1) This document provides information from a daily school newsletter in te reo Maori, including the date, weather, songs, pronunciation practice of vowels, a riddle, house points update, and sign off.
2) The lesson section focuses on pronunciation of basic vowels and names of Mori concepts like atua and patupaiarehe.
3) A riddle asks students to identify a female speaker based on clues about her large hands and feet and liking of fishing.
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Taite week 7 term 3 pdf
1. 12/09/13
Ko te Taite te ra tekau ma rua o
Te Mahuru
Mane - Turei - Wenerei - Taite - Paraire - Ra horoi - Ra tapu
2. Kei te pehea te ahua o te
rangi ki waho?
Ring 721 if you know the
answer in Te Reo Maori...
4. Todays lesson
Pronunciation Practice
Start with vowels A E I O U
Haka mana para tawa nga wha
Heke mene pere tewe nge whe
Hiki mini piri tiwi ngi whi
Hoko mono poro to wo ngo who
Huku munu puru tuwu ngu whu
Ra-ta, Mau-ao, Oo-tane-wai-nuku, Puu-whenua, Too-ta-ra,
Koro,Moko,Patupaiarehe, Tohora
No Rotorua ahau
He nui aku ringaringa me aku waewae
He pai ki ahau te mataa
He wahine ahau
Ko wai au? Who am I?
721 is the number to ring to answer
our wa wero.
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6. Ra whanau waiata:
Ra whanau kia koe
Ra whanau kia koe
Ra whanau ki a .......
Ra whanau kia koe
Daniel Rm14 - Isabella Rm15
7. House Points week 7
Week 6
Scrap metal
Week 6
Week 2
Green 15 5 100 120
Red 10 15 100 125
Purple 5 20 135 160
Blue 20 10 110 140