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The Ackerman Group facilitates the expression of a wide range of complex
Client needs. We engageF R E D C S A Ncore PofRdesigners to execute brand, logo
                       A L a select F T     O TFOLIO
and storytelling concepts with exceptional results.

A P P L IE D   H E A LT H   S O L U T IO N S
m u LT I m E D I A T E L E S y S I N C

u R b A N A D A P T A b L E L E A R N I N g & T E A C h I N g E N v I R O N m E N T S , u A L T- E

      Oh mE Oh mINE LLC
C A R m E L vA L L E y C E N T E R F O R L I F E
Design & Context   Italy   2008

The most amusing aspect of this city is its diversity.                                       Florence is refreshing. This city is busy and con-                               When thinking of Venice, this first thing that comes
Not only in the cultures that live amongst its people,                                       gested in the center where most of the stores and                                to mind is the first night we arrived. This night I
but also in its everyday design. Walking through the                                         restaurants are located. There is, however, a dif-                               remember everyone, including myself, repeating
streets of this city you discover how well this historic                                     ferent experience in the outer edge of Florence. It                              the same phrases; WOW, I love the water! WOW, the
city combines between its past, present, and space.                                          is covered with green vegetation, including Central                              breeze feels so good! WOW, this place is beautiful, I
Containing the history of the world says enough                                              Park, which extends out a great distance. Here                                   want to live here!
about this city. This is the place where history hap-                                        the city is more relaxed and slower paced. There
pened, and they greatest lived. From block to block                                          are more locals and fewer tourists in these areas.                               All of those ideas stuck with me for differing rea-
you view the use of space, witness the past, and get                                         Another interesting observation of this city is the                              sons. The wind off the water carried through the
a taste of the present and future. Getting lost in this                                      distinct characteristics that many of the churches                               whole city, which was amazing, and gave Venice
city made me learn and appreciate the greatness of                                           share. Some churches have facades that are almost                                such an airy, light feel; almost magical and whimsi-
this historic city. What interested me the most, was                                         identical to other facades of other churches through-                            cal feel, which I think carried over in the attitudes
the fact that there were parts of my own Egyptian                                            out the city. They appear to be constructed with the                             of the group. The Venice breeze had a way of dis-
culture in every center. Also, because this city is so                                       same materials, mainly portray the same green and                                solving everyone¨s problems; in many ways, that
great and had such great power, you see imitations                                           pink colors, and even come close to being detailed in                            idea is the very definition of great design. My only
of their style of design all over the world. From the                                        very similar manners. Perhaps this was done in order                             last issue with Venice is just the opposite of the last
Roman columns to the domes on top of all churches                                            to tone down the city, keep it more private and for                              phrase that many in the group mentioned. The idea
the power is revealed. This city affected me the most                                        the residents, and direct tourists elsewhere.                                    the people even inhabited Venice was odd to me. It
out of all cities we visited, because of the greatness                                                                                                                        was the only place in Italy (which we toured) that I
that lies within it.                                                                                                                                                          could only see as vacation, in much the same way as
                                                                                                                                                                              I view Las Vegas, or Manhattan; they are more tourist
                                                                                                                                                                              attractions than they are cities. The touring mindset
                                                                                                                                                                              could in no way take from its beauty; it only put into
                                                                                                                                                                              perspective the sites that were viewed.

                                                                                                                                                                              The images that seemed to stay with me were of
                                                                                                                                                                              long winding corridors which were used both as
                                                                                                                                                                              waterways and walkways. I have grown up with
                                                                                                                                                                              water as my backdrop for my entire life, but never
                                                                                                                                                                              have I seen water of such a mystical color. I felt like,
                                                                                                                                                                              in many ways that I could see all of the history in the
                                                                                                                                                                              water alone; because even in Venice, water can-
                                                                                                                                                                              not be ^just ̄ water, it must have some romanticism
                                                                                                                                                                              within it.

