This document summarizes several art apps that can be used in the classroom, including Photoshop Mix, Spark Post, and Lightroom. Photoshop Mix allows users to intuitively combine and edit photos. Spark Post enables creating professional-looking social media stories and templates for free. Lightroom provides photo editing tools without a save button and allows storing edits. The document discusses features the teacher and students like about each app, such as Photoshop Mix being forgiving, Spark Post's templates, and Lightroom building vocabulary and exploring effects.
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TAEA 2019 Whats new in art aaps?
1. 2019 TAEA
Whats new in Art Apps
Stephanie Shaffer, BFA, MA
North Garland High School
PhD Student at University of North Texas (for now)
3. Whats new in Art Apps
Bell Ringer:
Please log into Adobe. If you do not have an account, please create
Well be starting with PhotoShop Mix
Try out the tutorial
4. About Me
Eighth year of teaching
Teach Art1B, Adv. Ceramic/ Sculpture, and 3D AP
Most of my personal artwork involves burning something
I have a LOT of cats
5. iPad Apps well be experimenting with and
how they are used in the classroom
6. What I love about PhotoShop Mix
Not as many choices as full photoshop
Forgiving and Intuitive.
Pulls photos from a variety of sources
10. Combining photos in PhotoShop Mix
Step 1 Choose Two Photos to Merge
Choose two photos you want to use. Add them by clicking the plus + sign. Click "Image.
Click "ST" for Stock and find two photos to merge. You will be prompted to Search for an
image. (Example: running cat) Make a choice. Click Save Preview. Click Background.
For second image, click +, click Image, click ST, in the search bar find the subject for you
project. For students they will use a piece from their portfolios.
Step Two Photo Edits
Make adjustments by clicking adjust and looks. Check out the tutorial in "Looks". Choose the
layer you'll be working with. Click Cut Out and use your finger (or pencil) to paint the image
you want to keep. For finer edits "eraser" in those areas that need edits. Click the when satisfied.
Use your finger to position the photo in the proper place.
Step Three- Adjust Photos
Step Four- Save to Lightroom
Click located in the top tool bar. Click LR, Lightroom
11. Spark Post
by Adobe
One- Click resizing to fit screen
Professional Looking Social Media Stories
Promote events in Google Classroom or Social Media
Versatile Templates
Its Free!
What I like about Spark Post
12. Spark Post
by Adobe
Making Story Boards
Making High Quality Memes
Make Posters
Its Free!
What students like about Spark Post
18. Lightroom
by Adobe
Understand vocabulary : exposure, contrast,
saturation, noise reduction
Explore cropping
Experiment with split-toning
Its Free!
What students like about Light room
#12: Adode Spark Post is similar to Canva. Our district is wanting to beef up its social media presents. Theyve ask the art teachers to post what they are doing twice a week to Twitter. When I was first hired we were told explicitly to stay off social media. How times have changed. I dont do anything that could remotely be considered questionable behavior. I have a series titled: What art we doing in art class
#13: Adode Spark Post is similar to Canva. Our district is wanting to beef up its social media presents. Theyve ask the art teachers to post what they are doing twice a week to Twitter. When I was first hired we were told explicitly to stay off social media. How times have changed. I dont do anything that could remotely be considered questionable behavior. I have a series titled: What art we doing in art class
#16: It takes 5-7 impressions for people to remember you.
From this students understand how easy it is to manipulate and share information.
#19: Old school photos were developed in dark room. Lightroom. Its punny/