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                                                                                                                                                                                            TEPCO Roadmap
                                          Necessary safety function and conditions                        Observation                                 Evaluation of safe state
                                      Reactor is subcritical and sub-criticality is   - No power spike or power increase                       ACHIEVED                                No additional
Control of

                                      demonstrated and maintained                     - No significant neutron flux measured and reported      Caution:                                countermeasures reported
                                                                                      - Short lived fission products are not reported at the   - Continue detection of neutrons        The need for boric
                                                                                        moment (e.g. La-140)                                     and short-lived isotopes              injection is investigated by
                                      Stable cooling shall be assured                 -   Reactor vessel temperature is: (115.1 °C at          NOT ACHIEVED                            Nos 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14,
                                      - Keep the coolant temperature                      feedwater nozzle, reactor pressure vessel            Establishment of a long term closed-    16 and 17
              Residual heat removal

                                          sufficiently below the boiling point at         pressure ≤ 1.0 atm based on available                loop heat removal circuit is advised
                                          atmospheric pressure                            measurements)
                                      - Cover the damaged core adequately             -   Water level of reactor core is below about
                                          with water                                      −1500 mm (A) and −2100 mm (B) from the top
                                      - Off-site and back-up power supply                 of active core
                                          shall be available                          -   Off-site power supply and backup power from
                                      - Achievement of long term closed-loop              portable diesel generators are available
                                          heat removal capability                     -   Fresh water injection is provided; however,
                                                                                          closed-loop heat removal is not yet established
                                      -     Containment is leak-tight                 -   Containment is believed to be damaged: latest        NOT ACHIEVED                            Nos 2, 6, 11 and 15
                                      -     Containment pressure is maintained            measurements show the containment pressure to         -   Measures to make the

                                            below design limits                           be around atmospheric

                                                                                                                                                    containment leak-tight should
                                      -     Hydrogen explosion to be prevented.       -   Containment probably damaged following                    be pursued
                                                                                          hydrogen explosion at this unit at 21:14 UTC on       -   Pressure and H2 concentration of
                                                                                          14 March 2011                                             the containment to be further
                                      -     Reactor pressure vessel (including        -    Reactor pressure vessel is assumed to be            NOT ACHIEVED                            Nos 5, 10, 29–46, 50, 54
 radioactive material

                                            connected systems) should not leak; or         leaking, most probably through connected            Construction of a cover above the       and 55
                                            if so the leakage shall be confined            recirculation system (pump seal loss of coolant     reactor building has to be pursued

                                            within allowable limits                        accident)
                                      -     Leakages from the containment should      -    Containment is believed to be damaged: latest
                                            be prevented or controlled, or shall be        measurements show the containment pressure
                                            confined                                       and reactor pressure vessel pressure to be
                                                                                           around atmospheric

[Type text]
TEPCO Roadmap
                               Necessary safety function and conditions                      Observation                              Evaluation of safe state
                               -   No additional releases shall be        -   Intermittent releases have been observed         NOT ACHIEVED                         Nos 12, 47–49, 51–53, 55–
                                   anticipated                            -   Radiation monitors are available                 Measures to prevent radioactive      63
Limiting effects of releases

                               -   Radiation monitoring measurements      -   White smoke is observed emanating                releases and leaking of water with   The transfer of stagnant
                                   shall be available                         continuously from the reactor building           high level radioactivity to the      water from the turbine
                                                                          -   Samples of water in the turbine building floor   environment should be further        building to the radioactive
                                                                              area show high radioactivity releases from the   pursued                              waste treatment facilities is
                                                                              reactor and the containment to the environment                                        continuing
                                                                                                                                                                    Work to block the trench
                                                                                                                                                                    pit to prevent release of
                                                                                                                                                                    water with high level
                                                                                                                                                                    radioactivity to the
                                                                                                                                                                    environment is continuing

Spent fuel pool of Unit 2

About 56 tonnes of fresh water was injected into the spent fuel pool of Unit 2 via the fuel pool cooling and clean-up line from 04:09 until 05:45
UTC on 10 May.
Hydrazine was injected from 04:19 UTC until 05:35 UTC on 10 May.
The temperature of the pool was 47 °C at 20:00 UTC on 16 May.

