The document provides a table of irregular verbs in English listing:
1. The infinitive form of the verb
2. The past tense form
3. The past participle form
4. The meaning of the verb
It then provides tips for memorizing irregular verbs such as creating sentences using the verbs, finding patterns between verbs, drawing pictures of the verb actions, and learning verbs gradually starting with ones for each letter.
The document lists irregular verbs in English and provides their simple past and past participle forms. It includes the infinitive form of the verb, its simple past form, and its past participle. There are over 100 irregular verbs listed with their conjugations.
This document contains lists of regular and irregular verbs in English and their Castellano (Spanish) translations. The regular verb list includes example infinitives, past tense and past participle forms. The irregular verb list provides the same information for common irregular English verbs and their Spanish translations.
The document lists the past tense, past participle, and Portuguese translation for many common English irregular verbs. It provides this information in a table with three columns for the infinitive form of the verb, its past tense, and past participle. There are over 100 irregular verbs included in the list.
This document provides a list of English verbs and their simple past, past participle, and Spanish translation. It includes over 100 common English verbs such as "arise", "awake", "be", "beat", "become", and more. For each verb it provides the simple past tense form, past participle, and Spanish translation in that order.
This document contains a list of verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs organized alphabetically. It includes over 500 entries spanning from "able" to "wisdom" with parts of speech listed for each entry. The list provides definitions and examples of commonly used English words.
The document lists and defines many common irregular verbs in English. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past simple tense, past participle, and a short definition or explanation of its meaning. Some example irregular verbs included are arise/arose/arisen, awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, beat/beat/beaten, and begin/began/begun.
This document lists many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past simple form, its past participle form, and a brief definition in Spanish. The verbs are listed alphabetically from arise to write.
The document provides tables showing the present, past, and past participle forms of English verbs and their Spanish translations. It identifies verbs that have all the same forms, verbs that have different forms, and verbs whose second and third forms are the same. It lists over 60 verbs as examples.
This document provides a list of the 100 most common regular English verbs. It notes that regular verbs are easy to conjugate and learn their past and past participle forms. Irregular verbs are more commonly used but harder to learn, so the document recommends checking a list of irregular English verbs as well. The bulk of the document is a table that lists each verb alongside its simple past and past participle forms.
This document contains a table listing the base form, past tense, past participle, and present participle forms of many common English irregular verbs. It includes verbs like arise, awake, be, bear, beat, become, begin and bend, among many others. It also notes that compounds of irregular verbs take the same past and past participle forms as the basic verb. An example is provided of come, go and set and their compounds. An exception is noted for the verb welcome.
This document lists the infinitive, simple past, past participle, and -ing form of various English verbs. It provides these verb conjugations for over 165 verbs in a table format for easy reference. The verbs are listed alphabetically and the four forms are provided for each verb to concisely show its conjugation patterns.
Words that mostly appear on the Word Formation part of FCE exam, Use of EnglishEmily Telcuk
The file consists of 23 slides containing nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs that can be found in the Use of English paper of the FCE exam.
It's recommended to revise the words bit by bit everyday so that you extend your vocabulary and prepare to the exam.
Compr辿hension et expression 辿crite carte postalealvarocolo
The document provides a list of irregular verbs in English including their infinitive, past tense, and past participle forms. It also includes rules for pronouncing the endings of regular verbs in the simple past tense, noting that "-ed" is pronounced differently depending on the final sound of the verb's root/stem.
This document contains a list of 136 irregular verbs in Spanish with their infinitive, past tense, and past participle forms and their meanings. It includes common irregular verbs like ser, estar, tener, hacer, poner, salir, decir, and ir.
This document contains a list of irregular English verbs organized in a table with 3 columns. The columns show the infinitive form of the verb, its past simple form, and its past participle form. There are over 100 irregular verbs included in the table along with their Spanish translations.
The document provides a list of 1000 English verbs and their forms, including the base form, past form, past participle form, and "-ing" form. It aims to help with proper use of verbs in English by listing their various forms.
