The document discusses talent management and career development & succession planning. It presents an integrated approach to talent management involving recruitment, selection, career management, performance management, training, rewards management, and succession planning. The aim is to develop leadership capability across business lines to retain and develop high potential employees and ensure effective future leaders. It discusses contemporary challenges in talent management and outlines elements of career management and definitions of succession planning.
3. Integrated Approach
Recruitment &
Career Performance
Management Management
Rewards Talent
Management &
Succession Management
Planning Development
3 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
4. Aim
Foster a process of building leadership capability across
the lines of business / support functions
The emphasis is on developing a broad spectrum of
talent within the management ranks so that the
availability of internal talent will not be a constraint to
the organization's strategic direction
Identify the key leadership success factors
4 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
5. Outcomes
Retention and development of high potential
Builds internal staff capabilities (bench strength) for the
emerging organizational demands
Maps various succession options
Facilitates developmental moves across the
Establishes a professionally managed organization with
the systems in place to ensure that it will have effective
leaders going forward
5 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
6. Contemporary Issues: Changing
Nature of Work & Organization
Demographics (net-generation, diversity)
Redefined concept of Loyalty
Challenges in differentiating high
performers from poor performers
Wanted Rapid career progression
6 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
7. Talent Management
Recruitment &
Career Performance
Management Management
Rewards Talent
Management &
Succession Management
Planning Development
9. Early Models of CD (Cont.)
Reif & Newstro, 1974
9 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
10. Career Active System Triad (CAST)
(Baruch (2004
Level Individual Organization
Values Aspirations Philosophy /
Approaches Attitudes Policies
Behaviors Actions Practices
Serve as the framework for the discussion and for providing the
10 balanced view pointSmita
July 11, 2007 swati
11. Elements of Career Management
1. Individual (Self) Assessment of Abilities,
Interests, career need and goals
2. Organizational Assessment of
employee abilities and potential
3. Communication of information
concerning career opportunities with
the organization
4. Career Counseling to set realistic goals
and plan for their attainment
11 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
12. Talent Management
Recruitment &
Career Performance
Management Management
Rewards Talent
Management &
Succession Management
Planning Development
13. Succession Planning -Definition
Strategic, systematic and deliberate effort to develop
competencies in potential leaders through proposed
learning experiences such as targeted rotations and
educational training in order to fill high-level positions
without favoritism (Mathew Tropiano, 2004)
Deliberate and systematic effort by an organization to
ensure leadership continuity in key positions and encourage
individual advancement (St-Onge, Mercer)
A structured process involving the identification and
preparation of potential successors to assume a new roles
13 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
Constant change planning
An organizational journey, not a project
Ensuring continuity of leadership
Identifying gaps in existing talent pool
Identifying and nurturing future leaders
Why SP?
Organization supersede Individuals
visionaries are those who groom their young ones to
take the lead position and to take the cause of
organization forward
14 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
15. Results
1. Talent Driven
2. Accelerated
Education 3. Vision for future
and advancement
Self Development Accountability
Competency driven
Strategically Targeted
Rotational Assignments
Future Competencies Needed
Aligned with Strategic Plan
CEO/ Leadership Commitment &
15 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
Succession Planning Model Ref: Troopiano, 2004
17. Benefits of SP
Source: Aberdeen Group, September 2006
Tells about
the extent to which leadership job openings can be filled from
the internal pool
the av. no. of qualified candidates for each leadership position
the number of positions with two or more ready now
17 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
the attrition rate from the succession pool
19. Top level succession planning different
19 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
Garman & Gllawe, 2004
20. Remember
Succession plan may be expected practice its
absence is more a curse than its presence a
Succession program should limit their focus to linch-
pin positions those considered most critical to
the organizations need.
