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Valeria Rodr鱈guez M.

                            TABLA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES
    Infinitive         Past tense       Past participle     Meaning
Verbo en infinitivo       Pasado           Participio     Significado
      to be             was / were           been                ser, estar
     to beat               beat             beaten             golpear, batir
    to become             became            become        convertirse, llegar a ser
     to begin              began             begun                empezar
      to bet                bet               bet                 apostar
      to bite               bit             bitten                morder
     to bleed              bled              bled           sangrar, desangrarse
     to blow               blew              blown                 soplar
     to break              broke            broken                romper
     to breed              bred              bred            criar, reproducirse
     to bring             brought          brought                 traer
     to burn           burnt / burned   burn / burned             quemar
     to burst              burst             burst           reventar, explotar
      to buy              bought            bought                comprar
     to catch             caught            caught                 coger
    to choose              chose            chosen                 elegir
     to come               came              come                   venir
      to cost              cost              cost                  costar
      to cut                cut               cut                  cortar
      to dig                dug               dug                  cavar
      to do                 did              done                  hacer
     to draw               drew             drawn                 dibujar
     to dream             dreamt            dreamt                 so単ar
     to drink              drank             drunk                 beber
     to drive              drove            driven                conducir
      to eat                ate              eaten                 comer
      to fall               fell             fallen                 caer
     to feed                fed               fed                alimentar
      to feel               felt              felt                 sentir
     to fight             fought            fought                 luchar
      to find              found             found               encontrar
      to fly               flew              flown                  volar
to forbid       forbade              forbidden               prohibir
to forget        forgot              forgotten                olvidar
to forgive       forgave             forgiven                perdonar
to freeze         froze               frozen                 congelar
 to get            got          got (also US gotten)         obtener
 to give          gave                 given                    dar
  to go           went                 gone                      ir
 to grow          grew                 grown                  crecer
 to hang          hung                 hung                   colgar
 to have           had                  had                tener, haber
 to hear          heard                heard                    oir
 to hide           hid                hidden                 esconder
  to hit           hit                  hit               pegar, golpear
 to hold          held                 held             sujetar, mantener
 to hurt          hurt                 hurt                    herir
 to keep          kept                 kept             conservar, guardar
to kneel     knelt / kneeled      knelt / kneeled          arrodillarse
 to know          knew                 known                   saber
  to lay           laid                 laid           poner, situar, colocar
 to lead           led                  led               dirigir, liderar
 to learn    learnt / learned     learnt / learned           aprender
 to leave          left                 left                salir, dejar
  to let           let                  let                    dejar
  to lie           lay                  lain             tumbarse, yacer
 to light          lit                  lit                  encender
 to lose           lost                 lost                  perder
 to make          made                 made                    hacer
 to mean         meant                 meant                 significar
 to meet           met                  met                encontrarse
 to pay           paid                 paid                    pagar
to plead     pled / pleaded       pled / pleaded         suplicar, abogar
 to put            put                  put                    poner
 to read          read                 read                    leer
 to ride          rode                ridden                  montar
 to ring          rang                 rung                    sonar
 to rise          rose                 risen           levantarse, ascender
 to run            ran                  run                   correr
to say            said              said                     decir
   to see            saw               seen                      ver
   to sell           sold              sold                    vender
   to send           sent              sent                     enviar
   to set            set               set               establecer, poner
  to shake          shook             shaken              temblar, sacudir
  to shine          shone             shone               brillar, dar brillo
  to shoot           shot              shot                disparar, tirar
  to show          showed             shown                    ense単ar
   to shut           shut              shut                    cerrar
   to sing           sang              sung                    cantar
    to sit           sat               sat                    sentarse
  to sleep           slept             slept                   dormir
  to smell      smelt / smelled   smelt / smelled          oler, olfatear
   to sow           sowed              sown               sembrar, plantar
  to speak          spoke             spoken                   hablar
   to spell     spelt / spelled   spelt / spelled             deletrear
  to spend          spent             spent                    gastar
  to stand          stood             stood                 estar de pie
  to steal           stole            stolen                    robar
  to stick          stuck             stuck                encolar, pegar
  to swear          swore             sworn                     jurar
  to sweep          swept             swept                    barrer
   to swim          swam              swum                      nadar
  to swing          swung             swung                   columpiar
   to take           took             taken                     coger
  to teach          taught            taught                   ense単ar
   to tear           tore              torn         desgarrar, derramar l叩grimas
   to tell           told              told                     decir
  to think         thought           thought                   pensar
  to throw          threw             thrown                lanzar, echar
to understand    understood        understood          entender, comprender
   to undo          undid             undone                  deshacer
  to wake            woke             woken                  despertar
   to wear           wore              worn             llevar puesto, calzar
   to win            won               won                      ganar
   to wind          wound             wound           bobinar, airear, ventilar
to wring             wrung              wrung             estrujar, retrocer
     to write             wrote             written                 escribir

                            多Problemas para Memorizarlos?


Has que los verbos tengan un significado para ti.


