This document provides specifications for wide flange steel shapes, including:
1) Dimensional specifications and properties like cross-sectional area, moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and modulus of section for various steel sizes.
2) Tolerances for dimensions of widths, depths, thicknesses.
3) Chemical composition and mechanical properties for different grades of steel.
4) Table of weights in kg/m and kg/12m for common hot rolled beam, wide flange, and H-beam sizes.
Fantastic tutorial, shared with us by Dario Ilardi, of, I recommend to see.
The website is in Italian, but it is full of excellent tutorials, understandable in any language.
This great tutorial, explain, step by step, how to obtain, by using vray 2.0 for sketchup, a render, clear and clean as what we see in the picture below.
Dario say : " I'm experimenting with the use of brute force as a substitute of irradiance map and I must say that in terms of speed and quality impressed me positively "
Thanks so much Dario for this one, the result is really good !
This document provides standard sectional dimensions, properties, and characteristics of wide flange (WF) steel profiles based on the Load Resistant Factor Design (LRFD) method according to Indonesian National Standard SNI 03-1729-2002. It includes the profile type, dimensions, sectional area, unit weight, elastic modulus, plastic modulus, geometrical moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and section criteria. Yield strengths of common WF steel grades are also provided.
Fantastic tutorial, shared with us by Dario Ilardi, of, I recommend to see.
The website is in Italian, but it is full of excellent tutorials, understandable in any language.
This great tutorial, explain, step by step, how to obtain, by using vray 2.0 for sketchup, a render, clear and clean as what we see in the picture below.
Dario say : " I'm experimenting with the use of brute force as a substitute of irradiance map and I must say that in terms of speed and quality impressed me positively "
Thanks so much Dario for this one, the result is really good !
The document discusses steel columns according to SNI 1729:2020. It covers several key points:
1) Steel columns are designed to carry symmetrical axial loads at their center of gravity or axial loads only. Buckling is one failure mechanism that can occur if the load exceeds the column's capacity.
2) Buckling can be local, affecting the cross-section, or global, affecting the entire column. Parameters like the cross-sectional area, length, and end conditions influence a column's buckling strength.
3) The standard provides formulas for determining the nominal axial strength of steel columns based on their cross-section geometry and potential buckling modes. Examples are given to demonstrate calculating strength for different cross
Dokumen tersebut membahas perhitungan struktur atap bangunan yang menggunakan sistem truss dengan bahan baja. Terdapat perhitungan panjang dan tegangan gording, dimensi trekstang penyangga, serta perhitungan ikatan untuk mengamankan atap dari angin.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan perencanaan struktur baja untuk rangka atap yang mencakup perhitungan beban, dimensi komponen struktur seperti gording dan trakstang, serta pengecekan kapasitas penampang untuk memastikan kekuatan struktur.
Cara Menghitung Kebutuhan Besi pada Pekerjaan Bore Pile dan Strauss PileAngga Nugraha
ditulis oleh Angga Nugraha, Lulusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan IPB.
Sebuah tulisan mengenai cara menghitung pembesian pada bore pile atau strauss pile terutama untuk bentuk sengkang / begel yang berbentuk spiral
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas perancangan balok beton bertulang untuk menopang beban hidup dan mati pada bentangan 7 meter.
2. Pembahasan meliputi penentuan momen lentur maksimum, luas penampang tulangan, dan ukuran balok yang memenuhi syarat tegangan.
3. Diberikan contoh soal perhitungan balok dan sketsa rencana balok untuk bentangan 7,5 meter dengan beban dan mutu material tertentu.
The document provides calculations for determining the required reinforcement of a concrete beam (balok) with the following information:
- Concrete compressive strength is 20 MPa
- Steel yield strength is 400 MPa
- Beam dimensions are 25cm x 40cm
- Loads include wall weight, floor finish weight, and live loads from balconies
Bending moments are calculated at different points along the beam due to the varying loads. Required steel reinforcement is then determined based on the bending moment values and reinforcement ratios from code tables. Reinforcement amounts are provided for three sections of the beam labeled A-B, B-C, and C-D.
This document provides details on the structural design of a building, including load assumptions, member dimensions, and seismic load calculations according to SNI 1726:2012. It summarizes the seismic load calculations for two orthogonal directions and evaluates the structure's capacity through pushover analysis. Plastic hinges form at various displacement steps. The document concludes with a redesign of the structure according to SRPMK seismic provisions.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum perhitungan struktur portal gable yang mencakup perhitungan dimensi gording, kombinasi beban yang meliputi beban mati, beban hidup, beban angin dan hujan, serta kontrol tegangan dan lendutan gording untuk memastikan struktur memenuhi syarat kuat lentur dan kokoh.
Dokumen tersebut membahas perhitungan penulangan kolom beton bertulang. Terdapat persyaratan penulangan kolom seperti lindungan beton minimal, rasio luas tulangan terhadap luas penampang, jumlah dan jarak tulangan memanjang serta sengkang ikat. Diberikan contoh perhitungan penentuan penampang dan penulangan kolom untuk menahan beban tekan 1500 kN dan momen 80 kNm.
penulangan kolom, balok dan plat bangunan gedungAgus Fitriyanto
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan tugas akhir mahasiswa jurusan teknik sipil yang membahas perencanaan struktur pelat beton bertulang untuk rumah tinggal 3 lantai. Laporan tersebut membahas perhitungan struktur pelat atap dan pelat lantai 1 sampai 2 dengan mempertimbangkan beban dan peraturan teknik yang berlaku.
