1) Theoretical physics theories are more valid if they can predict new phenomena that can be tested, rather than just explaining existing phenomena.
2) The document presents three examples from network science that demonstrate both explanation and prediction: (i) predicting epidemic spreading, (ii) predicting abrupt breakdown of interconnected networks, and (iii) predicting El Ni単o events.
3) Research on coupled networks found that the robustness of interconnected networks decreases abruptly rather than continuously as networks become more complex, moving from a second-order transition to a first-order transition with cascading failures.
This document discusses the differences between explanatory modeling and predictive modeling in statistical analysis. Explanatory modeling in social sciences aims to test causal theories by developing statistical models based on theoretical constructs. The goal is explanatory power rather than prediction. Predictive modeling develops models for accurately predicting new observations without necessarily understanding the underlying causes. While explanatory models can have predictive value by checking relevance and predictability, explanatory power does not guarantee predictive power. The document argues for incorporating predictive modeling more in social sciences research to strengthen theories and make predictions.
The document discusses targeted Bayesian network learning (TBNL) and its application to predicting criminal suspects. It compares TBNL to traditional Bayesian network learning approaches, noting that TBNL aims to maximize the amount of information learned about a specific target variable rather than the entire distribution. The document provides examples of TBNL outperforming naive Bayes and tree-augmented networks on several datasets by exploiting correlations between attributes and the target more effectively for prediction tasks. It also analyzes the differential complexity of TBNL versus traditional explanatory models.
O documento discute o papel do CIO no processo de inova巽達o nas empresas. Apresenta os principais desafios enfrentados pelos CIOs, como equilibrar a necessidade de controle com a cria巽達o e experimenta巽達o, al辿m de lidar com mentalidades resistentes mudan巽a. Tamb辿m discute a import但ncia de se criar um fluxo cont鱈nuo de experimentos e oportunidades para gerar inova巽探es.
Este documento describe los conceptos fundamentales de la relaci坦n y coordinaci坦n. Explica que los humanos podemos responder a est鱈mulos externos e internos a trav辿s de nuestros sentidos y sistema nervioso. Describe los principales componentes del sistema nervioso como las neuronas, sistema nervioso central y perif辿rico, y c坦mo procesan la informaci坦n sensorial para generar respuestas musculares y glandulares coordinadas.
El documento resume las principales normas vigentes relacionadas con los servicios p炭blicos domiciliarios de acueducto y alcantarillado, aseo, gas natural y energ鱈a el辿ctrica en Colombia. Describe los decretos y resoluciones clave que regulan estos servicios y establecen sus estructuras tarifarias. Adem叩s, explica c坦mo se calculan los cargos fijos de cada servicio p炭blico y resume los aspectos centrales del contrato de condiciones uniformes entre usuarios y operadores de redes.
O documento discute mem坦ria, tempo e representa巽達o atrav辿s de narrativas pessoais e obras de arte que utilizam a fotografia e o arquivo. Aborda como estas vis探es individuais falam da dimens達o simb坦lica do espa巽o-tempo e contribuem para uma mem坦ria coletiva.
This document advertises the EMR-IBS conference in Tel Aviv from April 22-25, 2013 on statistical methods in epidemiology and biostatistics. It provides details on registration, accommodation, pre-conference courses on FDR and survival analysis, the keynote speaker and topic, and a provisional program with parallel sessions on various statistical applications and methods. Attendees can participate in lectures, short courses, and social activities including a reception and trip to Jerusalem.
Alternative Motive Power Systems LLC owns US Trademark Registration No. 3809392 for the mark "AMPS ONBOARD" for electrical integrated control systems for use in industrial mobile equipment and motive power systems. The mark consists of standard characters and was first used in commerce on October 28, 2009. The registration is active and registered on the Principal Register.
