Tutorial of LinkIt 7697 IoT dev board, including Arduino IDE setup, BlocklyDuino GUI, Mediatel Cloud Sandbox and how to interact throught BLE (App Inventor).
LinkIt 7697物聯網開發板教學,包含Arduino IDE、BlocklyDuino圖形化介面、MCS雲服務以及使用 App Inventor 進行 BLE 互動.
Power by CAVEDU Education http://www.cavedu.com;
App Inventor TW http://www.appinventor.tw
introduction of LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and MCS basics. Contents includes environments setup (Arduino IDE and Web UI); SSH log in; How to program nodejs and python on 7688; Mediatek Cloud Snadbox introduction.
And finally let your 7688 duo interact with MCS.
More interesting: http://www.cavedu.com