This document provides specifications and properties for wide flange steel shapes. It includes:
- Dimensions, properties, and specifications for ASTM A6 and JIS G3192 wide flange shapes in various standard sizes.
- Information on manufacturing processes for wide flange shapes including casting, rolling, and finishing.
- Mechanical properties including minimum yield strengths and tensile strengths according to ASTM, EN, JIS, and KS standards.
- Tolerances on dimensions and shapes according to various standards.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah rencana proyek pembangunan gedung bioskop dengan menghitung beban hidup lantai dan atap, kategori risiko bangunan, tebal plat lantai, kelas situs, koefisien respon gempa, perhitungan beban tiap lantai, rencana tata letak struktur, perhitungan massa total struktur, perhitungan periode fundamental struktur, koefisien respon seismik, gaya geser dasar seismik, dan respon spektr
Dokumen tersebut membahas perencanaan struktur gording atap bangunan. Pertama, dilakukan perhitungan beban mati, hidup, air hujan dan angin yang bekerja pada dua potongan atap dengan kemiringan berbeda. Kemudian, dilakukan kombinasi pembebanan berdasarkan standar untuk mendapatkan beban terbesar yang akan digunakan dalam perencanaan. Profil baja CNP16 dipilih untuk menopang gording berdasarkan kontrol bent
This document provides specifications for various types of structural steel sections including:
- Parallel flange beams with specifications for universal beams ranging from 203x133x25 to 610x229x139.9
- Indian channels from ISMC 250x80 to ISMC 400x100
- Indian crane rail sections CR-80 and CR-100
- Parallel flange beams continued including IPEA, IPE, IPEO, NPB sections from 450x190 to 600x220
It includes dimensions, weights, properties like area, moment of inertia, section modulus and radius of gyration for each section. Delivery conditions and minimum order quantities are also specified.
This document provides specifications for various standard H-beam, wide flange, lip channel, and equal angle steel sections. It includes dimensions such as height, width, thickness, area, weight, moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and other geometric properties. Sections range in size from 100x100 mm to 588x300 mm for H-beams, 148x100 mm to 500x200 mm for wide flanges, 100x50x20 mm to 200x75x20 mm for lip channels, and 40x40 mm to 120x120 mm for equal angles. Properties are specified in metric units.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan perencanaan struktur baja untuk rangka atap yang mencakup perhitungan beban, dimensi komponen struktur seperti gording dan trakstang, serta pengecekan kapasitas penampang untuk memastikan kekuatan struktur.
Cara Menghitung Kebutuhan Besi pada Pekerjaan Bore Pile dan Strauss PileAngga Nugraha
ditulis oleh Angga Nugraha, Lulusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan IPB.
Sebuah tulisan mengenai cara menghitung pembesian pada bore pile atau strauss pile terutama untuk bentuk sengkang / begel yang berbentuk spiral
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas perancangan balok beton bertulang untuk menopang beban hidup dan mati pada bentangan 7 meter.
2. Pembahasan meliputi penentuan momen lentur maksimum, luas penampang tulangan, dan ukuran balok yang memenuhi syarat tegangan.
3. Diberikan contoh soal perhitungan balok dan sketsa rencana balok untuk bentangan 7,5 meter dengan beban dan mutu material tertentu.
The document provides calculations for determining the required reinforcement of a concrete beam (balok) with the following information:
- Concrete compressive strength is 20 MPa
- Steel yield strength is 400 MPa
- Beam dimensions are 25cm x 40cm
- Loads include wall weight, floor finish weight, and live loads from balconies
Bending moments are calculated at different points along the beam due to the varying loads. Required steel reinforcement is then determined based on the bending moment values and reinforcement ratios from code tables. Reinforcement amounts are provided for three sections of the beam labeled A-B, B-C, and C-D.
This document provides details on the structural design of a building, including load assumptions, member dimensions, and seismic load calculations according to SNI 1726:2012. It summarizes the seismic load calculations for two orthogonal directions and evaluates the structure's capacity through pushover analysis. Plastic hinges form at various displacement steps. The document concludes with a redesign of the structure according to SRPMK seismic provisions.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum perhitungan struktur portal gable yang mencakup perhitungan dimensi gording, kombinasi beban yang meliputi beban mati, beban hidup, beban angin dan hujan, serta kontrol tegangan dan lendutan gording untuk memastikan struktur memenuhi syarat kuat lentur dan kokoh.
Dokumen tersebut membahas perhitungan penulangan kolom beton bertulang. Terdapat persyaratan penulangan kolom seperti lindungan beton minimal, rasio luas tulangan terhadap luas penampang, jumlah dan jarak tulangan memanjang serta sengkang ikat. Diberikan contoh perhitungan penentuan penampang dan penulangan kolom untuk menahan beban tekan 1500 kN dan momen 80 kNm.
penulangan kolom, balok dan plat bangunan gedungAgus Fitriyanto
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan tugas akhir mahasiswa jurusan teknik sipil yang membahas perencanaan struktur pelat beton bertulang untuk rumah tinggal 3 lantai. Laporan tersebut membahas perhitungan struktur pelat atap dan pelat lantai 1 sampai 2 dengan mempertimbangkan beban dan peraturan teknik yang berlaku.
