Joel Grus built models to predict whether a toddler shirt is for a boy or girl based solely on images. His first model used color features, achieving 75-77% accuracy. His second model performed dimensionality reduction to find the most informative "eigenshirt" dimensions in the image space, projecting shirts into a 10-dimensional subspace and achieving 93% accuracy. Future work could analyze text on shirts or make images a uniform size/background to improve predictions.
2. About Me
Chief Scientist at VoloMetrix
Have a 2-year-old daughter
Did not take me long to discover that boys clothing is fun, girls
clothing kind of sucks
5. The Data
Downloaded image of every toddler boys and toddler girls t-shirt from
Childrens Place
Crazy 8
Gap Kids
Old Navy
616 images of boys shirts and 446 images of girls shirts
The goal: to build a model that predicts boy shirt or girl shirt just based
on the images!
6. Attempt #1: Colors
Each image is a collection of RGB pixels
There are 256 * 256 * 256 ~ 17 million possible colors (too many)
Bucket each of R, G, B into [0,85), [85,170), or [170,255)
This gives 3 * 3 * 3 = 27 possible colors
Use features does image contain at least one pixel of color j?
Train logistic regression model on 80% of shirts, test on other 20%
7. Color Model Performance
P(girl shirt | girl shirt) = 75%
P(boy shirt | boy shirt) = 77%
P(girl shirt | girl shirt) = 63%
P(boy shirt | boy shirt) = 86%
# of shirts
Confidence Score ( > 0 boy shirt, < 0 girl shirt)
10. Attempt #2: Eigenshirts
To compare images, rescale all of them to 138 x 138
Chose this size because many were 138 x 138 already
Others mostly bigger
Using R, G, B as coordinates for each pixel, think of each image as a
point in 138 * 138 * 3 = 57,132-dimensional space
Obviously, with 57k features and only 1,000 shirts, this will overfit
Use dimensionality reduction to find the 10 most interesting
dimensions, project shirts into 10-d subspace, build model there
Each subspace dimension determines a (Platonic ideal) eigenshirt
16. Future Directions
Look at text on shirt (but too lazy to transcribe it)
Try to make images same size / background color
Build model to predict how fun a shirt is (but will require tedious
17. More info
Code (but not data) is on
Two blog posts on, both linked from the github README
(or Google them, they have the same title as this talk)
Follow me on twitter: @joelgrus