Radwa Ahmed             Rome                       2008                                      Jennifer Boes         Florence                  2008                             Erich Berrett           Venice                      2008

Therme Vals is perfection. The power of architecture                                         Everything in Milan seemed to be very up to date. It                             This was my favorite single work that we saw on the
can been seen by evoking emotion for the visitor. A                                          was not about old materials anymore, it was about                                trip. It had so many levels and layers, yet it was so
truly modern masterpiece, Zumthors project created                                           what was new and what was going to be the next                                   peaceful and relaxing. The first picture shows the
a full body experience that simplified the essence of                                        design. There was not much emphasis in the build-                                reflection point that Jose mentioned even before
the baths. Body + Water. A minimal approach to an                                            ings any more. There was more emphasis in how                                    we got to the cemetery, but it shows it through the
experience that is incredible. When experiencing the                                         to construct a space not in the space itself. Every-                             veil of plant that Carlo Scarpa used to separate the
baths the body is stimulated from all senses in every                                        thing seemed to become very modern and sleek: the                                area of remembering and the area of reflecting. The
direction with heat and light guiding the experience                                         chairs, the walls, as well as the tables and glass.                              second picture I think shows Scarpa¨s commitment
until finally rising from the water to a breathtaking                                        Milan created an environment of new products and                                 to his theme of layers. Even underwater everything is
view, the Swiss Alps. Amazing!                                                               new features that were innovative and unique. The                                in layers. The third picture is of a wonderful designed
                                                                                             beauty in Milan was that people were still using the                             lighting effect scarpa built into the cemetery, the
                                                                                             designs that were there including but not limited too                            picture represents to me how well Scarpa used natu-
                                                                                             Le Corbusier, Charlotte Perriand, Frank Lloyd Wright,                            ral things to create seemingly supernatural effects.
                                                                                             and Mario Bellini. These designs that were created                               The last picture the perfect picture to represent the
                                                                                             changed design. Carlo Scarpa began and changed                                   depth of the sight and the power one feels walking
                                                                                             design in Venice and formed a base for Milan. Milan                              around the area.
                                                                                             created new forms of design.

Ryan Grabe              Vals, CH                   2008                                      Melissa Gronlund      Milan                     2008                             Paul Endelman           San Vito D¨Altivole         2008

                                                                                                                                                     S u m m E R A b R O A D , I T A Ly 0 8
This was my favorite single work that we saw on the
                                            trip. It had so many levels and layers, yet it was so
                                            peaceful and relaxing. The first picture shows the
                                            reflection point that Jose mentioned even before
                                            we got to the cemetery, but it shows it through the
                                            veil of plant that Carlo Scarpa used to separate the
                                            area of remembering and the area of reflecting. The
                                            second picture I think shows Scarpa¨s commitment
                                            to his theme of layers. Even underwater everything is
                                            in layers. The third picture is of a wonderful designed
                                            lighting effect scarpa built into the cemetery, the
                                            picture represents to me how well Scarpa used natu-
                                            ral things to create seemingly supernatural effects.
                                            The last picture the perfect picture to represent the
                                            depth of the sight and the power one feels walking
                                            around the area.

Design & Context   Italy   2008             Paul Endelman          San Vito D¨Altivole        2008