This document provides specifications and properties for wide flange steel shapes. It includes:
- Dimensions, properties, and specifications for ASTM A6 and JIS G3192 wide flange shapes in various standard sizes.
- Information on manufacturing processes for wide flange shapes including casting, rolling, and finishing.
- Mechanical properties including minimum yield strengths and tensile strengths according to ASTM, EN, JIS, and KS standards.
- Tolerances on dimensions and shapes according to various standards.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah rencana proyek pembangunan gedung bioskop dengan menghitung beban hidup lantai dan atap, kategori risiko bangunan, tebal plat lantai, kelas situs, koefisien respon gempa, perhitungan beban tiap lantai, rencana tata letak struktur, perhitungan massa total struktur, perhitungan periode fundamental struktur, koefisien respon seismik, gaya geser dasar seismik, dan respon spektr
Dokumen tersebut membahas perencanaan struktur gording atap bangunan. Pertama, dilakukan perhitungan beban mati, hidup, air hujan dan angin yang bekerja pada dua potongan atap dengan kemiringan berbeda. Kemudian, dilakukan kombinasi pembebanan berdasarkan standar untuk mendapatkan beban terbesar yang akan digunakan dalam perencanaan. Profil baja CNP16 dipilih untuk menopang gording berdasarkan kontrol bent
This document provides specifications for various types of structural steel sections including:
- Parallel flange beams with specifications for universal beams ranging from 203x133x25 to 610x229x139.9
- Indian channels from ISMC 250x80 to ISMC 400x100
- Indian crane rail sections CR-80 and CR-100
- Parallel flange beams continued including IPEA, IPE, IPEO, NPB sections from 450x190 to 600x220
It includes dimensions, weights, properties like area, moment of inertia, section modulus and radius of gyration for each section. Delivery conditions and minimum order quantities are also specified.
This document provides specifications for various standard H-beam, wide flange, lip channel, and equal angle steel sections. It includes dimensions such as height, width, thickness, area, weight, moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and other geometric properties. Sections range in size from 100x100 mm to 588x300 mm for H-beams, 148x100 mm to 500x200 mm for wide flanges, 100x50x20 mm to 200x75x20 mm for lip channels, and 40x40 mm to 120x120 mm for equal angles. Properties are specified in metric units.
The document provides specifications for wide flange shapes, including:
- Dimensional specifications and tolerances for various metric sizes
- Chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel grades
- Tables listing the section properties and weights of different wide flange sections
- The specifications are according to the JIS G3192 standard
Triton Alloys Inc is one of the Prominent Manufacturer and Supplier of S335 Pipes, S335 Hot Finished Welded Pipes, S335 Structural Steel Pipes, EN 10210 S335 Piping at best Price in Mumbai, India.
This document provides specifications for various sizes of structural steel profiles including circular, rectangular, and square shapes. It lists the nominal and actual dimensions, wall thickness, static properties such as area, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, plastic modulus, and elastic modulus for bending and torsion. Properties are provided for different steel grades including black and galvanized.
This document provides dimensional and section properties for various sizes of round hollow structural sections (HSS), including nominal dimensions, design wall thickness, weight, cross-sectional area, radius of gyration, moment of inertia, section modulus, and other metrics. Tables list these specifications for different round HSS sizes from 20 inches down to 5.563 inches in diameter.
This document provides specifications for various sizes of hot-rolled steel sections including equal angles, unequal angles, channels, beams and flats. It lists the dimensional properties like size, thickness, weight per meter for each designation. Various sizes ranging from ISA 2020 to ISA 200200 for equal angles, ISMC 75 to ISMC 400 for channels, ISMB 100 to ISMB 600 for beams and flats from 12x3 to 125x25 are defined along with their respective weights.
This document provides a chart that lists steel pipe sizes and their corresponding wall thicknesses and weights. It includes pipe sizes from 1/8 inch to 48 inches in outer diameter. For each size, it specifies the wall thickness in inches for various ANSI pipe schedules as well as the weight per foot of pipe in pounds. It also lists contact information at the bottom for several Tubular Steel Supply Company locations.
This document provides specifications for oilfield casing including sizes ranging from 7 3/4 to 13 5/8 inches, weights ranging from 16.6 to 88.2 lbs/ft, drift diameters, capacities in barrels per 100 feet, and other details. It lists physical properties and performance metrics for different casing strings to aid in well design and construction.
The document provides details on the preliminary design of an advertisement structure that will be installed on the roof of a 6-story building. The design consists of 2x2x1/8 angle supports and an AISC Pipe 12 STD tubular structural profile. Figures of the assembly are provided. Additional review is required to select galvanized sheeting for the advertisement body and evaluate the structural safety of the support using distortion energy theory and material properties. Calculations must also be included.
The document discusses two types of seals - Springsele and Teesele - used in the oil and gas industry. Springsele is recommended for static duties and can seal under higher pressures, while Teesele can operate dynamically. Both seals are double acting and can withstand extremes of pressure, temperature, and chemical attack. They are commonly used to seal downhole equipment, wellheads, valves, and pipelines. The document provides information on common materials, temperature ranges, applications, and housing dimensions for the seals.
