ipaidabribe.com collects data on retail corruption in India by city and sector through citizen reports of bribe payments and non-payments, which helps analyze rent-seeking trends and advocate for government to redefine processes to eliminate corruption. From August 2010 to September 2011, the site received over 743,000 hits and 14,181 reports detailing over Rs. 4.35 crore in bribes paid across sectors, and partnered with the Bangalore Transport Department on process improvements, with plans to address land registration and power.
2. ObjectivesGetting data on retail corruption by city and by sectorCreating a citizens support network against corruptionAnalysing rent seeking trends and opportunities in government departmentsAdvocating with government to redefine processes to eliminate corruption
3. Aug 10 - Sept11- Track record so farIndias fastest growing repository of bribe related reports submitted by citizens.7,43,374 hits14,181 bribe/didnt bribe reports some heart-wrenching, some exhilaratingRs. 4,35,547,783/- bribe value reportedPartnership with Bangalore Transport Department, business process re-engineeringUnder review - Land registration, Power
Editor's Notes
#2: This presentation should include detailed, stand-alone information about the case study you will discuss during the How To Alley. These presentations will be published on the OGP site in order to disseminate the information to those who are unable to attend. These presentations will NOT be presented during the Alley itself, and are instead intended for consumption via the web. Make sure to include the following information:The How To Alley topic your case study relates to;A description of project objectives;A description of the results;Any lessons learned or best practices discovered during the project;Contact information; andAny meaningful quotes or visuals regarding the case study.