These are the slides from a talk I gave to the TechStars Cloud class of 2015 in Feb. I cover agility, cooperative cultures, monitoring/awareness and loosely coupled services.
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Modern Systems Development talk for TechStars Cloud 2015
2. Manifesto for Agile Software Development
We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.
5. Rise of Determinism
Newtons Principia
Laws of physics are universal
The world is mechanistic, material and mathematical
Laplaces Demon
Careful measurement of current conditions
Understanding of the laws that drive the world
Sufficient computing power to find the truth
Basis for much of science for the next 400 years
14. Implications
Laplaces Demon may still be theoretically possible
Careful measurement of current conditions
Understanding of the laws that drive the world
Sufficient computing power to find the truth
However it could also be risky to bet on it
Chaotic determinism
Sensitive dependence on measurements
Be ready for the unexpected
The fastest to adapt usually wins. Speed matters.
26. Barriers to Cooperation
Dont know what to do (share knowledge)
Dont know how to do it (share culture)
Cant gauge progress (measure it)
Cant see who is responsible (automate it)
- Theory of Cooperation, John Willis and Damon Edwards
27. Theory of Cooperation
Culture (of communication and discipline)
Automation (superhuman scale and speed)
Measurement (bringing verification and certainty)
Sharing (to enable a rapidly growing community to the bar
- Theory of Cooperation, John Willis and Damon Edwards
28. Communication
Single ticket queue
Always on chat room
Daily stand ups
Semi-weekly planning
Every six month hack week
31. Summary
Building modern web services requires new approaches
Speed. Speed. Speed.
Constant evaluation from diverse inputs
Always plan for change
Culture must intentionally be built to support these goals
32. Final Thoughts
Dont try and do all the things
Do something now vs. plan for perfect later
Take time thinking about the ideal
Take pragmatic steps everyday that are on the path