This document provides a list of irregular verbs in English with their present, past, and past participle forms and their Spanish translations. Some of the irregular verbs included are: arise/arose/arisen, awake/awoke/awoken, become/became/become, begin/began/begun, bend/bent/bent, bet/bet/bet, bind/bound/bound, bite/bit/bitten, blow/blew/blown, break/broke/broken, bring/brought/brought, build/built/built, buy/bought/bought, catch/caught/caught, choose/chose/chosen, come/came/come
The document lists Spanish irregular and regular verbs along with their infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms in both English and Spanish. It groups the verbs by their sound in the past simple (/id/, /t/, /d/) and provides the Spanish translation for each verb. The list aims to help learners improve their knowledge of irregular and regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
This document lists and defines irregular verbs in English. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past tense form, past participle form, and a Portuguese translation of its meaning. Some examples of irregular verbs included are arise/arose/arisen, beat/beat/beaten, become/became/become, and choose/chose/chosen. Over 100 irregular English verbs and their forms are defined.
This document contains a list of common English verbs in their past tense forms. It provides the past simple, past participle, and past participle forms of over 100 regular and irregular verbs from A-W. The verbs are organized alphabetically and include their inflected forms used in the past tense in simple sentences like "I ate dinner" or "She had gone to the store."
This document contains lists of English irregular verbs and their past simple and past participle forms in English and Spanish equivalents. It also lists regular verbs divided into those ending in "-ed" and "-d" in their past simple and past participle forms, along with their Spanish translations. The document provides a comprehensive reference for the forms of irregular and regular English verbs.
El documento presenta una lista de verbos irregulares dividida en tres columnas. La primera columna contiene los verbos en su forma base para usar en presente simple y continuo. La segunda columna contiene los verbos en su forma pasada para usar en pasado simple. La tercera columna contiene los verbos en su forma base para usar en presente perfecto. El documento explica brevemente c坦mo conjugar los verbos de acuerdo a la columna y tiempo verbal correspondiente.
Este documento explica las reglas para conjugar verbos en ingl辿s en presente simple seg炭n el pronombre. Existen dos grupos de pronombres: unos que no modifican el verbo (I, you, we, they) y otros que s鱈 lo modifican (she, he, it). La forma del verbo depende de su terminaci坦n y de la letra anterior seg炭n cuatro reglas que determinan si se a単ade -s, -es o -ies. El verbo have se cambia a has cuando va despu辿s de she, he o it.
The document lists and defines many common irregular verbs in English. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past simple tense, past participle, and a short definition or explanation of its meaning. Some example irregular verbs included are arise/arose/arisen, awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, beat/beat/beaten, and begin/began/begun.
This document lists many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past simple form, its past participle form, and a brief definition in Spanish. The verbs are listed alphabetically from arise to write.
The document provides tables showing the present, past, and past participle forms of English verbs and their Spanish translations. It identifies verbs that have all the same forms, verbs that have different forms, and verbs whose second and third forms are the same. It lists over 60 verbs as examples.
This document provides a list of the 100 most common regular English verbs. It notes that regular verbs are easy to conjugate and learn their past and past participle forms. Irregular verbs are more commonly used but harder to learn, so the document recommends checking a list of irregular English verbs as well. The bulk of the document is a table that lists each verb alongside its simple past and past participle forms.
This document contains a table listing the base form, past tense, past participle, and present participle forms of many common English irregular verbs. It includes verbs like arise, awake, be, bear, beat, become, begin and bend, among many others. It also notes that compounds of irregular verbs take the same past and past participle forms as the basic verb. An example is provided of come, go and set and their compounds. An exception is noted for the verb welcome.
This document lists the infinitive, simple past, past participle, and -ing form of various English verbs. It provides these verb conjugations for over 165 verbs in a table format for easy reference. The verbs are listed alphabetically and the four forms are provided for each verb to concisely show its conjugation patterns.
Words that mostly appear on the Word Formation part of FCE exam, Use of EnglishEmily Telcuk
The file consists of 23 slides containing nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs that can be found in the Use of English paper of the FCE exam.
It's recommended to revise the words bit by bit everyday so that you extend your vocabulary and prepare to the exam.
Compr辿hension et expression 辿crite carte postalealvarocolo
The document provides a list of irregular verbs in English including their infinitive, past tense, and past participle forms. It also includes rules for pronouncing the endings of regular verbs in the simple past tense, noting that "-ed" is pronounced differently depending on the final sound of the verb's root/stem.
