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Tad John Steckler 
8014 Molokai Dr. Papillion, NE 68046 USA 
Email: sapper68s@yahoo.com Home: (701) 269-9099 
WORK EXPERIENCE MPRI/Engility (05/21/2010 - Present) - Senior PSO Trainer 
ACOTA: Various Countries in Africa Supervisor: Jeff Munshaur, ACOTA Country Manager, Ghana, Blackberry: +1-571-314- 
3167, Contact: Yes 
Duties: The African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance Program (ACOTA) is the US Department of States 
Program to enhance the Peace Support Operations (PSO) capacities of African Nations. As a Senior PSO Soldier Skills 
Trainer, my responsibilities include the instruction and supervision of PKO (Peace Keeping Operation) soldiers, both officers 
and enlisted, in necessary skills training for a variety of tasks allowing for their deployment to various African PKOs. This 
Soldier Skills Training focuses on BRM, CQM, Movement formations and techniques, Infantry squad and platoon battle 
drills, Convoy operations, CQM/CQB, C-IED, Recon, Checkpoint operations, crowd control, and cordon and search. As a 
Senior PSO Soldier Skills Trainers I was responsible for ensuring development of POIs, lesson plans, and training support 
packages for individual and collective training as noted in each ACOTA Program Office (APO) task order. This training 
supported the preparation of ACOTA partner country soldiers for the rigors of sustained PKO operations in Africa. My tasks 
also ensure all training scenarios are based on the most current mission area information from Areas of Operation that 
African PKO battalions and brigades will deploy to. Training involved classroom and field instruction in austere 
MPRI (05/21/2009 - 05/2010) - Team Leader 
Kabul, Armed Forces Overseas Afghanistan Supervisor: Jack Strickland 079-387-8551; Contact: Yes 
Duties: Developed Afghanistan National Army (ANA) Route Reconnaissance and Clearance, Engineer Companies programs 
of instruction, lesson plans, and training support packages addressing the planning, coordination and execution of 
operations; Trained and evaluated ANA Route Reconnaissance and Clearance Operations, Counter- Improvised Explosive 
Device (C-IED) and Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) tactics and techniques and procedures as well as in the use and 
employment of countermine equipment and tactics; Mentored Afghanistan National Army (ANA) leadership on proper 
maintenance management, readiness and supply accountability of all equipment and facilities; Ensured conformance to 
contract Statement of Work (SOW), Mission Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) and other applicable criteria; 
Supervised translation of Program of Instruction (POI) from English to Dari; Possess outstanding mastery of the following 
qualities/skills: management and coordination, leadership, team player, scheduling experience, skill in maintaining 
effective working relationships with both internal and external customers to serve as a point-of-contact for Troop Ready 
project issues, written and verbal communications, knowledge of automated systems sufficient to input and retrieve 
pertinent project information and general understanding of both, United States Army (USA) and Afghanistan National Army 
Eagle Support Services Corporation (08/15/2008 - 05/07/2009) - Lane Safety Operator Supervisor 
Fort Riley, Kansas United States Supervisor: Rick Weaver, 785-240-1339; Contact:Yes 
Duties: Supervised 34 Lane Safety Operators in support of the First Brigade, First Infantry Division Transition Team 
training; Created and Developed all certifications and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and defined areas of 
responsibility for the Lane Safety Program; Established safety and risk management procedures in operations, training and 
risks in human performance in order to control or eliminate unsafe physical conditions; Conducted quality assurance 
inspections; Managed all supply and logistical requirements of four teams that supported 1/5 Field Artillery Battalion and 
2/34 Armored Battalion; Conducted monthly inventories that resulted in 100% accountability of all program equipment ; 
Managed the activities of multiple teams simultaneously; Trained all contractors on tactical and technical knowledge that is 
required for them to operate with minimum guidance and ensure the safe and effective execution of all ranges and training 
areas involving a variety of small arms ranges. 
