This document provides career planning advice from Tom Boyd, Dean at Kaplan University School of Business and Management. It discusses the importance of being flexibly persistent in pursuing career goals while being ready to adapt. Employers most value strategic thinking, integrity, global outlook, work ethic, and accountability. Hiring managers want employees that will make their jobs easier and make them look good. Experience is becoming more important to employers, though some are willing to hire candidates eager to learn. The document advises job seekers to find out what skills their target industry needs, develop a plan to build those skills, and highlight strengths that distinguish them from other candidates.
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Taking Control Of Your Career Strategy
Tom Boyd
Dean at Kaplan University School of Business and Management
2. Career planning is
about being
鍖exibly persistent
Be persistent in driving
towards your goals, but
always be ready to adapt.
3. Skills most valued by employers
Strategic perspective
High integrity
Global outlook
Strong work ethic/dependability
What do hiring managers really want?
Will this person make my life easier?
Will this person make me look good?
4. Experience is
becoming more
30% of job seekers ranked prior
experience as the top factor in getting
a desirable job
Only 9% of hiring managers reported
they would be extremely or very likely
to hire a managerial candidate who
lacked skills but appeared eager to
learn on the job
5. Make sure you
stand out
90% of students identi鍖ed
hard worker as their key
Emphasize strengths &
skills that are both highly
valued and relatively rare
6. Find out what
employers in your
鍖eld are looking for
Use your network to 鍖nd hiring
managers in your 鍖eld either on
social media sites like LinkedIn
or at networking events
Ask them for an informational
interview and 鍖nd out what
skills and experience theyre
looking for
7. Make a plan to
build your skills
Write your dream cover letter & r辿sum辿
Assess what you need to do to be that
person by deciding what strengths &
skills you can develop
Make a plan to gain the experience that
makes you the best candidate
Get involved in activities, groups, or
clubs to gain experience outside the
8. Key Takeaways
Find out what skills and qualities hiring
managers in your 鍖eld are looking for
Make a plan to develop skills and experience
that you should improve upon
Display your skills on your r辿sum辿 and in
interviews to help you stand out as a top