This document provides information on Shawcor's high density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipe and liners. It discusses the benefits of HDPE pipe such as lower installation and lifecycle costs, corrosion and chemical resistance, and lighter weight. Tables are included that specify the dimensions, pressure ratings, and weights of various pipe sizes that are available from Shawcor in HDPE material.
The document discusses Hyrope, Kiswire's series of specialty wire ropes for cranes (SWR). Some key points:
- Hyrope has excellent mechanical properties due to use of high quality raw materials and manufacturing process.
- Kiswire is committed to research and development to improve Hyrope and maintain their leading position in the SWR market.
- The goal is for Hyrope to be the best SWR available globally by ensuring high quality and innovation.
The document provides tables with specifications for tightening threaded joints including:
- Metric thread sizes from M12 to M48 with recommended torque values in kgm.
- Imperial thread sizes from 1/2 to 2 UNC/UNF with torque values in lb-ft.
The tables include nominal diameter, thread pitch, material load ratings, preload force values, and recommended torque for proper installation of threaded fasteners.
This document provides physical characteristics and parameters of the Mantaro River basin in Peru. It includes the basin area (31,747 km2), average altitude (2,518 m), longest river length (14.145 km), and average rainfall by month between 1963-2018 based on data from the Quillabamba weather station. It also lists indices such as drainage density, stream order, and average slopes. In summary, it analyzes key hydrological metrics of the Mantaro River basin through tables of geographic and climatic data.
This document provides specifications for different types of steel sheets, including their common qualities, chemical compositions, mechanical properties, most frequent applications, and technical dimensions and weights. It includes data on cold rolled, hot rolled, galvanized, and non-slip steel sheets. Dimension tables are provided for various thicknesses and sizes.
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
. Construction technology has genesis in Interplay of-- design, manpower, money, machinery, material, resources, software, quality, durability, environment, ecology
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"Seeing vs. Understanding: The Hidden Psychology of Design", Irene Shkarovska...Fwdays
Looks matter. But do they really help? In design, we often glorify aesthetics, but does making something pretty actually make it more usable? This talk breaks down the psychological battle between visual appeal and functional clarity, exploring how design influences both emotion and cognition.
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The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
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2. Wide Flange Shape
Product Specifications
Hot Rolled
Geometrical moment of inertia I = Ai 2
Radius of gyration of area I = I / A
Modulus of section z = I / e
(A = sectional area)
According JIS G 3192 Metric Size
Standard Sectional Dimension Informative Reference
Area Unit
Geometrical Radius Of Modulus Of
H x B t1 t2 r A Moment Of Inertia
Gyration Of Area Section
Nominal Weight
Dimensional lx ly ix iy Zx Zy
mm mm mm mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
100 x 100 100 x100 6 8 10 21.90 17.20 383 134 4.18 2.47 76.50 26.7
125 x125 125 x125 6.5 9 10 30.31 23.80 847 293 5.29 3.11 136.00 47.00
150 x 75 150 x75 5 7 8 17.85 14.00 666 50 6.11 1.66 8.88 13.20
150 x 100 150 x100 6 9 11 26.84 21.10 1,020 151 6.17 2.37 138.00 30.10
150 x 150 150 x150 7 10 11 40.14 31.50 1,640 563 6.39 3.75 219.00 75.10
175 x 175 175 x175 7.5 11 12 51.21 40.20 2,880 984 7.50 4.38 330.00 112.00
