Wheat Rust Toolbox Related to New Initiatives on Yellow RustICARDA
This document discusses the Wheat Rust Toolbox and its potential contributions to a new yellow rust initiative. The Toolbox was originally developed for tracking wheat rust pathogens in Europe. It utilizes an online surveillance system to monitor rust pathogens worldwide and share data on virulence and pathotypes with partners. The authors propose several ways the Toolbox could be enhanced to support a new yellow rust initiative, including improving early warning surveillance, incorporating additional host and pathogen data, enabling epidemic risk analysis, and better integrating with partner information systems.
Innovative technologies of amelioration and development of saline soils in K...ExternalEvents
The Soil Salinity Training was held from 26 to 29 September 2017 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, attended by representatives from 12 countries in the Eurasian region. The main objective of the event was to provide training on the severity of soil salinity in the Eurasian region and existing efforts and technologies to sustainably manage saline soils.
This presentation was presented during the Eurasian Soil Partnership workshop that was held on 29 February - 02 March 2016 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and it was made by Seymur Safarli.
Can we measure female social entrepreneurship? ICARDA
1st Annual Conference of the Private Sector Development Research Network:Private Enterprise and Inclusion12-13 December 2019
Presentation by Anastasia Seferiadis, Sarah Cummings and B辿n辿dicte Gastineau
Innovative technologies of amelioration and development of saline soils in K...ExternalEvents
The Soil Salinity Training was held from 26 to 29 September 2017 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, attended by representatives from 12 countries in the Eurasian region. The main objective of the event was to provide training on the severity of soil salinity in the Eurasian region and existing efforts and technologies to sustainably manage saline soils.
This presentation was presented during the Eurasian Soil Partnership workshop that was held on 29 February - 02 March 2016 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and it was made by Seymur Safarli.
Can we measure female social entrepreneurship? ICARDA
1st Annual Conference of the Private Sector Development Research Network:Private Enterprise and Inclusion12-13 December 2019
Presentation by Anastasia Seferiadis, Sarah Cummings and B辿n辿dicte Gastineau
Building Climate Smart FARMERSThe Indian PerspectiveICARDA
Presented by
National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership (NCCSD)
The document discusses the concepts of Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) and their interlinkages. It describes the Solar Universities Network (SUN) which has 72 registered universities working towards sustainability goals. The network is establishing guidelines around campus water, energy, and plastics use to help universities become carbon neutral. It also presents various perspectives on FEW such as production for food versus fodder, large versus small systems, and using FEW for multiple purposes.
Just Add Water: Approaches to Smart Agricultural Water ManagementICARDA
1) The document discusses approaches to smart agricultural water management including using water more productively, increasing water availability through small reservoirs and managed aquifer recharge, and bringing innovations such as solar irrigation under smarter water management.
2) It notes that water is the first and worst hit resource by climate change and is vital, connecting sectors. The Global Commission on Adaptation report emphasizes helping small-scale producers manage risks and making agriculture climate smart.
3) Pilot projects on on-grid and off-grid solar solutions for irrigation can provide energy access, food security, and incomes while diversifying power grids and reducing costs for farmers.
The DryArc Initiative aims to develop innovative and resilient agri-food systems in dryland regions through a global partnership. It will pursue two pathways: 1) combining existing technologies into systemic innovations tailored to each context, and 2) accelerating the scaling up of impact-targeted innovations. Over four phases from 2019-2030, DryArc will co-design solutions with stakeholders, strengthen capacities, and establish an enabling environment through decision support, monitoring and evaluation, and attracting investment. The goal is to transform agri-food systems and support food/nutrition security and employment in dryland regions vulnerable to problems like land degradation, water scarcity, and climate change impacts.
25 - 29 November 2019.油Antalya, Turkey.油Near East Forestry and Range Commission (NEFRC) - 24th Session
Presentation by Dr. Mounir Louhaichi
Rangeland Ecology & Management
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Highlights on 2019 research outputs and outcomesICARDA
18-20/11/2019. ICARDA Board of Trustees. 油The Program Committee of the first day was open to all staff.油 It included:
Highlights of recent research breakthroughs and strategic questions presented by Strategic Research Priorities (CRPs) and Cross Cutting Themes (CCTs).