This document contains a list of 136 irregular verbs in Spanish with their infinitive, past tense, and past participle forms and their meanings. It includes common irregular verbs like ser, estar, tener, hacer, poner, salir, decir, and ir.
This document contains a list of irregular English verbs organized in a table with 3 columns. The columns show the infinitive form of the verb, its past simple form, and its past participle form. There are over 100 irregular verbs included in the table along with their Spanish translations.
The document provides a list of 1000 English verbs and their forms, including the base form, past form, past participle form, and "-ing" form. It aims to help with proper use of verbs in English by listing their various forms.
This document provides a list of irregular verbs in English with their present, past, and past participle forms and their Spanish translations. Some of the irregular verbs included are: arise/arose/arisen, awake/awoke/awoken, become/became/become, begin/began/begun, bend/bent/bent, bet/bet/bet, bind/bound/bound, bite/bit/bitten, blow/blew/blown, break/broke/broken, bring/brought/brought, build/built/built, buy/bought/bought, catch/caught/caught, choose/chose/chosen, come/came/come
The document lists Spanish irregular and regular verbs along with their infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms in both English and Spanish. It groups the verbs by their sound in the past simple (/id/, /t/, /d/) and provides the Spanish translation for each verb. The list aims to help learners improve their knowledge of irregular and regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
This document lists and defines irregular verbs in English. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past tense form, past participle form, and a Portuguese translation of its meaning. Some examples of irregular verbs included are arise/arose/arisen, beat/beat/beaten, become/became/become, and choose/chose/chosen. Over 100 irregular English verbs and their forms are defined.
This document contains a list of common English verbs in their past tense forms. It provides the past simple, past participle, and past participle forms of over 100 regular and irregular verbs from A-W. The verbs are organized alphabetically and include their inflected forms used in the past tense in simple sentences like "I ate dinner" or "She had gone to the store."
This document contains lists of English irregular verbs and their past simple and past participle forms in English and Spanish equivalents. It also lists regular verbs divided into those ending in "-ed" and "-d" in their past simple and past participle forms, along with their Spanish translations. The document provides a comprehensive reference for the forms of irregular and regular English verbs.
El documento presenta una lista de verbos irregulares dividida en tres columnas. La primera columna contiene los verbos en su forma base para usar en presente simple y continuo. La segunda columna contiene los verbos en su forma pasada para usar en pasado simple. La tercera columna contiene los verbos en su forma base para usar en presente perfecto. El documento explica brevemente c坦mo conjugar los verbos de acuerdo a la columna y tiempo verbal correspondiente.
Este documento explica las reglas para conjugar verbos en ingl辿s en presente simple seg炭n el pronombre. Existen dos grupos de pronombres: unos que no modifican el verbo (I, you, we, they) y otros que s鱈 lo modifican (she, he, it). La forma del verbo depende de su terminaci坦n y de la letra anterior seg炭n cuatro reglas que determinan si se a単ade -s, -es o -ies. El verbo have se cambia a has cuando va despu辿s de she, he o it.
Todos los-verbos-de-ingles-regulares-e-irregularesStudent
This document lists and defines important regular and irregular verbs in English. It provides the present, past, and past participle forms of over 100 common English verbs. For each verb, it also provides the pronunciation in parentheses. Some examples of verbs listed include: abase (ab辿is), abandon (ab叩ndon), accept (aks辿pt), accuse (aki炭s), act (叩kt), adapt (ad叩pt), advise (adv叩is), arise (ar叩is), bake (b辿ik), banish (b辿nish), become (bik坦m), begin (beg鱈n), bend (b辿nd), bet (b辿t), bind (b叩ind), and calibrate (c叩lib
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan Wang
In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at
How to Build a Dynamic Social Media PlanPost Planner
Stop guessing and wasting your time on networks and strategies that dont work!
Join Rebekah Radice and Katie Lance to learn how to optimize your social networks, the best kept secrets for hot content, top time management tools, and much more!
Watch the replay here:
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
This document contains a list of irregular English verbs with their infinitive form, past tense form, past participle form, and Portuguese translation. Some examples of irregular verbs included are "to arise/arose/arisen", "to awake/awoke/awoke", "to beat/beat/beaten", and "to begin/began/begun". The list contains over 100 irregular English verbs.
This document lists English infinitive verbs alongside their Spanish equivalents and shows the past simple and past participle forms of each verb in English. It includes common verbs like arise, awake, beat, become, begin, bite, blow, break, bring, build and burn.