Este documento presenta el cronograma de actividades para el M坦dulo 1 sobre Liderazgo. Los objetivos son proporcionar un marco conceptual para el ejercicio del liderazgo y mejorar la motivaci坦n del personal. Las actividades incluyen intercambios en foros virtuales, responder cuestionarios individualmente, y participar en foros y utilizar herramientas en la plataforma Moodle. La evaluaci坦n se basa en la participaci坦n en foros y la respuesta a un cuestionario.
En esta pr叩ctica, se montaron 4 diodos en la protoboard, 2 en serie y 2 en paralelo con una resistencia de 1K ohmio. Se midi坦 la tensi坦n de la resistencia con un mult鱈metro y la tensi坦n pico y frecuencia de la tensi坦n con un osciloscopio.
Kevin Alexander Lalaleo Parra naci坦 el 16 de diciembre de 1999 y es el mayor de tres hermanos. Estudia en primero de bachillerato electr坦nica "C" en la unidad educativa Atahualpa.
This document contains a report of assets belonging to a local educational management unit in Pacasmayo, Peru. It lists 51 items of furniture and equipment found at the institution, including details like the item name, acquisition date, condition, value, and area of use. The total value of all items is reported to be 3,601.94 Soles. The document provides an inventory of educational materials and supplies owned by the local school.
Big Data. Big Gifts. A Crash Course on Social Donor Management for Higher Edu...HubSpot
The document discusses how higher education institutions can leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to engage donors and identify socially engaged donors who are more likely to donate. It provides examples of how some universities are using social media and the potential to link social profiles to lifetime giving amounts. The document advocates for universities to start reporting social media metrics to leadership and to focus on building social profiles, analyzing engagement, and engaging donors through platforms like LinkedIn alumni pages and Facebook graph search.
Demokratik Kat脹l脹ml脹 Delegasyon Modeli Tart脹maya A巽脹ld脹 ve Tutanaklara Yazd脹r脹ld脹.
Doal Merkezi Delegelik ile Doal ube Deleginin toplam脹ndan ortaya 巽脹kabilecek Demokratik Doal Delege Modeli sunuldu, ve bu 旦neri bir 巽ok meslekta脹m脹z taraf脹ndan JFMO'ya 旦zel ve TMMOB i巽inde 旦zg端n bir a巽脹l脹m teklifi olarak deerlendirildi.
Doal Delegelik tan脹m脹nda deiiklik ve tabana yay脹lmas脹nda genileme ile 旦nerilen demokratik merkez y旦netim modelinin, TMMOB yasas脹na ayk脹r脹 olmad脹脹 ve TMMOB y旦netmeliklerinin bahane edilerek kesinlikle Y旦netimde Demokratikleme Taleplerinin engellenemiyecegi eklinde genel bir kanaat olutu. TMMOB'dan d旦ner diyenler i巽inde, JFMO Genel Kurulunun 端zerinde hi巽 bir g端巽 ve iradenin olamayaca脹, ve d旦nerse durumun en k旦t端 ihtimalle mahkemelik olaca脹 ifade edilerek, mevcut stat端konun savunuculuunu yapanlara cevap verildi.
Oficio contemplados redes de aprendizagemNte Guarapari
O documento informa que funcion叩rios da rede municipal de ensino de Guarapari foram selecionados para um curso de 40 horas sobre Redes de Aprendizagem do PROINFO/MEC. Os selecionados devem fazer cadastro no site do curso, aguardar valida巽達o da matr鱈cula e participar da aula inaugural no dia 11 de agosto. Qualquer d炭vida pode ser esclarecida junto coordena巽達o pedag坦gica do NTE.
This document advertises the EMR-IBS conference in Tel Aviv from April 22-25, 2013 on statistical methods in epidemiology and biostatistics. It provides details on registration, accommodation, pre-conference courses on FDR and survival analysis, the keynote speaker and topic, and a provisional program with parallel sessions on various statistical applications and methods. Attendees can participate in lectures, short courses, and social activities including a reception and trip to Jerusalem.
