The document discusses whether punishments for crimes should be fixed or take into account individual circumstances. Some argue fixed punishments ensure equal treatment, but others counter that motivations differ and circumstances must be considered, such as crimes of self-defense. The author believes punishments should depend on the specific situation in which the crime occurred.
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1. Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Other, however,
argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should
always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
P1: the differences
P2: same level of damage on crime.
Whether or not to apply the same punishment for the same crime is a hotly debated question. It is the
considered opinion of this writer that the punishment should depend on the situation when crimes are
Advocates of the idea same punishments should be applied for each type of crime point to the fact
thateveryone should be treated the same regardless of rich or poor. It is vital to grasp the fact that when
each crime has its penalty, there is no lawyers needed and no discussion nor arguments on the crime.
One must not forget that sometimes rich people pay a lot of money to get the lower punishment or to
quit of their offences. Under these conditions, the regrettable reality is that the system is not fair.
Proponents of the view that the circumstances and motivation should be taken into account rely on
several factors must come together for a crime to occur to make their case. It must be pointed out that
sometimes people are forced to commit a crime such as murder due to reason like self-defence. While
others had a clear motivation to offend,
Thereby, one can see that
It is for reasons of that this writer opposes . While This situation stems from the fact that