Lista de palavras em ingl棚s verbos irregularespytheasenglish
The document lists over 100 irregular English verbs in their infinitive, past, and past participle forms along with their Portuguese translations. It provides a comprehensive reference for students learning English verb conjugations. The list is taken from a blog focused on teaching English that offers tips, lessons, vocabulary lists, and resources to help people improve their English skills.
The document lists irregular verbs in English and provides their simple past and past participle forms. It includes the infinitive form of the verb, its simple past form, and its past participle. There are over 60 irregular verbs listed with their variations.
The document lists many common irregular English verbs and provides their infinitive, simple past, and past participle forms. It also includes the Spanish translation for each verb to help language learners. Some examples of irregular verbs included are run/ran/run, sing/sang/sung, and write/wrote/written.
The document lists many common irregular English verbs and provides their infinitive, simple past, and past participle forms. It also includes the Spanish translation for each verb to help language learners. Some examples of irregular verbs included are run/ran/run, sing/sang/sung, and write/wrote/written.
This document contains a list of irregular English verbs organized by their infinitive form, simple past tense, past participle, and Spanish translation. There are over 100 irregular verbs included in the list such as "arise", "beat", "become", and "begin". For each verb, its variations in tense are provided to illustrate their irregular conjugations in English. A Spanish translation is also given for reference.
This document lists English verbs in their infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms along with their Spanish translations. It includes over 100 common English verbs such as "bet", "let", "set", "bid", "fit", "hit", and "quit" among many others. The verbs are organized alphabetically making it easy to look up the forms and Spanish equivalent of an English verb.
This document lists the past participle forms of many common English verbs. It provides the base form, past tense form, and past participle (third form) of each verb, along with the meaning in Indonesian. Some examples included are: awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, beat/beat/beaten, become/became/become, and begin/began/begun. In total, over 70 English verbs and their past tense forms are listed.
The document provides a list of irregular English verbs organized by their infinitive form, past tense form, past participle form, and Portuguese translation. It encourages the reader to make their own similar list to help memorize irregular verb conjugations and provides an example list for reference.
The document lists English infinitive verbs and their simple past and past participle forms. It also provides the Spanish translation for each infinitive verb. It contains over 50 verbs and their conjugations in both English and Spanish.
The document discusses regular and irregular verbs in English. [1] Regular verbs follow predictable patterns when forming their past tense and past participle, usually by adding "-ed". [2] Irregular verbs do not follow consistent patterns and must be memorized individually. [3] Many common English verbs like "be", "go", and "see" are irregular verbs that do not follow typical past tense formations.
125 verbos irregulares en ingles en 12 gruposCherye alarc?
This document contains a list of irregular verbs in Spanish categorized by their past tense and past participle forms. Some irregular verbs have identical past and past participle forms, while others have unique endings for each form. The verbs are grouped based on their common endings in the past tense and past participle. There are over 100 irregular verbs included in the list, covering a wide variety of common Spanish verbs.
This document lists many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past simple form, its past participle form, and a brief definition in Spanish. The verbs are listed alphabetically from arise to write.
This document lists many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, its past simple form, its past participle form, and a brief definition in Spanish. The verbs are listed alphabetically from arise to write. This high-level summary focuses on the key information and structure without including excessive detail from the original document.
The document lists irregular and regular verbs in English. For irregular verbs, it provides the verb, its past tense form, and past participle. For regular verbs, it only lists the verb, past tense, and past participle, as they follow a predictable pattern of adding "ed" to form the past tense and past participle. There are over 70 verbs listed in total between the irregular and regular verb sections.
The document lists irregular verbs in English and provides their present, past, and past participle forms. It includes 54 irregular verbs such as "be" which is present "am/is/are", past "was/were", and past participle "been". The verbs are organized alphabetically from "be" to "write".
The document is a list of irregular verbs in English organized into columns for the verb's base form, past simple form, and past participle. It includes over 100 of the most common irregular English verbs and their variations in the past tense and past participle forms.