HSC, First EN BN (02/01/2008 - 02/01/2009) - Intelligence Sergeant 
Fort Riley, Kansas United States Supervisor: CSM Benton, 785-239-5420; Contact: Yes 
Duties: Supervised for the care and welfare of over 5 soldiers; Received several green ratings during the last IG 
Inspection; Established operational objectives and work plans and delegated assignments to subordinates increasing 
productivity of a unit that was reduced personnel by 60%; Organized project activities that required interdepartmental 
meetings and communication to ensure the accomplishment of the mission tasks; Determined work schedules and 
procedures for improving unit operations and accountability; Developed and wrote all S-2 Standard Operating Procedures; 
Coordinated with inspected units/activities and higher command headquarters of First Engineer Battalion; Processed over 
100 security packets and background checks. 
HSC, FIRST ENGINEER BATTALION (03/01/2006 - 01/02/2008) - First Sergeant 
FORT RILEY, Kansas United States Supervisor: CSM BENTON, 785-239-5420; Contact: Yes 
Duties: Company First Sergeant Supervised for the care and welfare of over 85 rear detachment soldiers; Supported the 
logistical requirements to include over 600 deployed soldiers and supporting the forward unit assigned to Operation Iraqi 
Freedom; Managed all the supply system and logistics of Left Behind Equipment (LBE) with a $72 million inventory of
equipment; Inspected inventories of five distinct separate companies, with five separate hand receipt holders, accounting 
for 100% of equipment; Worked with developing and executing a $10 million government contract to maintain 
approximately 300 vehicles; Over saw daily operation of 20 contractors, while coordinating with company officials; 
Assessed, AARd and revised policies and procedures as needed to find ways to improve quality, timeliness and efficiency of 
work; Communicated orally and in writing, advising and briefing the Chief of Staff, Brigade Commander, Battalion 
Commander and staff on all Engineer requirements, capabilities and mission status; Planned, coordinated and 
implemented training for combat operations in preparation for deployment and redeployment for the battalion to South 
West Asia in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Sept 06 to Oct 07); Conducted direct coordination with division command 
ADCS and staff on redeployment operations and requirements to include support agencies; Established Battalion 
coordination of facilities, barracks, COFs, housing and logistic operations for redeploying unit; Responsible for Battalion 
Enlisted Barracks Utilization report, versed on 1SG Barracks Initiative (FSBI); Coordinated and planned for transportation 
and redeployment regent training; Responsible for the training, teaching and mentorship of five Officers; Professional 
development, training, teaching, counseling, discipline and direct supervision of five senior NCOs and seven junior enlisted 
Soldiers; Reviewed evaluations of Soldiers rated by subordinate supervisors, and took disciplinary actions when needed; 
Established operational objectives and work plans and delegated assignments to subordinates increasing productivity of a 
unit that was reduced personnel by 70%; Organized project activities that required interdepartmental meetings and 
communication to ensure completion of the program/project on schedule and within budget; Determined work schedules 
and procedures for improving unit operations and accountability; Developed and wrote all Company Standard Operating 
Procedures; Provided safety program guidance and Inspections for the company, to include barracks, motorpool, 
mechanical repair, shops, offices, ranges and training areas involving live fires. 
Battalion (10/01/2004 - 02/01/2006) - Battalion Operations Sergeant Major 
Fort Riley, Kansas United States Supervisor: LTC Aguilar; Contact: No 
Duties: Duties; Served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor/Battalion Operations Sergeants Major for a Divisional Modular 
Combat Effects Engineer Battalion providing direct support to the 1st ID, Fort Riley, Kansas; Supervised the manning, re-sourcing, 
setup of tactical communications equipment (AN /PRC-152, 117, 119, 148), Command Post of the Future (CPOF) 
and running of the Battalion Tactical Operations Center for MND-N IED defeat operations; Supervised in the planning, 
development of Curriculums, Program of Instruction, Memorandum of Instruction and implementation of tactical/ training 
operations to include land and ammo and range operations; Developed training/course materials, aids, devices, and 
evaluation of training results focusing on IED defeat; Planned, coordinated and implemented training for IED defeat 
operations using current motorized equipment (MARKBOT and TALON robot, Remote Control Bobcat); Supervised the 
management and coordination of training, schools, land and ammo, ranges, communications, facilities, barracks and 
logistic support for five companies consisting of over 60 Soldiers; Responsible for analyzing, developing and evaluating 
issues and develop recommendations to resolve substantive problems/ issues of effectiveness and efficiency in training 
instruction/ operations; Supervised the planning, development, and transformation from a Combat Engineer Battalion to a 
Modular Combat Effects Battalion; Assessed, AARd and revised policies and procedures as needed to find ways to improve 
quality, timeliness and efficiency of work; Communicated orally and in writing advising and briefing the Brigade 
Commander, Battalion Commander and staff on all Engineer requirements, capabilities and mission status; Planned, 
coordinated and implemented training for IED defeat operations in preparation for deployment and redeployment for the 
battalion to South West Asia in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Sept 04 to Oct 06); Conducted direct coordination with 
division command ADCS and staff on redeployment operations and requirements to include support agencies; Established 
Battalion coordination of facilities, barracks, COFs, housing 
and logistic operations for redeploying unit; Responsible for Battalion Enlisted Barracks Utilization report, versed on 1SG 
Barracks Initiative (FSBI); Coordinated and planned for transportation and redeployment regent training; Responsible for 
the training, teaching and mentorship of eight Officers; Professional development, training, teaching, counseling, discipline 
and direct supervision of two senior NCOs and seven junior enlisted Soldiers; Reviewed evaluations of Soldiers rated by 
subordinate supervisors, and took disciplinary actions when needed; Ensured accountability and care of over $1,000,000 
worth of equipment. 
College/University Metro Community College (02/01/2010 - Current) United States Degree: Major: Entrepreneurship 
Semester Hours: 57 Description: Currently pursuing AS, Business Management with, Central Texas College (57 hours 
complete). Expect degree completion within 15 hours. 
Vocational School Army Manager Development Course (01/01/2002 - 12/15/2002) Fort Riley, Kansas United States 
Description: Course includes planning, programming and budgeting; manpower management; communications; the Army 
Environmental Program; equal employment opportunity; professional ethics; internal management control. 
Vocational School Air Force Equipment Planner Course 1- 2 (08/01/2007 - 08/14/2007) Fort Riley, Kansas United States 
Description: Training is designed to educate unit movement officers and supervisory personnel in airlift planning and 
execution of joint airlift operations. Course consists of aircraft weight and balance, load planning principals, aircraft 
characteristics, and manifesting. Emphasizes the aspects of airlift mobility that are essential to efficient and safe mission 
Vocational School Army Additional Duty Safety Course ( 01/01/2006- 01/01/2006) Fort Riley, Kansas United States 
Description: Training is intended to provide managers with contacts, training, tools, and guidance to effectively integrate 
Composite Risk Management into missions, jobs, and off duty activities. 
Central Texas College, Camp Howze, Korea, 2003, Management, 45 Credits Florida State University, Fort Clayton, Panama,
1992, Police Problems and Practices, 3 Credits Jamestown College, ND, 1987, General Studies, 9 Credits 
Army Introduction to Defense Reutilization/Marketing Course, 2002 Army Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, 
2000 Army Drill Sergeant School, 1997 Army Transportation/Stowage Hazard Material, 1996 
Marine Corps Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy Career Nonresident Course, 1995 Army Basic Noncommissioned 
Officer Course, 1993 Army Warrior Leader Course, 4 weeks, 1991 Army Jungle Warfare School, 4 weeks, 1990 
Army Sapper Leader Course, 4 weeks, 1990 Army Air Assault School, 2 weeks, 1989 Army Airborne School, 4 weeks, 1989 
Level/Type of Investigation/Date: SECRET / Active / 05/01/2009 
(1) Soldiers Medal Medal is awarded for risking ones life to save anothers 
(1) Sergeant Audie Murphy Medal Inducted into the prestigious Audie Murphy Club in 1992 
(1) Engineer Defluery Medal Awarded the Bronze De'fleury for significant contributions made to the Engineer Regiment 
(5) Meritorious Service Medal Awarded for Non-Combat Meritorious Service 
(4) Army Commendation Medal (6) Army Achievement Medal (1) Valorous Unit Award (1) Meritorious Commendation (1) 
Army Superior Unit Award (6) Army Good Conduct Medal (2) National Defense Service Medal (1) Kuwait Defense Service 
Medal (1) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (1) South West Asia Service Medal w/(2) Bronze Star (1) Global War on 
Terrorism Expeditionary Medal 
(1) Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (1) Humanitarian Service Medal (3) Noncommissioned Officer Professional 
Development Ribbon (1) Army Service Ribbon (2) Overseas Service Ribbon (1) SA Kuwait Liberation Medal (1) KU Kuwait 
Liberation Medal (1) Drill Sergeant Badge (1) Combat Action Badge (1) Parachute Badge (1) Air Assault Badge

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Tad Steckler

  • 1. Tad John Steckler 8014 Molokai Dr. Papillion, NE 68046 USA Email: sapper68s@yahoo.com Home: (701) 269-9099 WORK EXPERIENCE MPRI/Engility (05/21/2010 - Present) - Senior PSO Trainer ACOTA: Various Countries in Africa Supervisor: Jeff Munshaur, ACOTA Country Manager, Ghana, Blackberry: +1-571-314- 3167, Contact: Yes Duties: The African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance Program (ACOTA) is the US Department of States Program to enhance the Peace Support Operations (PSO) capacities of African Nations. As a Senior PSO Soldier Skills Trainer, my responsibilities include the instruction and supervision of PKO (Peace Keeping Operation) soldiers, both officers and enlisted, in necessary skills training for a variety of tasks allowing for their deployment to various African PKOs. This Soldier Skills Training focuses on BRM, CQM, Movement formations and techniques, Infantry squad and platoon battle drills, Convoy operations, CQM/CQB, C-IED, Recon, Checkpoint operations, crowd control, and cordon and search. As a Senior PSO Soldier Skills Trainers I was responsible for ensuring development of POIs, lesson plans, and training support packages for individual and collective training as noted in each ACOTA Program Office (APO) task order. This training supported the preparation of ACOTA partner country soldiers for the rigors of sustained PKO operations in Africa. My tasks also ensure all training scenarios are based on the most current mission area information from Areas of Operation that African PKO battalions and brigades will deploy to. Training involved classroom and field instruction in austere environments. MPRI (05/21/2009 - 05/2010) - Team Leader Kabul, Armed Forces Overseas Afghanistan Supervisor: Jack Strickland 079-387-8551; Contact: Yes Duties: Developed Afghanistan National Army (ANA) Route Reconnaissance and Clearance, Engineer Companies programs of instruction, lesson plans, and training support packages addressing the planning, coordination and execution of operations; Trained and evaluated ANA Route Reconnaissance and Clearance Operations, Counter- Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) and Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) tactics and techniques and procedures as well as in the use and employment of countermine equipment and tactics; Mentored Afghanistan National Army (ANA) leadership on proper maintenance management, readiness and supply accountability of all equipment and facilities; Ensured conformance to contract Statement of Work (SOW), Mission Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) and other applicable criteria; Supervised translation of Program of Instruction (POI) from English to Dari; Possess outstanding mastery of the following qualities/skills: management and coordination, leadership, team player, scheduling experience, skill in maintaining effective working relationships with both internal and external customers to serve as a point-of-contact for Troop Ready project issues, written and verbal communications, knowledge of automated systems sufficient to input and retrieve pertinent project information and general understanding of both, United States Army (USA) and Afghanistan National Army (ANA). Eagle Support Services Corporation (08/15/2008 - 05/07/2009) - Lane Safety Operator Supervisor Fort Riley, Kansas United States Supervisor: Rick Weaver, 785-240-1339; Contact:Yes Duties: Supervised 34 Lane Safety Operators in support of the First Brigade, First Infantry Division Transition Team training; Created and Developed all certifications and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and defined areas of responsibility for the Lane Safety Program; Established safety and risk management procedures in operations, training and risks in human performance in order to control or eliminate unsafe physical conditions; Conducted quality assurance inspections; Managed all supply and logistical requirements of four teams that supported 1/5 Field Artillery Battalion and 2/34 Armored Battalion; Conducted monthly inventories that resulted in 100% accountability of all program equipment ; Managed the activities of multiple teams simultaneously; Trained all contractors on tactical and technical knowledge that is required for them to operate with minimum guidance and ensure the safe and effective execution of all ranges and training areas involving a variety of small arms ranges. HSC, First EN BN (02/01/2008 - 02/01/2009) - Intelligence Sergeant Fort Riley, Kansas United States Supervisor: CSM Benton, 785-239-5420; Contact: Yes Duties: Supervised for the care and welfare of over 5 soldiers; Received several green ratings during the last IG Inspection; Established operational objectives and work plans and delegated assignments to subordinates increasing productivity of a unit that was reduced personnel by 60%; Organized project activities that required interdepartmental meetings and communication to ensure the accomplishment of the mission tasks; Determined work schedules and procedures for improving unit operations and accountability; Developed and wrote all S-2 Standard Operating Procedures; Coordinated with inspected units/activities and higher command headquarters of First Engineer Battalion; Processed over 100 security packets and background checks. HSC, FIRST ENGINEER BATTALION (03/01/2006 - 01/02/2008) - First Sergeant FORT RILEY, Kansas United States Supervisor: CSM BENTON, 785-239-5420; Contact: Yes Duties: Company First Sergeant Supervised for the care and welfare of over 85 rear detachment soldiers; Supported the logistical requirements to include over 600 deployed soldiers and supporting the forward unit assigned to Operation Iraqi Freedom; Managed all the supply system and logistics of Left Behind Equipment (LBE) with a $72 million inventory of