This document discusses mobile data collection and the advantages of using Computer Aided Personal Interviewing (CAPI) over traditional Pen and Paper Interviewing (PAPI). It introduces Open Data Kit (ODK) as an open source mobile data collection platform that allows for quicker and easier data collection with real-time quality checks. ODK facilitates offline data collection with centralized data storage and repeat questions.
Tunis, 6-7 November 2019. Training workshop PRIMA Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
Presentation by Prof. M. Hachicha National Research Institute in Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, University of Carthage | UCAR
Utilizing the reject brine from desalination for implementing integrated agri...ICARDA
14-15 November 2019. Madrid. International Symposium on the use of Non-Conventional Waters to achieve Food Security
DESALINATION - Advancing desalination: reducing energy consumption and environmental footprint
Presentation by Ms Dionysia Lyra, International Centre on Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), United Arab Emirates
The role of higher and vocational education and training in developing knowle...ICARDA
This document discusses the role of higher and vocational education in developing skills for agricultural transformation in Africa. It notes that while there are many collaborative projects focusing on research, education, and development, higher education and vocational training institutions do not always collaborate effectively. Specifically, vocational training is often focused on production rather than broader sector transformation. There are opportunities to better connect capacity development projects with development projects through student internships and theses. Improved collaboration between higher education, vocational education, and the private sector could enhance skills development and relevance for employment.
Characteristics of a winning research proposal ICARDA
Tunis, 6-7 November 2019. Training workshop油PRIMA Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area油is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.油
Yehia Selmi, co-founder, Bio-wonder, Tunisia.
28 October 2019. Cairo. On the occasion of the 10th Africa Food Day Commemoration, held in joint food and nutrition security research and innovation projects within the Africa-EU Partnership.
Panel 4: Panel 4 Idea-carriers:
Powering dry areas by empowering food security under the context of climat...ICARDA
This document summarizes a presentation on powering dry areas through food security under climate change. It discusses critical factors like extreme poverty, environmental degradation, and climate impacts. Key themes in Tunisia include effects of climate change on agriculture/food security as population grows. The most pressing priorities are enhancing water productivity, crop improvement, managing salinity, and integrated livestock. Achievable goals include conserving water, developing drought/salt tolerant varieties, reducing yield gaps, and regional technology sharing. Key actors are researchers, farmers, and international organizations. Overall, it stresses the need for collaborative research on scenarios to ensure food/nutrition security under challenges like resource degradation and climate change.
Dr. Jacques Wery, Deputy Director General Research, ICARDA (CGIAR)
28 October 2019. On the occasion of the 10th Africa Food Day Commemoration, held in Egypt under the chairmanship of the African Union by Egypt in 2019, the North Africa event, organized by LEAP4FNSSA with the support of ARC/ Agricultural Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation,油launched油a public private alliance of partners between Europe and North Africa to develop joint food and nutrition security research and innovation projects within the Africa-EU Partnership
Funding networks and mechanisms to support EU AU FNSSA R&I ICARDA
Dr. Bernard Mallet, Agriculture Projects Coordinator, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France
28 October. On the occasion of the 10th Africa Food Day Commemoration, held in Egypt under the chairmanship of the African Union by Egypt in 2019, the North Africa event, organized by LEAP4FNSSA with the support of ARC/ Agricultural Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, launched a public private alliance of partners between Europe and North Africa to develop joint food and nutrition security research and innovation projects within the Africa-EU Partnership
Mapping suitable niche for cactus and legumes in diversified farming in drylandsICARDA
Presentation by Chandrashekhar Biradar and team.
16-18 October 2019. Hyderabad, India. TRUST:油Humans, Machines & Ecosystems.油This years Convention was油hosted by油The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).油The Platform is led by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).