This document lists the infinitive, simple past, and past participle forms of many English verbs. It provides these verb conjugations for over 150 verbs in a table with 3 columns for the infinitive, simple past, and past participle forms respectively.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Tabla de verbos_irregulares[1]
1. Valeria Rodr鱈guez M.
Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning
Verbo en infinitivo Pasado Participio Significado
to be was / were been ser, estar
to beat beat beaten golpear, batir
to become became become convertirse, llegar a ser
to begin began begun empezar
to bet bet bet apostar
to bite bit bitten morder
to bleed bled bled sangrar, desangrarse
to blow blew blown soplar
to break broke broken romper
to breed bred bred criar, reproducirse
to bring brought brought traer
to burn burnt / burned burn / burned quemar
to burst burst burst reventar, explotar
to buy bought bought comprar
to catch caught caught coger
to choose chose chosen elegir
to come came come venir
to cost cost cost costar
to cut cut cut cortar
to dig dug dug cavar
to do did done hacer
to draw drew drawn dibujar
to dream dreamt dreamt so単ar
to drink drank drunk beber
to drive drove driven conducir
to eat ate eaten comer
to fall fell fallen caer
to feed fed fed alimentar
to feel felt felt sentir
to fight fought fought luchar
to find found found encontrar
to fly flew flown volar
2. to forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
to forget forgot forgotten olvidar
to forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
to freeze froze frozen congelar
to get got got (also US gotten) obtener
to give gave given dar
to go went gone ir
to grow grew grown crecer
to hang hung hung colgar
to have had had tener, haber
to hear heard heard oir
to hide hid hidden esconder
to hit hit hit pegar, golpear
to hold held held sujetar, mantener
to hurt hurt hurt herir
to keep kept kept conservar, guardar
to kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled arrodillarse
to know knew known saber
to lay laid laid poner, situar, colocar
to lead led led dirigir, liderar
to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender
to leave left left salir, dejar
to let let let dejar
to lie lay lain tumbarse, yacer
to light lit lit encender
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made hacer
to mean meant meant significar
to meet met met encontrarse
to pay paid paid pagar
to plead pled / pleaded pled / pleaded suplicar, abogar
to put put put poner
to read read read leer
to ride rode ridden montar
to ring rang rung sonar
to rise rose risen levantarse, ascender
to run ran run correr
3. to say said said decir
to see saw seen ver
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar
to set set set establecer, poner
to shake shook shaken temblar, sacudir
to shine shone shone brillar, dar brillo
to shoot shot shot disparar, tirar
to show showed shown ense単ar
to shut shut shut cerrar
to sing sang sung cantar
to sit sat sat sentarse
to sleep slept slept dormir
to smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled oler, olfatear
to sow sowed sown sembrar, plantar
to speak spoke spoken hablar
to spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled deletrear
to spend spent spent gastar
to stand stood stood estar de pie
to steal stole stolen robar
to stick stuck stuck encolar, pegar
to swear swore sworn jurar
to sweep swept swept barrer
to swim swam swum nadar
to swing swung swung columpiar
to take took taken coger
to teach taught taught ense単ar
to tear tore torn desgarrar, derramar l叩grimas
to tell told told decir
to think thought thought pensar
to throw threw thrown lanzar, echar
to understand understood understood entender, comprender
to undo undid undone deshacer
to wake woke woken despertar
to wear wore worn llevar puesto, calzar
to win won won ganar
to wind wound wound bobinar, airear, ventilar
4. to wring wrung wrung estrujar, retrocer
to write wrote written escribir
多Problemas para Memorizarlos?
Has que los verbos tengan un significado para ti.
1.- Construir frases que hablen sobre hechos reales de tu vida, de este modo, es mas
probable que los recuerdes:
My mother wrote me a letter.
I can speak Spanish
My favorite movie was shown in TVN last night
2.- Si tienes habilidades matem叩ticas, puedes proponerte encontrar secuencias en com炭n
entre los verbos para recordarlos con facilidad:
Swim Swam Swum
Sing Sang Sung
Drink Drank Drunk
3.- Si tienes facilidades manuales, has dibujos alusivos a las acciones que cada verbo
To play
4.- Si aun as鱈 te cuesta, puedes proponerte aprender todos los verbos que empiezan con
A, luego con B, y as鱈 sucesivamente. Metas realistas son m叩s f叩ciles de lograr, si te
sobre exiges, probablemente falles en el intento.
5. Suerte en el intento, si tienes
problemas, no dudes en escribirme: