Sarah Brear (Development Manager - Education, CLA) - An opportunity for attendees to learn more about the changes introduced with the new CLA Higher Education Licence.
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Review of the new CLA Higher Education Licence (Open Day, 24th Oct 2013)
1. Review of the new CLA Higher Education
Open Day - Talis Aspire Digitised Content
24 October 2013
Sarah Brear
Development Manager Higher and Further Education
This presentation 息 2013 by The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. All Rights Reserved. It is hoped
that this presentation provides a helpful overview to the copyright and the use of copyright material.
It is not intended to constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such.
2. Summary
New rights and repertoire
Digital Material
Other things to note
Managing and reporting Digital Copies
US scanning repertoire
CLA Title Search
New CLA HE website
3. CLA a refresher
is a licensing body as defined by the CDPA, with a legal mandate to perform
collective licensing on behalf of copyright owners;
is owned by the Authors Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and the
Publishers Licensing Society (PLS);
has an agency agreement with the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS);
has reciprocal agreements with similar organisations overseas.
4. all of which mean that
CLA is authorised to license
still text and images
from material published in the UK and many
overseas territories.
5. New rights and repertoire
Photocopying and scanning from
print material
Copying and re-use of paid-for
digital material (NB Comprehensive
Copying and re-use of free-to-view
website content
As before
6. About Digital Material
Paid-for Digital Material (was in CDL)
For example, e-books, e-journals.
Includes content taken from aggregator databases and via agent platforms.
Free-to-view website material (completely new)
Free-to-view, but may not be free to copy (check terms and conditions).
Remember that images are included.
7. Why copy from Digital Material?
One set of terms and conditions applies across all of CLAs repertoire
no need to check primary licence agreements each time.
Removes any uncertainty around unstable links for future access.
Where a primary licence agreement is held, users are free to choose
whether to copy under this or the CLA Licence this might be particularly
useful wheres CLAs Ts and Cs are more favourable.
Permits use for commercial research purposes.
Permits the making of multiple printouts.
8. Other things to note
New arrangements for reporting/managing Digital Copies.
Way forward needed on some points (discussions with
Overseas students
Collection of NCB data
Reporting of disembedded images
Works that become excluded during a Course of Study
Extent limits
9. Reporting and managing Digital Copies
Need for accurate distribution but also publisher concerns.
For 2013/14 continue as previously
From 2014/15 new arrangements
From print (i.e. scans) or paid-for digital via reporting spreadsheet
From free-to-view website content if your HEI is selected for a Data
Collection Exercise (survey), via our web-logging tool to be piloted.
Full guide - Guide to Managing and Reporting Digital Copies.
10. US scanning repertoire
Change in CLAs agreement with CCC (all sectors, not just HE).
Repertoire for scanning must now be opted in, rather than automatically included
unless specifically excluded (as previously).
Resulting gap has not been closed as expected since January.
Next steps:
CLA working with CCC and publishers direct
CLA seeking further global mandates
support from CLA in identifying affected titles
Title Search see next slide
11. CLA Title Search
Can be a few days before re-included titles added to our database
If the Title Search returns a yes to scanning, you may scan; if it returns a no, you
may want to check with us.
Unidentified US publisher means publisher has not opted in
Not found
12. New HE website
User Guidelines
One-page notice
Guide to Managing and Reporting Digital Copies
Role-specific guidance
13. Contacts
Shanti Shah
Licensing and Data
Administrator (Education)
020 7400
General enquiries, invoicing, changes to account details, requests for support materials
Survey Co-ordinator
020 7400
Enquiries regarding Photocopying Surveys or the administration of any data recording
Sarah Brear
Manager Higher and
Further Education
Technical enquiries, requests for workshops and site visits
020 7400