1.- Construir frases que hablen sobre hechos reales de tu vida, de este modo, es mas
probable que los recuerdes:
My mother wrote me a letter.
I can speak Spanish
My favorite movie was shown in TVN last night

2.- Si tienes habilidades matem叩ticas, puedes proponerte encontrar secuencias en com炭n
entre los verbos para recordarlos con facilidad:

Swim      Swam    Swum
Sing      Sang    Sung
Drink     Drank   Drunk

3.- Si tienes facilidades manuales, has dibujos alusivos a las acciones que cada verbo

                     To play

4.- Si aun as鱈 te cuesta, puedes proponerte aprender todos los verbos que empiezan con
A, luego con B, y as鱈 sucesivamente. Metas realistas son m叩s f叩ciles de lograr, si te
sobre exiges, probablemente falles en el intento.
Suerte en el intento, si tienes
problemas, no dudes en escribirme:

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EduSkills OECD

Tabla de verbos_irregulares[1]

  • 1. Valeria Rodr鱈guez M. TABLA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning Verbo en infinitivo Pasado Participio Significado to be was / were been ser, estar to beat beat beaten golpear, batir to become became become convertirse, llegar a ser to begin began begun empezar to bet bet bet apostar to bite bit bitten morder to bleed bled bled sangrar, desangrarse to blow blew blown soplar to break broke broken romper to breed bred bred criar, reproducirse to bring brought brought traer to burn burnt / burned burn / burned quemar to burst burst burst reventar, explotar to buy bought bought comprar to catch caught caught coger to choose chose chosen elegir to come came come venir to cost cost cost costar to cut cut cut cortar to dig dug dug cavar to do did done hacer to draw drew drawn dibujar to dream dreamt dreamt so単ar to drink drank drunk beber to drive drove driven conducir to eat ate eaten comer to fall fell fallen caer to feed fed fed alimentar to feel felt felt sentir to fight fought fought luchar to find found found encontrar to fly flew flown volar
  • 2. to forbid forbade forbidden prohibir to forget forgot forgotten olvidar to forgive forgave forgiven perdonar to freeze froze frozen congelar to get got got (also US gotten) obtener to give gave given dar to go went gone ir to grow grew grown crecer to hang hung hung colgar to have had had tener, haber to hear heard heard oir to hide hid hidden esconder to hit hit hit pegar, golpear to hold held held sujetar, mantener to hurt hurt hurt herir to keep kept kept conservar, guardar to kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled arrodillarse to know knew known saber to lay laid laid poner, situar, colocar to lead led led dirigir, liderar to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender to leave left left salir, dejar to let let let dejar to lie lay lain tumbarse, yacer to light lit lit encender to lose lost lost perder to make made made hacer to mean meant meant significar to meet met met encontrarse to pay paid paid pagar to plead pled / pleaded pled / pleaded suplicar, abogar to put put put poner to read read read leer to ride rode ridden montar to ring rang rung sonar to rise rose risen levantarse, ascender to run ran run correr
  • 3. to say said said decir to see saw seen ver to sell sold sold vender to send sent sent enviar to set set set establecer, poner to shake shook shaken temblar, sacudir to shine shone shone brillar, dar brillo to shoot shot shot disparar, tirar to show showed shown ense単ar to shut shut shut cerrar to sing sang sung cantar to sit sat sat sentarse to sleep slept slept dormir to smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled oler, olfatear to sow sowed sown sembrar, plantar to speak spoke spoken hablar to spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled deletrear to spend spent spent gastar to stand stood stood estar de pie to steal stole stolen robar to stick stuck stuck encolar, pegar to swear swore sworn jurar to sweep swept swept barrer to swim swam swum nadar to swing swung swung columpiar to take took taken coger to teach taught taught ense単ar to tear tore torn desgarrar, derramar l叩grimas to tell told told decir to think thought thought pensar to throw threw thrown lanzar, echar to understand understood understood entender, comprender to undo undid undone deshacer to wake woke woken despertar to wear wore worn llevar puesto, calzar to win won won ganar to wind wound wound bobinar, airear, ventilar
  • 4. to wring wrung wrung estrujar, retrocer to write wrote written escribir 多Problemas para Memorizarlos? TIPS Has que los verbos tengan un significado para ti. Puedes: 1.- Construir frases que hablen sobre hechos reales de tu vida, de este modo, es mas probable que los recuerdes: My mother wrote me a letter. I can speak Spanish My favorite movie was shown in TVN last night 2.- Si tienes habilidades matem叩ticas, puedes proponerte encontrar secuencias en com炭n entre los verbos para recordarlos con facilidad: Swim Swam Swum Sing Sang Sung Drink Drank Drunk 3.- Si tienes facilidades manuales, has dibujos alusivos a las acciones que cada verbo representa: To play 4.- Si aun as鱈 te cuesta, puedes proponerte aprender todos los verbos que empiezan con A, luego con B, y as鱈 sucesivamente. Metas realistas son m叩s f叩ciles de lograr, si te sobre exiges, probablemente falles en el intento.
  • 5. Suerte en el intento, si tienes problemas, no dudes en escribirme: valeria.rodriguez@usach.cl