Alternative Motive Power Systems LLC owns US Trademark Registration No. 3809392 for the mark "AMPS ONBOARD" for electrical integrated control systems for use in industrial mobile equipment and motive power systems. The mark consists of standard characters and was first used in commerce on October 28, 2009. The registration is active and registered on the Principal Register.
Este documento presenta el cronograma de actividades para el M坦dulo 1 sobre Liderazgo. Los objetivos son proporcionar un marco conceptual para el ejercicio del liderazgo y mejorar la motivaci坦n del personal. Las actividades incluyen intercambios en foros virtuales, responder cuestionarios individualmente, y participar en foros y utilizar herramientas en la plataforma Moodle. La evaluaci坦n se basa en la participaci坦n en foros y la respuesta a un cuestionario.
En esta pr叩ctica, se montaron 4 diodos en la protoboard, 2 en serie y 2 en paralelo con una resistencia de 1K ohmio. Se midi坦 la tensi坦n de la resistencia con un mult鱈metro y la tensi坦n pico y frecuencia de la tensi坦n con un osciloscopio.
Kevin Alexander Lalaleo Parra naci坦 el 16 de diciembre de 1999 y es el mayor de tres hermanos. Estudia en primero de bachillerato electr坦nica "C" en la unidad educativa Atahualpa.
This document contains a report of assets belonging to a local educational management unit in Pacasmayo, Peru. It lists 51 items of furniture and equipment found at the institution, including details like the item name, acquisition date, condition, value, and area of use. The total value of all items is reported to be 3,601.94 Soles. The document provides an inventory of educational materials and supplies owned by the local school.
Big Data. Big Gifts. A Crash Course on Social Donor Management for Higher Edu...HubSpot
The document discusses how higher education institutions can leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to engage donors and identify socially engaged donors who are more likely to donate. It provides examples of how some universities are using social media and the potential to link social profiles to lifetime giving amounts. The document advocates for universities to start reporting social media metrics to leadership and to focus on building social profiles, analyzing engagement, and engaging donors through platforms like LinkedIn alumni pages and Facebook graph search.
Demokratik Kat脹l脹ml脹 Delegasyon Modeli Tart脹maya A巽脹ld脹 ve Tutanaklara Yazd脹r脹ld脹.
Doal Merkezi Delegelik ile Doal ube Deleginin toplam脹ndan ortaya 巽脹kabilecek Demokratik Doal Delege Modeli sunuldu, ve bu 旦neri bir 巽ok meslekta脹m脹z taraf脹ndan JFMO'ya 旦zel ve TMMOB i巽inde 旦zg端n bir a巽脹l脹m teklifi olarak deerlendirildi.
Doal Delegelik tan脹m脹nda deiiklik ve tabana yay脹lmas脹nda genileme ile 旦nerilen demokratik merkez y旦netim modelinin, TMMOB yasas脹na ayk脹r脹 olmad脹脹 ve TMMOB y旦netmeliklerinin bahane edilerek kesinlikle Y旦netimde Demokratikleme Taleplerinin engellenemiyecegi eklinde genel bir kanaat olutu. TMMOB'dan d旦ner diyenler i巽inde, JFMO Genel Kurulunun 端zerinde hi巽 bir g端巽 ve iradenin olamayaca脹, ve d旦nerse durumun en k旦t端 ihtimalle mahkemelik olaca脹 ifade edilerek, mevcut stat端konun savunuculuunu yapanlara cevap verildi.
Oficio contemplados redes de aprendizagemNte Guarapari
O documento informa que funcion叩rios da rede municipal de ensino de Guarapari foram selecionados para um curso de 40 horas sobre Redes de Aprendizagem do PROINFO/MEC. Os selecionados devem fazer cadastro no site do curso, aguardar valida巽達o da matr鱈cula e participar da aula inaugural no dia 11 de agosto. Qualquer d炭vida pode ser esclarecida junto coordena巽達o pedag坦gica do NTE.