198 x 99 4.5 7 11 23.18 18.20 1,580 114 8.26 2.21 160.00 23.00
200 x 100 5.5 8 11 27.16 21.30 1,840 134 8.24 2.22 184.00 26.80
200 x 100
200 x 150 194 x 150 6 9 12 38.80 30.60 2,675 507 8.30 3.60 275.80 67.60
200 x 200 200 x 200 8 12 13 63.53 49.90 4,720 1,600 8.62 5.02 472.00 160.00
248 x 124 5 8 12 32.68 25.70 3,540 255 10.40 2.79 285.00 41.10
250 x 125 6 9 12 37.66 29.60 4,050 294 10.40 2.79 324.00 47.00
250 x 125
250 x 250 250 x 250 9 14 16 92.18 72.40 10,800 3,650 10.80 6.29 867.00 292.00
298 x 149 5.5 8 13 40.80 32.00 6,320 442 12.40 3.29 424.00 59.30
300 x 150 6.5 9 13 46.78 36.70 7,210 508 12.40 3.29 481.00 67.70
300 x 150
300 x 300 300 x 300 10 15 18 119.80 94.00 20,400 6,750 13.10 7.51 1,360.00 450.00
346 x 174 6 9 14 52.68 41.40 11,100 792 14.50 3.88 641.00 91.00
350 x 175 7 11 14 63.14 49.60 13,600 984 14.70 3.95 775.00 112.00
350 x 175
350 x 350 350 x 350 12 19 20 173.9 137.00 40,300 13,600 15.20 8.84 2,300.00 776.00
396 x 199 7 11 16 72.16 56.60 20,000 1,450 16.70 4.48 1,010.00 145.00
400 x 200 8 13 16 84.1 66.00 23,700 1,740 16.80 4.54 1,190.00 174.00
400 x 200
400 x 400 400 x 400 13 21 22 218.7 172.00 66,600 22,400 17.50 10.10 3,330.00 1120.00
450 x 200 450 x 200 9 14 18 96.8 76.00 33,500 1,870 18.60 4.40 1,490.00 187.00
500 x 200 500 x 200 10 16 20 114.2 89.60 47,800 2,140 20.50 4.33 1,910.00 214.00
600 x 200 600 x 200 11 17 22 134.4 106.00 77,600 2,280 24.00 4.12 2,590.00 228.00
600 x 200 588 x 300 12 20 28 192.5 151.00 118,000 9,020 24.80 6.85 4,020.00 601.00
700 x 300 700 x 300 13 24 28 235.5 185.00 201,000 10,800 29.30 6.78 5,760.00 722.00
800 x 300 800 x 300 14 26 28 267.4 210.00 292,000 11,700 33.00 6.62 7,290.00 782.00
900 x 300 900 x 300 16 28 28 309.8 243.00 411,000 12,600 36.40 6.39 9,140.00 843.00
3. Wide Flange Shape
Dimensional Tolerances
According JIS G 3192
Item, mm (in.) Tolerance Remarks
賊 3.0 (0.118)
Nominal depth of under 400 (15.748) 賊 3.0 (0.118)
400 to 600 (23.622), excl. 賊 4.0 (0.157)
600 and over 賊 5.0 (0.197)
Flange Under 16 賊 1.5 (0.059)
t 2 16 or over to and excl. 25 賊 2.0 (0.079)
25 or over to and excl. 40 賊 2.5 (0.098)
40 or over 賊 3.0 (0.118)
Web Under 16 賊 1.0 (0.039)
t 1 16 or over to and excl. 25 賊 1.5 (0.024)
25 or over to and excl. 40 賊 2.0 (0.079)
40 or over 賊 2.5 (0.098)
+ 40 (1.575)
- 0
Nominal depths
300 (11.811) or under in nominal depth
Nominal depths
Over 300 (11.811) in nominal depth
Nominal depths
300 (11.811) and under
Nominal depths
Over 300 (11.811)
Nominal depths
300 (11.811) and under
Nominal depths
Over 300 (11.811)
Width (B)
Depth (H )
7 m or under
Over 7 m
40 (1.575) plus 5 (0.197) for
each additional meter or
fraction there of
Out-of-Square (T)
Not more than 1.2 percent of
flange width B or 2.0 (0.079) at
Not more than 1.5 percent of
flange width B or 2.0 (0.079) at
賊 4.5 (0.117)
Chamber of Sweep
Not more than 0.20 percent of
Not more than 0.10 percent of
Horizontal or Vertical Curvature in
the direction of length
1.6% or under of width B or of
depth H, provided that 3.0mm
is the minimum
Web Off Centre (S)
Ends Out of Square (e)
賊 3.0 (0.118)
4. Wide Flange Shape
Chemical Composition
Symbol Of Chemical Composition
C Si Mn P S
SS 400 - - - 0.050 max 0.050 max
SM 490 YA
SM 490 YB
0.20 Max 0.55 Max 1.60 Max 0.035 Max 0.035 Max
5. Wide Flange Shape
Chemical Composition
Type Of Material
Classified by Tensile Strength
Tensile Strength
Class (N/mm)
Steel Structure 400
G 3101 SS400
A 36
Gr. 43A St 33
6. Wide Flange Shape
Mechanical Properties
16 or under >16 up to 40 N/mm2 5 or under 5 to 6 >6 up to 50
245 min 235 min 400 - 510 21 min 17 min 21 min
SM 490 YA
SM 490 YB
Yield Point/mm2
Thickness Tensile Strength
JIS G3106 365 min 355 min
Elongation (%)
Thickness of Steel Products (mm)
JIS G3101 SS 400
490 - 610 19 min 15 min 19 min
7. Wide Flange Shape
Table Weight
Specification : JIS G3101 SS400.
