This document provides instructions for creating a stack-bar graph in Excel to visualize inequality over time across different sectors. It outlines obtaining individual Theil inequality components, transposing a matrix with sectors in rows and years in columns, sorting the sectors from largest to smallest in the base year, and using Excel's sorting and charting tools to generate the final stack-bar graph with sectors in columns and years in rows.
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1. Measuring Inequality A practical workshop On theory and technique San Jose, Costa Rica August 4 -5, 2004
3. By James K. Galbraith and Enrique Garcilazo The University of Texas Inequality Project Session 6
4. Outline Obtain the individual between Theil components Create a Matrix Sectors in rows Years in columns Change to a new matrix with transpose command under paste special options we obtain: Sectors in columns Years in rows Sort sectors (with sort command) left to right from larger to smaller in base year (last year) Use histogram graph