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Tal Solutions Talent Science Presentation_FINAL3
How to Profit from Leveraging 
Customer Life Cycle Segmentation 
Frameworks for Employee Life Cycle 
Do you really understand your 
Didnt think so. 
We faced a similar problem  we didnt 
fully understand our customers. And we 
were losing them.
Heres a snapshot of the core customer life cycle framework. Do 
you see how it can be applied to employee life cycle management?
What are the critical elements for customer life cycle 
management? Strategy first 
Strategic Elements 
 Assess target market 
 Understand your most profitable segments 
 Design tools for application to critical processes 
 Develop tailored predictive models 
 Simulate P&L impact of varying life cycle strategies 
 Define collaborative models across organization
Remember our first key takeaway 
Disciplined life cycle strategies 
translate to successful business 
processes and solutions
What are the critical elements for customer life cycle 
management? Now build a foundation 
Foundational Elements 
 Data Integrate data sources 
 Technology Enables data sharing and integration 
 Analytics Identify intent, patterns, sentiment, behavior 
 Model Predict next best offer 
 Measurement Performance tracking, results, accountability 
 Operations Prepare to support business initiatives
Remember our second key takeaway 
Build a disciplined life cycle 
foundation to foster successful 
business process and solutions
The success of life cycle management  both customer and 
employee  is measured through increased satisfaction and 
Net Promoter Score 
Total Shareholders Return 
Employee Attitudes
The success of life cycle management  both customer and 
employee  is measured through increased satisfaction and 
How Do We Use Our Strategic Framework and Foundational 
Elements to 
 Define attributes and characteristics of engaged employees 
 Identify currently engaged employees 
 Predict potential engaged employees 
 Determine initiatives that impact employee engagement 
 Build succession plans and roadmaps
Complex segmentation schemas are critical to life cycle 
Complex segmentation schemas are critical to life cycle 
Segmentation schemes categorize an individuals belief system, 
attitudes, behavior, interactions and performance. 
 Demand-Based Market Segmentation 
 Global Segmentation 
 Proactive Management Segmentation
Lets see how this can work in practice in your organizations 
Create a holistic early 
warning system to 
predict significant 
change in the employee 
Lets see how this can work in practice in your organizations 
 Early identification of employees at risk of disengaging behaviors 
 Segmentation to capture employees leadership, expertise, 
effectiveness and level of engagement 
 Identifying changes in behavior over time to predict disengagement 
 Create solutions to intercept and re-engage target employees
Lets see how this can work in practice in your organizations 
Integrating employee 
segmentation deepens 
employee relationships 
and maximizes business 
What would it take to implement this Employee Life Cycle 
Management Strategy? 
 Strategic Elements 
 Foundational Elements
What would it take to implement this Employee Life Cycle 
Management strategy? 
Plan Your Strategy 
 Assess target market 
 Understand your most profitable segments 
 Design tools for application to critical processes 
 Develop tailored predictive models 
 Simulate P&L impact of varying life cycle strategies 
 Define collaborative models across organization
What would it take to implement this Employee Life Cycle 
Management strategy? 
Build Your Foundation 
 Data Integrate data sources 
 Technology Enables data sharing and integration 
 Analytics Identify intent, patterns, sentiment, behavior 
 Model Predict next best offer 
 Measurement Performance tracking, results, accountability 
 Operations Prepare to support business initiatives
What do you think? 
We are what we repeatedly 
do. Excellence, then, is not 
an act, but a habit. 
For more of Marcia Tals thinking about how 
her approach to analytics can help you profit 
from the hidden value in your data, visit 
Tal Solutions 
Marcia Tal, Founder 
息 2014 Tal Solutions, All Rights Reserved

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Tal Solutions Talent Science Presentation_FINAL3

  • 2. How to Profit from Leveraging Customer Life Cycle Segmentation Frameworks for Employee Life Cycle Management
  • 3. Do you really understand your employees? Didnt think so. We faced a similar problem we didnt fully understand our customers. And we were losing them.
  • 4. Heres a snapshot of the core customer life cycle framework. Do you see how it can be applied to employee life cycle management?
  • 5. What are the critical elements for customer life cycle management? Strategy first Strategic Elements Assess target market Understand your most profitable segments Design tools for application to critical processes Develop tailored predictive models Simulate P&L impact of varying life cycle strategies Define collaborative models across organization
  • 6. Remember our first key takeaway Disciplined life cycle strategies translate to successful business processes and solutions
  • 7. What are the critical elements for customer life cycle management? Now build a foundation Foundational Elements Data Integrate data sources Technology Enables data sharing and integration Analytics Identify intent, patterns, sentiment, behavior Model Predict next best offer Measurement Performance tracking, results, accountability Operations Prepare to support business initiatives
  • 8. Remember our second key takeaway Build a disciplined life cycle foundation to foster successful business process and solutions
  • 9. The success of life cycle management both customer and employee is measured through increased satisfaction and engagement. Net Promoter Score Total Shareholders Return Employee Attitudes
  • 10. The success of life cycle management both customer and employee is measured through increased satisfaction and engagement. How Do We Use Our Strategic Framework and Foundational Elements to Define attributes and characteristics of engaged employees Identify currently engaged employees Predict potential engaged employees Determine initiatives that impact employee engagement Build succession plans and roadmaps
  • 11. Complex segmentation schemas are critical to life cycle management.
  • 12. Complex segmentation schemas are critical to life cycle management. Conversations Behavior Interactions
  • 13. Segmentation schemes categorize an individuals belief system, attitudes, behavior, interactions and performance. Demand-Based Market Segmentation Global Segmentation Proactive Management Segmentation
  • 14. Lets see how this can work in practice in your organizations PROBLEM Create a holistic early warning system to predict significant change in the employee engagement.
  • 15. Lets see how this can work in practice in your organizations SOLUTIONS Early identification of employees at risk of disengaging behaviors Segmentation to capture employees leadership, expertise, effectiveness and level of engagement Identifying changes in behavior over time to predict disengagement patterns Create solutions to intercept and re-engage target employees
  • 16. Lets see how this can work in practice in your organizations VALUE Integrating employee segmentation deepens employee relationships and maximizes business revenues.
  • 17. What would it take to implement this Employee Life Cycle Management Strategy? Strategic Elements Foundational Elements
  • 18. What would it take to implement this Employee Life Cycle Management strategy? Plan Your Strategy Assess target market Understand your most profitable segments Design tools for application to critical processes Develop tailored predictive models Simulate P&L impact of varying life cycle strategies Define collaborative models across organization
  • 19. What would it take to implement this Employee Life Cycle Management strategy? Build Your Foundation Data Integrate data sources Technology Enables data sharing and integration Analytics Identify intent, patterns, sentiment, behavior Model Predict next best offer Measurement Performance tracking, results, accountability Operations Prepare to support business initiatives
  • 20. What do you think? We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle
  • 21. THANK YOU! For more of Marcia Tals thinking about how her approach to analytics can help you profit from the hidden value in your data, visit http://talsolutions.com Tal Solutions Marcia Tal, Founder 347-478-5194 Talsolutions.com 息 2014 Tal Solutions, All Rights Reserved