Size Kg/M Kg/12M
Hot Rolled Beam / WF
IWF 150 x 75 x 5 x 7 14 168
IWF 198 x 99 x 4.5 x 7 18.2 218
WF 148 x 100 x 6 x 9 21.1 253
IWF 200 x 100 x 5.5 x 8 21.3 256
IWF 248 x 124 x 5 x 8 25.7 308
IWF 250 x 125 x 6 x 9 29.6 355
WF 194 x 150 x 6 x 9 30.6 367
IWF 298 x 149 x 5.5 x 8 32 384
IWF 300 x 150 x 6.5 x 9 36.7 440
IWF 346 x 174 x 6 x 9 41.4 497
IWF 350 x 175 x 7 x 11 49.6 595
IWF 396 x 199 x 7 x 11 56.6 679
IWF 400 x 200 x 8 x 13 66 792
IWF 450 x 200 x 9 x 14 76 912
IWF 500 x 200 x 10 x 16 89.6 1,075
IWF 600 x 200 x 11 x 17 106 1,272
IWF 588 x 300 x 12 x 20 151 1,812
Hot Rolled Beam / H-Beam
HB 100 x 100 x 6 x 8 17.2 206
HB 125 x 125 x 6.5 x 9 23.8 286
HB 150 x 150 x 7 x 10 31.5 378
HB 175 x 175 x 7.5 x 11 40.2 482
HB 200 x 200 x 8 x 12 49.9 599
HB 250 x 250 x 9 x 14 72.4 869
HB 300 x 300 x 10 x 15 94 1128
HB 350 x 350 x 12 x 19 137 1644
Hot Rolled Beam / WF In Inch
UB 467 x 192.8 x 11.4 x 19.6 98.3 1,179.60
UB 463 x 191.9 x 10.5 x 17.7 89.3 1,071.60
UB 460 x 191.3 x 9.9 x 16 82 984.00
UB 457 x 190.4 x 9 x 14.5 74.3 891.60
UB 453 x 189.9 x 8.5 x 12.7 67.1 805.20
UB 466 x 155.3 x 10.5 x 18.9 82.1 985.20
UB 462 x 154.4 x 9.6 x 17 74.2 890.40
UB 458 x 153.8 x 9 x 15 67.2 806.40
UB 455 x 152.9 x 8.1 x 13.3 59.8 717.60
UB 450 x 152.4 x 7.6 x 10.9 52.3 627.60
UB 413 x 179.5 x 9.5 x 16 74.2 890.40
UB 409 x 178.8 x 8.8 x 14.3 67.1 805.20
UB 406 x 177.9 x 7.9 x 12.8 60.1 721.20
UB 403 x 177.7 x 7.7 x 10.9 54.1 649.20
UB 363 x 173.2 x 9.1 x 15.7 67.1 805.20
UB 358 x 172.2 x 8.1 x 13 57 684.00
UB 355 x 171.5 x 7.4 x 11.5 51 612.00
UB 351 x 171.1 x 7 x 9.7 45 540.00
UB 310 x 166.9 x 7.9 x 13.7 54 648.00
UB 307 x 165.7 x 6.7 x 11.8 46.1 553.20
UB 303 x 165 x 6 x 10.2 40.3 483.60
UB 260 x 147.3 x 7.2 x 12.7 43 516.00
UB 256 x 146.4 x 6.3 x 10.9 37 444.00
8. Wide Flange Shape
Table Weight
Specification : JIS G3101 SS400.
Size Kg/M Kg/12M
UB 251 x 146.1 x 6 x 8.6 31.1 373.20
UB 207 x 133.9 x 6.4 x 9.6 30 360.00
UB 203 x 133.2 x 5.7 x 7.8 25.1 301.20
UB 127 x 76 x 4 x 7.6 13 156.00
UC 222 x 209.1 x 12.7 20.5 86.1 1,033.20
UC 216 x 206.4 x 10 17.3 71 852.00
UC 210 x 205.8 x 9.4 14.2 60 720.00
UC 206 x 204.3 x 7.9 12.5 52 624.00
UC 203 x 203.6 x 7.2 11 46.1 553.20
UC 162 x 154.4 x 8 11.5 37 444.00
UC 158 x 152.9 x 6.5 9.4 30 360.00
UC 152 x 152.2 x 5.8 6.8 23 276.00
10. Angle Shape
Product Specifications
Hot Rolled
JIS 3192 Metric Size
Unit Weight
Informative Reference
Center of
Gravity Geometrical Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration of Area Modulus of
t r1 r2 A Cx = Cy Ix = Iy Max Iu Min Iv Ix = Iy Max Iu Min Iv Zx = Zy
mm mm mm cm2 Kg/m cm cm4 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm cm3
H x B
mm x mm
25 x 25 3 4 2 1.427 1.12 0.719 0.797 1.26 0.332 0.747 0.94 0.48 0.448
30 x 30 3 4 2 1.727 1.36 0.844 1.42 2.26 0.59 0.908 1.14 0.58 0.661
40 x 40 3 4.5 2 2.336 1.83 1.09 3.53 5.6 1.46 1.23 1.55 0.79 1.21
40 x 40 4 4.5 2 2.336 1.83 1.09 3.53 5.6 1.46 1.23 1.55 0.79 1.21
40 x 40 5 4.5 3 3.755 2.95 1.17 5.42 8.59 2.25 1.2 1.51 0.77 1.91
45 x 45 5 6.5 3 4.302 3.38 1.28 7.91 12.5 3.29 1.36 1.71 0.87 2.46
45 x 45 4 6.5 3 3.492 2.74 1.24 6.5 10.3 2.7 1.36 1.72 0.88 2
50 x 50 4 6.5 3 3.892 3.06 1.37 9.06 14.4 3.76 1.53 1.92 0.98 2.49
50 x 50 5 6.5 3 4.802 3.77 1.41 11.1 17.5 4.58 1.52 1.91 0.98 3.08
50 x 50 6 6.5 4.5 5.644 4.43 1.44 12.6 20 5.23 1.5 1.88 0.96 3.55
60 x 60 4 6.5 3 4.692 3.68 1.61 16 25.4 6.62 1.85 2.33 1.19 3.66
60 x 60 5 6.5 3 5.802 4.55 1.66 19.6 31.2 8.09 1.84 2.32 1.18 4.52