  • 2. equipment; Inspected inventories of five distinct separate companies, with five separate hand receipt holders, accounting for 100% of equipment; Worked with developing and executing a $10 million government contract to maintain approximately 300 vehicles; Over saw daily operation of 20 contractors, while coordinating with company officials; Assessed, AARd and revised policies and procedures as needed to find ways to improve quality, timeliness and efficiency of work; Communicated orally and in writing, advising and briefing the Chief of Staff, Brigade Commander, Battalion Commander and staff on all Engineer requirements, capabilities and mission status; Planned, coordinated and implemented training for combat operations in preparation for deployment and redeployment for the battalion to South West Asia in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Sept 06 to Oct 07); Conducted direct coordination with division command ADCS and staff on redeployment operations and requirements to include support agencies; Established Battalion coordination of facilities, barracks, COFs, housing and logistic operations for redeploying unit; Responsible for Battalion Enlisted Barracks Utilization report, versed on 1SG Barracks Initiative (FSBI); Coordinated and planned for transportation and redeployment regent training; Responsible for the training, teaching and mentorship of five Officers; Professional development, training, teaching, counseling, discipline and direct supervision of five senior NCOs and seven junior enlisted Soldiers; Reviewed evaluations of Soldiers rated by subordinate supervisors, and took disciplinary actions when needed; Established operational objectives and work plans and delegated assignments to subordinates increasing productivity of a unit that was reduced personnel by 70%; Organized project activities that required interdepartmental meetings and communication to ensure completion of the program/project on schedule and within budget; Determined work schedules and procedures for improving unit operations and accountability; Developed and wrote all Company Standard Operating Procedures; Provided safety program guidance and Inspections for the company, to include barracks, motorpool, mechanical repair, shops, offices, ranges and training areas involving live fires. Battalion (10/01/2004 - 02/01/2006) - Battalion Operations Sergeant Major Fort Riley, Kansas United States Supervisor: LTC Aguilar; Contact: No Duties: Duties; Served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor/Battalion Operations Sergeants Major for a Divisional Modular Combat Effects Engineer Battalion providing direct support to the 1st ID, Fort Riley, Kansas; Supervised the manning, re-sourcing, setup of tactical communications equipment (AN /PRC-152, 117, 119, 148), Command Post of the Future (CPOF) and running of the Battalion Tactical Operations Center for MND-N IED defeat operations; Supervised in the planning, development of Curriculums, Program of Instruction, Memorandum of Instruction and implementation of tactical/ training operations to include land and ammo and range operations; Developed training/course materials, aids, devices, and evaluation of training results focusing on IED defeat; Planned, coordinated and implemented training for IED defeat operations using current motorized equipment (MARKBOT and TALON robot, Remote Control Bobcat); Supervised the management and coordination of training, schools, land and ammo, ranges, communications, facilities, barracks and logistic support for five companies consisting of over 60 Soldiers; Responsible for analyzing, developing and evaluating issues and develop recommendations to resolve substantive problems/ issues of effectiveness and efficiency in training instruction/ operations; Supervised the planning, development, and transformation from a Combat Engineer Battalion to a Modular Combat Effects Battalion; Assessed, AARd and revised policies and procedures as needed to find ways to improve quality, timeliness and efficiency of work; Communicated orally and in writing advising and briefing the Brigade Commander, Battalion Commander and staff on all Engineer requirements, capabilities and