20 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
22. Case 1: Petrofac
Learning and Development Team in Aberdeen
Investor in People (IiP) company
Competent Person Profile (CPP)
This framework of competence
allows all staff with potential to
be measured against the higher
level positions in the
a development plan designed
and implemented and thus
contribute to the Succession
Plan for the company as a
22 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
June 1, 2007
23. Case 2: Novartis-China
Four core Principles towards identifying and developing
1. Grow leaders from within Novartis
2. Fill 70% of the position with internal associates
3. Each associate has a developmental plan
4. Each associate has minimum two career and
development discussions per year
23 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
24. Leadershi
X Experiences + Continuou
= A Pipeline of
Leaders to
Grow the
Processes and Tools Processes and Tools Processes and Tools
Leadership Organization and Learning
standards/values and talent Review Programs
behaviors Process (OTR) Accelerated
Functional Talent Developmental
Competency Models Management Programs
Executive Interview System (TMS) Mentoring
guides Talking Talent 360o Feedback
Managers Toolkit for Career Maps Development
Assessing and Performance Planner
Developing Potential Management
LD at Novartis (Cont.)
24 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
25. LD at Novartis-China (Cont.)
Engaging Internal Talent
1. Provide Training
2. Deploy talent in new, exciting and stretch
assignments and provide clearly defined career
3. Connecting employees so that they can learn from
their experienced peers and other professionals
25 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
26. Case 3: Research on Best Practices
Best Practice Partners 5 companies
Dell Computers
Dow Chemical Company
Eli Lilly and Company
Pan Canadian Petroleum
Sonoco Global Products
Fulmer (2002) Choose Tomorrows Leaders Today:
Succession planning grooms firms for success
26 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
27. Best Practices: What they did right
Effective succession management is a journey not a destination
Deployed a Succession Management Process
succession management is continuous annual process
Business units responsible for deliverables
HR typically responsible for the tools and processes
Technology to facilitate the process (short, simple and flexible)
Identified the Talent Pool
cyclic continuous identification process
used core set of leadership and succession management
Talent assessment semi transparent process
Engaged the Talent Pool
IDPs for each employee
developmental Activities special assignments, action learning,
web-based development activities
Monitoring & Assessing 27 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
method of assessment to monitor the succession planning process
28. Recommendations from their exp.
Keep the process simple
Engage technology to support the process
Align succession management within overall business
Secure senior level support for the process
The last two suggest that there is virtuous cycle when the
succession system supports corporate strategy in a
tangible way
28 July 11, 2007 swati Smita
Editor's Notes
#11: CAST integrates individual and organizational focus to career development it is an active system CAST is set at the three level of analysis Values - The basic underlying level the principle, ,orals, culture forms the roots from which the other levels emerge. Approaches and assumptions translates those values into the third level, Behavior - Action and practice.
#12: self-exploration and analysis self assessment (e.g. workshops, tailor made work books by IBM, Xerox, GM & GE) we can also develop same at our end Accurate assessment AC, biographical information, PMS and current job history Informal or formal? Informal employee learn about career development opportunities from their supervisors within the context of developmental performance appraisal and interviews. Formal traditional/ behavioral career paths identified and communicated through work-books etc Possible career directions, possible career advancements, specific job vacancies Developmental performance appraisal interviews, identify gaps and developmental opportunities
#14: Structured process having some reliable structure and/or custom and not just-in-time identification of successor Identification & preparation -
#19: Link to strategy as more aspirational than actualized even in best practice companies
#23: Petrofac award-winning and industry-accredited competence assurance scheme called the Competent Person Profile (CPP)
#24: Engage: 1. Develop talent through traditional, but world class, training and on-the-job learning. E.g. BiMBA development program (Beijing International MBA program and is a Sino-US educational join venture at Peking University), leadership training through two axis from global to local through localised corporate programmes and though global Novartis corporate learning programmes
#26: Engage: Develop talent through traditional, but world class, training and on-the-job learning. E.g. BiMBA development program (Beijing International MBA program and is a Sino-US educational join venture at Peking University), leadership training through two axis from global to local through localized corporate programs and though global Novartis corporate learning programs Managers Toolkit for Assessing and Developing Potential, Organization and Talent Review (OTR), includes Talent Management System and Talking Talent. 5 main mechanism to enhance continuous learning -- learning programs, accelerated development programs, mentoring, 360 o feedback and development planner.