Mobile/Open/Platform CONference,行動科技應用開發者年會,為堅持 "在濁水溪以南舉辦" 之行動應用技術研討會,2012首度在高雄軟體園區舉辦,為南台灣規模最大之行動應用科技開發者年會,也是目前南部唯一之千人科?技研討會。
"I code, I spread, I connect" 是 MOPCON 主要精神意涵,議程以行動開發技術為核心,引申到行動服務營運,更將涵蓋數位內容之行動應用發展。講師陣容邀集國內業界菁英,今?年也將有國際講者帶來最新行動應用技術趨勢來跟與會者分享與互動。
O documento dá conselhos sobre n?o desistir facilmente das coisas boas da vida após um insucesso ou decep??o, lembrando que sempre há novas oportunidades para amizade, amor e felicidade se a pessoa permanecer esperan?osa e perseverante.
Mobile/Open/Platform CONference,行動科技應用開發者年會,為堅持 "在濁水溪以南舉辦" 之行動應用技術研討會,2012首度在高雄軟體園區舉辦,為南台灣規模最大之行動應用科技開發者年會,也是目前南部唯一之千人科?技研討會。
"I code, I spread, I connect" 是 MOPCON 主要精神意涵,議程以行動開發技術為核心,引申到行動服務營運,更將涵蓋數位內容之行動應用發展。講師陣容邀集國內業界菁英,今?年也將有國際講者帶來最新行動應用技術趨勢來跟與會者分享與互動。
O documento dá conselhos sobre n?o desistir facilmente das coisas boas da vida após um insucesso ou decep??o, lembrando que sempre há novas oportunidades para amizade, amor e felicidade se a pessoa permanecer esperan?osa e perseverante.
The document proposes a strategy for SunEnergy to enter the UK solar PV market. It analyzes the current state of the UK market including recent cuts to solar subsidies. The strategy involves three prongs: 1) outsourcing sales to micro-installers through an agent, 2) focusing in-house sales efforts on established retail partners, and 3) developing niche vertical markets in sectors like universities. The plan details approaches for each prong, including using a sales agent to serve small installers, differentiating their "Partner Program," and targeting carbon compliance markets. Next steps include contracting the sales agent, refocusing on retail partners, developing a UK-focused website, and identifying a vertical market to enter.
The document provides 10 tips for delivering a successful 10-minute pitch. The tips include: 1) chunking the pitch into 4 sections with a 4-point agenda, 2) identifying a "villain" problem to highlight the need, 3) knowing the audience's questions, 4) focusing each slide on one big idea, and 5) making ideas understandable to a lay audience. Additional tips are to 6) see the presentation as a conversation, 7) use effective voice and gestures, 8) overcome fear, and 9) enter the room confidently. The document aims to help presenters structure compelling pitches that engage audiences.