mission status; Planned, coordinated and implemented training for IED defeat operations in preparation for deployment and redeployment for the battalion to South West Asia in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Sept 04 to Oct 06); Conducted direct coordination with division command ADCS and staff on redeployment operations and requirements to include support agencies; Established Battalion coordination of facilities, barracks, COFs, housing and logistic operations for redeploying unit; Responsible for Battalion Enlisted Barracks Utilization report, versed on 1SG Barracks Initiative (FSBI); Coordinated and planned for transportation and redeployment regent training; Responsible for the training, teaching and mentorship of eight Officers; Professional development, training, teaching, counseling, discipline and direct supervision of two senior NCOs and seven junior enlisted Soldiers; Reviewed evaluations of Soldiers rated by subordinate supervisors, and took disciplinary actions when needed; Ensured accountability and care of over $1,000,000 worth of equipment. EDUCATION College/University Metro Community College (02/01/2010 - Current) United States Degree: Major: Entrepreneurship Semester Hours: 57 Description: Currently pursuing AS, Business Management with, Central Texas College (57 hours complete). Expect degree completion within 15 hours. Vocational School Army Manager Development Course (01/01/2002 - 12/15/2002) Fort Riley, Kansas United States Description: Course includes planning, programming and budgeting; manpower management; communications; the Army Environmental Program; equal employment opportunity; professional ethics; internal management control. Vocational School Air Force Equipment Planner Course 1- 2 (08/01/2007 - 08/14/2007) Fort Riley, Kansas United States Description: Training is designed to educate unit movement officers and supervisory personnel in airlift planning and execution of joint airlift operations. Course consists of aircraft weight and balance, load planning principals, aircraft characteristics, and manifesting. Emphasizes the aspects of airlift mobility that are essential to efficient and safe mission accomplishment. Vocational School Army Additional Duty Safety Course ( 01/01/2006- 01/01/2006) Fort Riley, Kansas United States Description: Training is intended to provide managers with contacts, training, tools, and guidance to effectively integrate Composite Risk Management into missions, jobs, and off duty activities. Central Texas College, Camp Howze, Korea, 2003, Management, 45 Credits Florida State University, Fort Clayton, Panama,
  • 3. 1992, Police Problems and Practices, 3 Credits Jamestown College, ND, 1987, General Studies, 9 Credits Army Introduction to Defense Reutilization/Marketing Course, 2002 Army Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, 2000 Army Drill Sergeant School, 1997 Army Transportation/Stowage Hazard Material, 1996 Marine Corps Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy Career Nonresident Course, 1995 Army Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, 1993 Army Warrior Leader Course, 4 weeks, 1991 Army Jungle Warfare School, 4 weeks, 1990 Army Sapper Leader Course, 4 weeks, 1990 Army Air Assault School, 2 weeks, 1989 Army Airborne School, 4 weeks, 1989 SECURITY CLEARANCE Level/Type of Investigation/Date: SECRET / Active / 05/01/2009 AWARDS (1) Soldiers Medal Medal is awarded for risking ones life to save anothers (1) Sergeant Audie Murphy Medal Inducted into the prestigious Audie Murphy Club in 1992 (1) Engineer Defluery Medal Awarded the Bronze De'fleury for significant contributions made to the Engineer Regiment (5) Meritorious Service Medal Awarded for Non-Combat Meritorious Service (4) Army Commendation Medal (6) Army Achievement Medal (1) Valorous Unit Award (1) Meritorious Commendation (1) Army Superior Unit Award (6) Army Good Conduct Medal (2) National Defense Service Medal (1) Kuwait Defense Service Medal (1) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (1) South West Asia Service Medal w/(2) Bronze Star (1) Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (1) Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (1) Humanitarian Service Medal (3) Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (1) Army Service Ribbon (2) Overseas Service Ribbon (1) SA Kuwait Liberation Medal (1) KU Kuwait Liberation Medal (1) Drill Sergeant Badge (1) Combat Action Badge (1) Parachute Badge (1) Air Assault Badge