1. Love doesn't grow on the trees like applesin Eden - it's
something you have to make and you must use your
imagination to make it too, just like anything else. It's all
work, work.
- Joyce Carey
2. grow on 螻殊朱煙 朱
apples in Eden 企一 螻
It's all work 襷 螳 殊企
3. Love doesn't grow on the trees like apples
in Eden - it's something you have to make
and you must use your imagination to
make it too, just like anything else. It's all
work, work.
- Joyce Carey
企一 螻殊 覓伎
朱讌 . 企 讌 襷れ 伎
覃 るジ 覈 蟆豌 伎 襷
れ伎 伎. 襷 螳 殊伎.
- 譟一伎 貂襴 (覦一)
4. If you would be loved, love and be lovable.
覦螻 苦朱 螻 る讌語.
Love is a friend, a fire, a heaven, a hell.
- 豺蟲願, 覿企, 豌蟲願, 讌レ企.
To love without loving is not really to live.
蟆 襷襦 蟆
The heart that lovers is always young.
It's better far to love and be poor, than be rich with
an empty heart.
覃 螳蟆, 覿覲企