia/ vrije tekstwoorden (title, abstract) snake fear.ti,ab.
  • 12. Algemeen - specifiek ethnic minority or Asian Synoniemen en gerelateerde termen social phobia or social anxiety or blushing Afkortingen Major Depressive Disorder or MDD Spellingsvarianten behavior or behaviour Tegenovergestelde fertility or infertility Zoektermen genereren
  • 14. child behavio?r vindt zowel behavior als behaviour fear* ADJ3 speak* vindt ook: speaking fears fearful of speaking fear of public speaking public speaking fear speakers subjective fear Slimmer zoeken
  • 15. child behavio?r vindt zowel behavior als behaviour fear* ADJ2 speak* vindt ook: speaking fears fearful of speaking fear of public speaking public speaking fear speakers subjective fear Slimmer zoeken
  • 16. Test je hypotheses snake fear 54 snake fear snake AND fear famil* 295.000 family OR families 253.000 1 NOT 2 #2 #1 zoek term 54 387 3 NOT 1
  • 17. Tip zoektermen genereren snake phobia 107 snake fear 54 Ophidiophobia 293 3 NOT (1 OR 2) 213 Hiermee vind je artikelen die wel over slangenfobie gaan (want trefwoord) maar niet de vrije teksttermen bevatten die je tot nu toe gebruikt hebt
  • 18. Abstract Using a visual search methodology we investigated the effect of feared animal stimuli on attention. Our results confirmed the important role of emotion on attention. All participants detected fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders) faster than neutral (mushrooms) ones against a background of fruits. In addition, spider fearful participants were sensitized specifically to detect their feared stimulus (spiders), compared to their fear-relevant but non-feared (snakes) and neutral stimuli. However, for participants fearful of snakes there was no significant difference in detection latencies between the feared (snakes) and the fear-relevant but non-feared animal stimuli (spiders). The results from the attention task were mirrored in the emotional ratings, which showed that spider fear was highly specific, whereas snake fear was associated with a more generalized enhanced evaluation of all negative stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract) Key Concepts animal specific fears, attention measures, emotion measures, fear relevant stimuli, feared animal stimuli Subject Headings *Emotional Responses *Fear *Ophidiophobia *Stimulation Attention Snake Phobia snake fear.ti,ab,id.
  • 19. Difference severity of depression between securely versus insecurely attached children PsycINFO 1.745 titels Medline 504 titels ERIC 176 titels Cochrane 115 titels
  • 20. (beck* depression inventory OR BDI).ti,ab,id,tm. maar (depress* OR affective).tm. Voorbeeld zoekopdracht onderzoekinstrumenten PsycINFO
  • 21. You searched a database and found far too few results. How can you broaden your search and increase the search results? Choose the three right answers from the following. A. Add search terms and combine with AND. B. Search more fields, for example "words in abstract". C. Limit to the most recent publications. D. Combine the search terms with OR. E. Use different search terms, for example synonyms. RCT & SR Diabetes Depression AND AND Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder (..) in patients with diabetes mellitus 213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
  • 22. You searched a database and found far too few results. How can you broaden your search and increase the search results? Choose the three right answers from the following. A. Add search terms and combine with AND. B. Search more fields, for example "words in abstract". C. Limit to the most recent publications. D. Combine the search terms with OR. E. Use different search terms, for example synonyms. Depression Diabetes RCT & SR Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder (..) in patients with diabetes mellitus 213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles
  • 23. You searched a database and found far too few results. How can you broaden your search and increase the search results? Choose the three right answers from the following. A. Add search terms and combine with AND. B. Search more fields, for example "words in abstract". C. Limit to the most recent publications. D. Combine the search terms with OR. E. Use different search terms, for example synonyms. RCT & SR Depression Diabetes 336 titles 213.000 titles 17.000 titles 165.000 titles Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder (..) in patients with diabetes mellitus
  • 24. Databases (geestelijke) gezondheidszorg Medline, Embase, PsycINFO CINAHL, Sportdiscus, Pilots Cochrane Library Onderwijs ERIC, Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) EPPI Sociologie Sociological Abstracts, Campbell library
  • 25. OvidSP EBSCO Proquest Pubmed Omzetten naar andere zoeksystemen Ophidiophobia/ OR snake fear.ti,ab. (MH "Ophidiophobia") OR TI "snake fear" OR AB "snake fear" SU.EXACT("Ophidiophobia") OR TI ("snake fear") OR AB ("snake fear") Ophidiophobia[mh] OR "snake fear"[tiab]
  • 26. PsycINFO Medline Omzetten naar andere databases Ophidiophobia/ OR snake fear.ti,ab. Phobic disorders/ OR snake fear.ti,ab.
  • 27. Nieuwe woorden Steekproef met artikelen Hulp nodig? Hulpfunctie database UB handleidingen en demos Uitproberen Janneke Aandachtspunten
  • 28. Aanvullende zoektechnieken Citation tracking Web of Science, Scopus Systematic reviews and meta-analyses Hand searching journals Pubmed reminer Consulting experts
  • 31. NB. Dit is een voorbeeld en niet het Refworks account van Linda en Nikki
  • 37. www.refworks.com of www.uba.uva.nl > diensten schrijven en publiceren of cursussen en workshops
  • 38. Prisma statement: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses http://www.prisma-statement.org/ Cochrane Handbook http://handbook.cochrane.org/ Sampson M., McGowana J., Cogob E., Grimshaw J., Moher D., Lefebvre C. (2009) An evidence-based practice guideline for the peer review of electronic search strategies. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 62(9) 944-952 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.10.012 Achtergrondliteratuur

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Na ontdubbelen: 1.220 unieke titels
  • #7: DatabaseRecordsERIC1,300,000CINAHL2,600,000PsycINFO3,300,000Embase20,000,000Medline21,000,000
  • #11: Range: tussen de 361 en 846 resultatenVoorbeeld: reading
  • #25: ERIC: altijd veel ruis. Komt door grijze literatuur (peer review limit gebruiken!). Wel handig op gebied van onderwijskunde, zeker ivm thesaurusMedline: ik gebruik de in process-versie. Omdat ik meestal zowel PsycINFO als ERIC gebruik is het makkelijker om in dezelfde interface te blijven (vooral mbt mijn klanten)EMBASE: bijna altijd nuttige aanvulling. Ik ga alleen naar het AMC als daar een goeie reden voor is (mneuropees onderzoek). Op gebied van psychologische onderwerpen betere thesaurus dan MedlineCINAHL: aardige aanvulling tot nu toe. Viel niet tegen (search licht therapie en slaapstoornissen)LLBA: vreselijk omdat het de Proquest interface betrof, thesaurus zeer gebruiksonvriendelijk en lang niet zo goed ontsloten als PsycINFO, Medline etc. Sociological Abstracts: zie LLBA + In onderwijssetting stelt sociological abstracts vaak teleur omdat ze belangrijke werken lijken te missen. Dit komt denk ik deels door de gedeelde markt met SocINDEX en IBSS. Daarnaast wordt SA slechts maandelijks geupdate en bevat het krap 1 miljoen titels. Wat wel goed bevalt (en waarvoor ik het ook gebruik) is het genereren van zoektermen.EPPI: Marike?
  • #37: Let op: je blijft zelf verantwoordelijk voor de correctheid van je referenties. Refworks en zoekmachines kunnen dit niet geheel foutloos.