This document discusses a daily hot meal for students that includes a main dish, diet option, and vegetarian dish. It also mentions additional offerings are available.
This document provides information about a daily hot meal for students. It includes a vegetarian meal option and additional offerings are available. The website listed also provides gourmet dining options.
This document discusses a daily hot meal for students that includes a main dish, diet option, and vegetarian dish. It also mentions additional offerings are available.
This document discusses providing a daily hot meal for students, including options for vegetarian meals. It also mentions additional offerings that could supplement the daily meals.
This document discusses the daily hot meal provided to students, including an basic meal option, single-item options, dietary options, and a vegetarian meal. It also mentions additional food items available beyond the core offerings.
This document discusses the daily hot meal provided to students, including the basic meal, vegetarian options, and special diets. It outlines the standard lunch offered as well as alternatives for vegetarians and those with dietary restrictions.
This document provides information about a daily hot meal for students. It includes a vegetarian meal option and additional offerings are available. The website listed also provides gourmet dining options.
This document discusses a daily hot meal for students that includes a main dish, diet option, and vegetarian dish. It also mentions additional offerings are available.
This document discusses providing a daily hot meal for students, including options for vegetarian meals. It also mentions additional offerings that could supplement the daily meals.
This document discusses the daily hot meal provided to students, including an basic meal option, single-item options, dietary options, and a vegetarian meal. It also mentions additional food items available beyond the core offerings.
This document discusses the daily hot meal provided to students, including the basic meal, vegetarian options, and special diets. It outlines the standard lunch offered as well as alternatives for vegetarians and those with dietary restrictions.
1. Srednja zdravstvena in kozmetina 邸ola Maribor
in sladkosnedne
za lacne
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
in sladkosnedne
za lacne
3. in sladkosnedne
za lacne
V primeru, da ni mogoe zagotoviti ustreznih 転ivil, si pridr転ujemo pravico spremeniti jedilnik.
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
in sladkosnedne
za lacne
5. in sladkosnedne
za lacne
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
6. Srednja zdravstvena in kozmetina 邸ola Maribor
in sladkosnedne
za lacne
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
7. V primeru, da ni mogoe zagotoviti ustreznih 転ivil, si pridr転ujemo pravico spremeniti jedilnik.
MR Commerce, Podjetje za storitve in trgovino d. o. o., Zagreb邸ka cesta 92, 2000 Maribor
Srednja zdravstvena in kozmetina 邸ola Maribor
in sladkosnedne
za lacne