60 x 60 6 8 4 6.91 5.4 1.7 22.79 36.16 9.42 1.82 2.29 1.17 5.28
65 x 65 5 8.5 3 6.367 5 1.77 25.3 40.1 10.5 1.99 2.51 1.28 5.35
65 x 65 6 8.5 4 7.527 5.91 1.81 29.4 46.6 12.2 1.98 2.49 1.27 6.26
65 x 65 8 8.5 6 9.761 7.66 1.88 36.8 58.3 15.3 1.94 2.44 1.25 7.96
70 x 70 6 8.5 4 8.127 6.38 1.93 37.1 58.9 15.3 2.14 2.69 1.37 7.33
75 x 75 6 8.5 4 8.727 6.85 2.06 46.1 73.2 19 2.3 2.9 1.48 8.47
75 x 75 9 8.5 6 12.69 9.96 2.17 64.4 102 26.7 2.25 2.84 1.45 21.1
75 x 75 12 8.5 6 16.56 13 2.29 81.9 129 34.5 2.22 2.79 1.44 15.7
80 x 80 6 8.5 4 9.23 7.32 2.18 56.4 89.6 23.2 2.46 3.1 1.58 9.7
90 x 90 6 10 5 10.55 8.28 2.42 80.7 128 33.4 2.77 3.48 1.78 12.3
90 x 90 7 10 5 12.22 9.59 2.46 93 148 38.3 2.76 3.48 1.77 14.2
90 x 90 10 10 7 17 13.3 2.57 125 199 51.7 2.71 3.42 1.74 19.5
90 x 90 13 10 7 21.71 17 2.69 156 248 65.3 2.68 3.38 1.73 24.8
100 x 100 7 10 5 13.62 10.7 2.71 129 205 53.2 3.08 3.88 1.98 17.7
100 x 100 13 10 7 24.31 19.1 2.94 220 348 91.1 3 3.78 1.94 31.1
100 x 100 10 10 7 19 14.9 2.82 175 278 72 3.04 3.83 1.95 24.4
120 x 120 8 12 5 18.76 14.7 3.24 258 410 106 3.71 4.67 2.38 29.5
120 x 120 11 13 6.5 25.37 19.9 3.3 340 541 140 3.66 4.62 2.35 39.36
120 x 120 12 13 6.5 27.54 21.6 3.4 367 583 151 3.65 4.6 2.35 42.68
130 x 130 9 12 6 22.74 17.9 3.53 366 583 150 4.01 5.06 2.57 38.7
130 x 130 12 12 8.5 29.76 23.4 3.64 467 743 192 3.96 5 2.54 49.9
130 x 130 15 12 8.5 36.75 28.8 3.76 568 902 234 3.93 4.95 2.53 41.6
150 x 150 12 14 7 34.77 27.3 4.14 740 1180 304 4.61 5.82 2.96 68.1
150 x 150 15 14 10 42.74 33.6 4.24 888 1410 365 4.56 5.75 2.92 82.6
150 x 150 19 14 10 53.38 41.9 4.4 1090 1730 451 4.52 5.69 2.91 103
175 x 175 12 15 11 40.52 31.8 4.73 1170 1860 480 5.38 6.78 3.44 91.8
175 x 175 15 15 11 50.21 39.4 4.85 1440 2290 589 5.35 6.75 3.48 114
200 x 200 15 17 12 57.75 45.3 5.46 2180 3470 891 6.14 7.75 3.93 150
200 x 200 20 17 12 76 59.7 5.67 2820 4490 1160 6.09 7.68 3.9 197
200 x 200 25 17 12 93.75 73.6 5.86 3420 5420 1410 6.04 7.61 3.88 242
250 x 250 25 24 12 119.4 93.7 7.1 6950 11000 2860 7.63 9.62 4.89 388
250 x 250 35 24 18 162.6 128 7.45 9110 14400 3790 7.49 9.42 4.83 519
11. Angle Shape
Chemical Composition
According JIS G 3101, G 3106
Chemical Composition
Grade C Si Mn P S
SS 400, 490 - - - 0.050 max 0.050 max
SS 540 0.3 max - 1.60 max 0.040 max 0.040 max
50mm or under in thickness 0.23 max 2.5 x c
Over 50 mm, up to and incl. 200mm in thickness 0.25 max min (1)
50mm or under in thickness 0.20 max
Over 50 mm, up to and incl. 200mm in thickness 0.22 max
SM 400 A - 0.035 max 0.035 max
SM 400 B 0.35 max 0.6 - 1.40 0.035 max 0.035 max
SM 400 C 100mm or under in thickness 0.18 max 0.35 max 1.40 max 0.035 max 0.035 max
50mm or under in thickness 0.20 max
Over 50 mm, up to and incl. 200mm in thickness 0.22 max
50mm or under in thickness 0.18 max
Over 50 mm, up to and incl. 200mm in thickness 0.20 max
SM 490 A 0.55 max 1.60 max 0.035 max
SM 490 C 100mm or under in thickness 0.18 max 0.55 max 1.60 max 0.035 max 0.035 max
SM 490 YA
100mm or under in thickness 0.20 max 0.55 max 1.60 max 0.035 max
0.035 max
SM 490 YB
SM 520 B
100mm or under in thickness 0.20 max 0.55 max 1.60 max 0.035 max 0.035 max
SM 520 C
SM 570 100mm or under in thickness 0.18 max 0.55 max 1.60 max 0.035 max 0.035 max
0.035 max
SM 490 B 0.55 max 1.60 max 0.035 max 0.035 max
12. Angle Shape
Corresponding Specification
Metric Size
400 - G 3101 SS 400 A 36 Gr. 43 A St 33
490 - G 3101 SS 490 - Gr. 50 A St 50-2
- G 3106 SM 400 A A 572 Gr. 42 Gr. 43 B -