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Table 2: Unit 2 Reactor: Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant - 18 May 2011

  • 1. TABLE 2. UNIT 2 REACTOR: FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR POWER PLANT: 18 MAY 2011 ASSESSMENT OF STATUS IN TERMS OF FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY FUNCTIONS FOR ACHIEVING A SAFE STATE TEPCO Roadmap Necessary safety function and conditions Observation Evaluation of safe state countermeasures Reactor is subcritical and sub-criticality is - No power spike or power increase ACHIEVED No additional Control of Reactivity demonstrated and maintained - No significant neutron flux measured and reported Caution: countermeasures reported - Short lived fission products are not reported at the - Continue detection of neutrons The need for boric moment (e.g. La-140) and short-lived isotopes injection is investigated by TEPCO Stable cooling shall be assured - Reactor vessel temperature is: (115.1 °C at NOT ACHIEVED Nos 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, - Keep the coolant temperature feedwater nozzle, reactor pressure vessel Establishment of a long term closed- 16 and 17 Residual heat removal sufficiently below the boiling point at pressure ≤ 1.0 atm based on available loop heat removal circuit is advised atmospheric pressure measurements) - Cover the damaged core adequately - Water level of reactor core is below about with water −1500 mm (A) and −2100 mm (B) from the top - Off-site and back-up power supply of active core shall be available - Off-site power supply and backup power from - Achievement of long term closed-loop portable diesel generators are available heat removal capability - Fresh water injection is provided; however, closed-loop heat removal is not yet established - Containment is leak-tight - Containment is believed to be damaged: latest NOT ACHIEVED Nos 2, 6, 11 and 15 - Containment pressure is maintained measurements show the containment pressure to - Measures to make the Containment below design limits be around atmospheric integrity containment leak-tight should - Hydrogen explosion to be prevented. - Containment probably damaged following be pursued hydrogen explosion at this unit at 21:14 UTC on - Pressure and H2 concentration of 14 March 2011 the containment to be further monitored - Reactor pressure vessel (including - Reactor pressure vessel is assumed to be NOT ACHIEVED Nos 5, 10, 29–46, 50, 54 radioactive material connected systems) should not leak; or leaking, most probably through connected Construction of a cover above the and 55 if so the leakage shall be confined recirculation system (pump seal loss of coolant reactor building has to be pursued Confining within allowable limits accident) - Leakages from the containment should - Containment is believed to be damaged: latest be prevented or controlled, or shall be measurements show the containment pressure confined and reactor pressure vessel pressure to be around atmospheric [Type text]
  • 2. TEPCO Roadmap Necessary safety function and conditions Observation Evaluation of safe state countermeasures - No additional releases shall be - Intermittent releases have been observed NOT ACHIEVED Nos 12, 47–49, 51–53, 55– anticipated - Radiation monitors are available Measures to prevent radioactive 63 Limiting effects of releases - Radiation monitoring measurements - White smoke is observed emanating releases and leaking of water with The transfer of stagnant shall be available continuously from the reactor building high level radioactivity to the water from the turbine - Samples of water in the turbine building floor environment should be further building to the radioactive area show high radioactivity releases from the pursued waste treatment facilities is reactor and the containment to the environment continuing Work to block the trench pit to prevent release of water with high level radioactivity to the environment is continuing Spent fuel pool of Unit 2 About 56 tonnes of fresh water was injected into the spent fuel pool of Unit 2 via the fuel pool cooling and clean-up line from 04:09 until 05:45 UTC on 10 May. Hydrazine was injected from 04:19 UTC until 05:35 UTC on 10 May. The temperature of the pool was 47 °C at 20:00 UTC on 16 May.