Subject Librarian (SL) emails digitisation request to
digitisation assistant (DA)
DA prints email, manually scans items through
photocopier, trims edges with scissors and then re-
scans and tidies up on PC
DA proceeds with digitisation requests through
CLA, updates Talis reading lists manually and
emails Subject Librarian
Subject Librarian or academic makes digitisation
request through Talis reading lists
DA receives request and uses professional scanning
equipment and processes request through TADC
Requester notified once digitisation is complete and
everything is recorded in one place
#3: Setting the scene
Specialist University
Vocational courses
Teaching Only
Many students are 1st generation to University
Setting the scene
UCB is a non-traditional institution; we are a specialist, vocational University with an attached College. We have roughly six and a half FTE across all areas. Our subjects range from 4 schools. We are a teaching only university which means that most of our learning content is based upon current trends in industry and future forecasting. Many students are 1st generation to University and large amount come from low income households.
#4: Library
Small Library team make up
Small team (many hats)
Specialist Collections - wig making, art of chocolate, aviation and so on
Current research (no archives)
We are adept at adapting to the needs of the staff and students.
#5: Blended learning
Part time
Increase accessibility
24/7 access
Offsite and On
Increase circulation (reduce barriers where possible)
Development of Learning Spaces
More IT
In 2017 the library was informed that they would be relocating to a new building with smaller shelf space. This initiated conversation about refining the print collection, currently standing at est. 80 thousand items. We began to look more closely as a team at the prospect of going e-first. To ensure that our collection is stable and maximised and to alleviate the pressure on visible space. We also have a high amount of apprentices and part time students who go onto placement within industry, this was an additional incentive to go e-first. It was also highlighted that student behaviours are now much more focused on technology within education and it was felt that in e first strategy within the library would support these changing behaviours.
#6: We needed to focus on the areas that would be easiest to adapt to an e first policy.
We realised that Talis was a key supplier that could assist us with our e-first mission.
Upcoming changes:
How and what the SL ordered for staff and students
Alternatives to print
Use of library systems (new LMS coming soon!)
Insuring that we maximised support from our suppliers to assist us with this change (TALIS!)
UCB Library is very involved in reading list maintenance and academics rarely make full list changes. Therefore the reviewing our processes with Talis would not only assist our students but also be of a great benefit for the Subject Librarians.
Hand you over to Jodie.
#7: Why digitisation was selected first for our e first journey:
Less change management was required as it was only impacting upon one member of the library team directly but had the support of the SLs.
Steps taken:
Analysis of workflow was undertaken with the digitisation assistant to identify the major areas of weakness.
=This identified the lack of proper equipment for the assistant to efficiently complete the process.
Reviewed the market for equipment and found something which fitted our needs, not too big not too small!
Current workflows resulted in difficulties for the Subject Librarians and Staff placing digitisation requests and produced a lot of printing (the university is also cutting down on printing!).
Talis helped us workflow with the assistant to see how Talis could make the workflow smoother and more efficient for everyone involved.
As this was a change to work practises Change Management and understanding was also required and handled adeptly by Talis, who recognised that the digitisation assistant needed support in building confidence. (They talked through the process, heard the concerns and responded to them with consideration and together they completed a workflow which satisfied all parties.)
#8: Discuss differences in work flows including time frames for each step and continuity
#9: Moving to an e first policy is a really big change for the Library and has impact on many stakeholders. To ensure that they process is made as comfortable as possible the Library worked together to identify the required outcomes then work backwards.
Changing everything at once would lead to uncertainty and a lack of confidence so breaking down the challenges that could occur leant itself to a smooth transition.
Small steps which would eventually lead to a big change.
By implementing a better digitisation workflow and improving it we achieved a 2 part outcome:
Better digitisation
Also supported the overall e first project in being the precursor to other projects now about to be implemented.
We cannot stress enough how important the time saving element of this process is!
Digitisation in Reading Lists was a key factor in our success at moving towards e first! We recognised that historic practises and lack of promotion meant that our old digitisation process was not where it needed to be as part of our overall e first strategy.
So despite having reduced our print stock we now receive less comments regarding lack of books from students and staff.
This is partly due to the availability of chapters within reading lists assisting students at their point of need and time saving for them searching for physical books. This has been well received by the lecturing staff who feel more confident that students are getting more direct access to information to support their studies.
Digitisation has also had a really positive side effect on the Subject Librarians purchasing decisions, as publishers cannot always supply the required numbers of specialist books e.g. wig making/aesthetic needling therefore digitisation is sometimes the only way we can provide the access to the students.
#11: For the rest of our e first journey we have the following objectives:
To increase our opportunity to get into classes:
Promote resources not just books e.g. visible body
Develop research skills around e first content
Review our acquisition workflows and collection development policy.
Overall we are looking forwards to the future and what it will hold as a non traditional library with a e first objective. We believe reading lists will be key to a lot of this change and look forward to continuing to work with Talis throughout.