                                  S u m m E R A b R O A D , I T A Ly 0 8
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  • 1. The Ackerman Group facilitates the expression of a wide range of complex Client needs. We engageF R E D C S A Ncore PofRdesigners to execute brand, logo A L a select F T O TFOLIO and storytelling concepts with exceptional results.
  • 3. P R IM A F IN A N C IA L S E RV I C E S
  • 6. m u LT I m E D I A T E L E S y S I N C
  • 11. u R b A N A D A P T A b L E L E A R N I N g & T E A C h I N g E N v I R O N m E N T S , u A L T- E
  • 13. LLC Oh mE Oh mINE LLC
  • 14. C A R m E L vA L L E y C E N T E R F O R L I F E
  • 15. Design & Context Italy 2008 The most amusing aspect of this city is its diversity. Florence is refreshing. This city is busy and con- When thinking of Venice, this first thing that comes Not only in the cultures that live amongst its people, gested in the center where most of the stores and to mind is the first night we arrived. This night I but also in its everyday design. Walking through the restaurants are located. There is, however, a dif- remember everyone, including myself, repeating streets of this city you discover how well this historic ferent experience in the outer edge of Florence. It the same phrases; WOW, I love the water! WOW, the city combines between its past, present, and space. is covered with green vegetation, including Central breeze feels so good! WOW, this place is beautiful, I Containing the history of the world says enough Park, which extends out a great distance. Here want to live here! about this city. This is the place where history hap- the city is more relaxed and slower paced. There pened, and they greatest lived. From block to block are more locals and fewer tourists in these areas. All of those ideas stuck with me for differing rea- you view the use of space, witness the past, and get Another interesting observation of this city is the sons. The wind off the water carried through the a taste of the present and future. Getting lost in this distinct characteristics that many of the churches whole city, which was amazing, and gave Venice city made me learn and appreciate the greatness of share. Some churches have facades that are almost such an airy, light feel; almost magical and whimsi- this historic city. What interested me the most, was identical to other facades of other churches through- cal feel, which I think carried over in the attitudes the fact that there were parts of my own Egyptian out the city. They appear to be constructed with the of the group. The Venice breeze had a way of dis- culture in every center. Also, because this city is so same materials, mainly portray the same green and solving everyone¨s problems; in many ways, that great and had such great power, you see imitations pink colors, and even come close to being detailed in idea is the very definition of great design. My only of their style of design all over the world. From the very similar manners. Perhaps this was done in order last issue with Venice is just the opposite of the last Roman columns to the domes on top of all churches to tone down the city, keep it more private and for phrase that many in the group mentioned. The idea the power is revealed. This city affected me the most the residents, and direct tourists elsewhere. the people even inhabited Venice was odd to me. It out of all cities we visited, because of the greatness was the only place in Italy (which we toured) that I that lies within it. could only see as vacation, in much the same way as I view Las Vegas, or Manhattan; they are more tourist attractions than they are cities. The touring mindset could in no way take from its beauty; it only put into perspective the sites that were viewed. The images that seemed to stay with me were of long winding corridors which were used both as waterways and walkways. I have grown up with water as my backdrop for my entire life, but never have I seen water of such a mystical color. I felt like, in many ways that I could see all of the history in the water alone; because even in Venice, water can- not be ^just ̄ water, it must have some romanticism within it. Radwa Ahmed Rome 2008 Jennifer Boes Florence 2008 Erich Berrett Venice 2008 Therme Vals is perfection. The power of architecture Everything in Milan seemed to be very up to date. It This was my favorite single work that we saw on the can been seen by evoking emotion for the visitor. A was not about old materials anymore, it was about trip. It had so many levels and layers, yet it was so truly modern masterpiece, Zumthors project created what was new and what was going to be the next peaceful and relaxing. The first picture shows the a full body experience that simplified the essence of design. There was not much emphasis in the build- reflection point that Jose mentioned even before the baths. Body + Water. A minimal approach to an ings any more. There was more emphasis in how we got to the cemetery, but it shows it through the experience that is incredible. When experiencing the to construct a space not in the space itself. Every- veil of plant that Carlo Scarpa used to separate the baths the body is stimulated from all senses in every thing seemed to become very modern and sleek: the area of remembering and the area of reflecting. The direction with heat and light guiding the experience chairs, the walls, as well as the tables and glass. second picture I think shows Scarpa¨s commitment until finally rising from the water to a breathtaking Milan created an environment of new products and to his theme of layers. Even underwater everything is view, the Swiss Alps. Amazing! new features that were innovative and unique. The in layers. The third picture is of a wonderful designed beauty in Milan was that people were still using the lighting effect scarpa built into the cemetery, the designs that were there including but not limited too picture represents to me how well Scarpa used natu- Le Corbusier, Charlotte Perriand, Frank Lloyd Wright, ral things to create seemingly supernatural effects. and Mario Bellini. These designs that were created The last picture the perfect picture to represent the changed design. Carlo Scarpa began and changed depth of the sight and the power one feels walking design in Venice and formed a base for Milan. Milan around the area. created new forms of design. Ryan Grabe Vals, CH 2008 Melissa Gronlund Milan 2008 Paul Endelman San Vito D¨Altivole 2008 S u m m E R A b R O A D , I T A Ly 0 8
  • 16. This was my favorite single work that we saw on the trip. It had so many levels and layers, yet it was so peaceful and relaxing. The first picture shows the reflection point that Jose mentioned even before we got to the cemetery, but it shows it through the veil of plant that Carlo Scarpa used to separate the area of remembering and the area of reflecting. The second picture I think shows Scarpa¨s commitment to his theme of layers. Even underwater everything is in layers. The third picture is of a wonderful designed lighting effect scarpa built into the cemetery, the picture represents to me how well Scarpa used natu- ral things to create seemingly supernatural effects. The last picture the perfect picture to represent the depth of the sight and the power one feels walking around the area. Design & Context Italy 2008 Paul Endelman San Vito D¨Altivole 2008 S u m m E R A b R O A D , I T A Ly 0 8