St 37-2
RSt 37-2
Gr. 43 C
Charpy impact
test for low
- - Gr. 43 D
- G 3106 SM 490 A - Gr. 43 DD -
490 Charpy impact
test G 3106 SM 490 B, C - -
- G 3106 SM 490 YA A 572 Gr. 42 Gr. 50 B -
G 3106 SM 490 B, C
490 SM 520 B, C
(High Yield
Welded Structure
Charpy impact
test for low
- - Gr. 50 D
Charpy impact
test - Gr. 50 C St 52-3
General Structure
Charpy impact
test G 3106 SM 400 B,C -
Type of Material
Classified By Tensile Strength
Tensile Strength
13. Angle Shape
Mechanical Properties
Metric Size
Tensile Strength
Elongation, %
Thickness (mm)
Yield Point
Thickness (mm)
16 or under over 16 5 or under 5 to 16 over 16
JIS G 3101 SS400 245 235 400 - 510 21 17 21
JIS G 3101 SS540 400 390 min 540 16 13 17
JIS G 3101 SS490 285 275 490 - 610 19 15 19
JIS G 3106 SM400 A, B,C 245 235 400 - 510 23 18 22
JIS G 3106 SM490 A, B,C 325 315 490 - 610 22 17 21
JIS G 3106 SM490 YA, YB 365 355 490 - 610 19 15 19
JIS G 3106 SM520 B, C 365 355 520 - 640 19 15 19
JIS G 3106 SM570 460 450 570 - 720 19 19 26
14. Angle Shape
Dimensional Tolerance
JIS G3192/ TIS 1227-194 Metric Size
Under 50 in depth + 1.5
50 or over to and excl. 100 + 2.0
100 or over to and excl. 200 + 3.0
200 or over + 4.0
Under 6.3 + 0.6
16 or over + 1.0
Under 6.3 + 0.7
10 or over to and
excl.16 + 1.0
25 or over + 1.5
+ 40
- 0
2.0 % or under of width B
To be applied to bend such
as sweep and camber
7m or under
Over 7m
Add 5mm to the plus side
tolerance given in the above
column for every 1m. Increase
in length or its fraction
I and T Sections 0.20% or under of length
Sections excluding I and T sections 0.30% or under of length
Out of
Square (T)
I Section
Sections excluding I and T sections 2.5 % or under of width of
flange B (or leg length)
For Leg Length A (B
for T Section) or
under 130 or over in
6.3 or over to and
excl.10 + 0.8
16 or over to and
excl.25 + 1.2
Leg Length
(A or B)
For Leg Length A (B
for T Section) or
under 130 in depth
Thickness t,
t1, t2
Dimensional Tolerance
6.3 or over to and
excl.10 + 0.7
10 or over to and
excl.16 + 0.8
t 1
900 900
15. Angle Shape
Table Weight
S I Z E Weight
Kg/m Kg/6m Kg/12m
Equal Angle (Hot Rolled)
L 45 x 45 x 4 2.74 16.5 33
L 50 x 50 x 4 3.06 18.5 37
L 50 x 50 x 5 3.77 22.62 45.24
L 60 x 60 x 5 4.55 27.5 55
L 60 x 60 x 6 5.42 32.5 65
L 65 x 65 x 5 5 30 60
L 65 x 65 x 6 5.91 35.5 71
L 70 x 70 x 6 6.38 38.5 77
L 70 x 70 x 7 7.38 44.5 89
L 75 x 75 x 6 6.85 41 82
L 90 x 90 x 6 8.28 49.5 99
L 90 x 90 x 7 9.6 58 115
L 90 x 90 x 8 10.8 65 130
L 90 x 90 x 9 12.2 73 146
L 90 x 90 x 10 13.3 80 160
L 90 x 90 x 13 17 102 204
L 100 x 100x 7 10.7 64 128
L 100 x 100x 8 12.1 73 146
L 100 x 100x 9 13.5 81 162
L 100 x 100 x 10 14.9 89.5 179
L 100 x 100 x 12 17.8 107 214
L 100 x 100 x 13 19.1 114.6 229
L 120 x 120x 8 14.7 88 176
L 120 x 120 x 10 18.2 109 218
L 120 x 120 x 11 19.9 119.5 239
L 120 x 120 x 12 21.6 130 260
L 130 x 130x 9 17.9 107.5 215
L 130 x 130 x 10 19.7 118 236
L 130 x 130 x 12 23.4 140.5 281
L 150 x 150 x 10 23 138 276
L 150 x 150 x 12 27.3 164 328
L 150 x 150 x 15 33.6 202 404
L 175 x 175 x 12 31.8 191 382
L 175 x 175 x 15 39.4 236.5 473
L 180 x 180 x 14 38 228 456
L 200 x 200 x 15 45.3 272 544
L 200 x 200 x 20 59.7 358 716
L 200 x 200 x 25 73.6 442 884
L 250 x 250 x 25 93.7 562 1124
L 250 x 250 x 35 128 768 1536
Unequal Angle (Hot Rolled)
L 125 x 75 x 8 12.2 73 146
L 125 x 75 x 9 13.49 81 162
L 125 x 75 x 10 14.9 89 178
L 150 x 90 x 9 16.4 98.5 197
L 150 x 90 x 10 18.1 109 218
L 150 x 90 x 12 21.6 129.5 259