The document discusses how achieving goals requires overcoming struggles ("pain") in order to experience satisfaction or success ("gain"). It states that pain is an inevitable part of any journey towards a goal, and that without enduring pain, one cannot achieve gain or success. The document provides examples of influential historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates to illustrate how their accomplishments required enduring hardships and pain along the way.
Positive Psychology. By Theresa Lowry-Lehnen. Lecturer of PsychologyTheresa Lowry-Lehnen
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that studies human thriving and optimal functioning. It emerged in the late 1990s due to the work of Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who were interested in moving psychology beyond a disease model and focusing more on strength and well-being. Positive psychology interventions aim to help individuals identify and build upon their character strengths and positive emotions to lead more fulfilling lives. While research is still emerging, studies show techniques like using signature strengths, practicing gratitude, and focusing on positive events can increase happiness and well-being. Critics argue that genetics and temperament limit how much people can change their baseline levels of happiness.
The document discusses positive psychology and factors related to happiness. It notes that rates of issues like divorce, teen suicide, crime, and depression have increased significantly from 1960 to 2000. Research shows that happiness is associated with benefits like better health, relationships, job performance, and longevity. Studies found that optimistic older adults had half the heart attack rates of less optimistic peers. The document advocates cultivating optimism, gratitude, and kindness to increase happiness and resilience.
1) Positive thinking is a mental process that creates opportunities and transforms situations by expecting great things.
2) The workshop covers what positive thinking is, the five steps to positive thinking including conscious effort and persistence, and how positive thinking can lead to success.
3) Key aspects of positive thinkers are that they take persistent action towards goals, learn from mistakes, and expect positive things in life rather than dwelling on negatives.
Happiness comes from our mental attitude and ceasing to worry about things outside of our control, rather than external conditions. It is achieved through pursuing our values and achieving what must be done, rather than pain or self-indulgence. While the Constitution allows us to pursue happiness, we must work to attain it ourselves through being content in any state and not dwelling on the past.
Jeg skal undervise elever i Bibelen, og tenkte å starte med en liten introduksjon for elever som kan litt, men som ikke helt har alle detaljene i orden.
The document provides information about taxes in Norway and Liliya Akaeva's experience working and paying taxes. Key points include:
- Liliya, a refugee from Chechnya, gets a job as a cleaner at Vox after completing an introductory program. She receives a written employment contract and tax deduction card.
- At the end of the year, Liliya receives certificates of her salary and taxes deducted from Vox and the bank, as well as a tax return form to submit.
- The tax return shows her salary of 220,000 kroner and standard deductions for things like minimum deduction, childcare costs, and union dues paid. This helps L
Jeg skal undervise elever i Bibelen, og tenkte å starte med en liten introduksjon for elever som kan litt, men som ikke helt har alle detaljene i orden.
The document provides information about taxes in Norway and Liliya Akaeva's experience working and paying taxes. Key points include:
- Liliya, a refugee from Chechnya, gets a job as a cleaner at Vox after completing an introductory program. She receives a written employment contract and tax deduction card.
- At the end of the year, Liliya receives certificates of her salary and taxes deducted from Vox and the bank, as well as a tax return form to submit.
- The tax return shows her salary of 220,000 kroner and standard deductions for things like minimum deduction, childcare costs, and union dues paid. This helps L
3 multiplikasjon med flersifredefaktorer med mentecaaanon
1. Tallinja
• Den starter og slutter aldri
• Den er uendelige
• Intervallene er like store (Avstand mellom hvert punkt på linja er lik hele tiden)
• Mellom hver strek kan vi dele i 10 deler.
• Det er uendelig mange tall mellom hvert heltall.
• Antall desimaler forteller om nøyaktigheten.
2. Tallinja
Jo lenger til høyre på linja, desto større er
tallet. Og motsatt.
Men mellom hvert hele tall, er det deler som
vi også kan telle. Da får vi desimaler.
Her er 1 hel og 5 tideler blir
3. 3 - 0,5 = 2,5
3 - 3 = 0
Minus går mot venstre, motsatt vei av
pluss - denne veien
3 + 0,5 = 3,5
3 + 3 = 6
Pluss går mot høyre, denne veien
5. Les tallene med siffer
0,0 – 0,1 – 0,2 – 0,3 – 0,4 – 0,5 – 0,6 –
0,7 – 0,8 – 0,9 – 1,0
Les tallene med bokstaver
Null komma null – null komma en –
null komma to – null komma tre –
null komma fire – null komma fem –
null komma seks – null komma sju –
null komma åtte – null komma ni –
en komma null
7. Les tallene med siffer
0,00 – 0,01 – 0,02 – 0,03 – 0,04 – 0,05 – 0,06 – 0,07 –
0,08 – 0,09 – 0,1 – 0,11 – 0,12 – 0,13 – 0,14 – 0,15 –
0,16 – 0,17 – 0,18 – 0,19 – 0,20
Les tallene med bokstaver
Null komma null null – null komma null en – null komma
null to – null komma null tre – null komma null fire – null
komma null fem – null komma null seks – null komma null
sju – null komma null åtte – null komma null ni - null
komma en en - null komma en to - null komma en tre -
null komma en fire - null komma en fem - null komma en
seks - null komma en sju - null komma en åtte - null
komma en ni - null komma to null.
9. Les tallene med siffer
0,000 – 0,001 – 0,002 – 0,003 – 0,004 – 0,005 –
0,006 – 0,007 – 0,008 – 0,009 – 0,010 – 0,011 –
0,012 – 0,013
Les tallene med bokstaver
Null komma null null null– null komma null null en –
null komma null null to – null komma null null tre –
null komma null null fire – null komma null null fem –
null komma null null seks – null komma null null sju –
null komma null null åtte – null komma null null ni –
null komma null en null - null komma null en en –
null komma nulle en to - null komma nulle en tre
10. Les tallene med siffer
0,000 – 0,001 – 0,002 – 0,003 – 0,004 – 0,005 –
0,006 – 0,007 – 0,008 – 0,009 – 0,010 – 0,011 –
0,012 – 0,013
Les tallene med bokstaver
Null komma null null null– null komma null null en –
null komma null null to – null komma null null tre –
null komma null null fire – null komma null null fem –
null komma null null seks – null komma null null sju –
null komma null null åtte – null komma null null ni –
null komma null en null - null komma null en en –
null komma nulle en to - null komma nulle en tre