Talons Out Honor Flight organized a trip for veterans to visit memorials in Washington D.C. The veterans were greeted at the airport and received a water cannon salute. In D.C., they visited several memorials including the WWII, Vietnam, and Women's memorial. They also visited Arlington Cemetery and laid wreaths. On the return home, the veterans received a warm welcome from their community with fire trucks, police escorts, and well-wishers thanking them for their service. One veteran said it was a day he would never forget and that he was grateful to Talons Out Honor Flight for allowing him to be part of the experience.
27. From our Veterans:
A day Ill never forget.
The best day.
I cant believe people still remember.
All of these people are here for us!
Ive never shook so many hands.
≒escort of every imaginable kind: fire trucks, police, sheriff department,
motorcyclists, EMT Well-wishers, congratulators, hand-shakers saying
thank you so much little kids with homemade signs. I am handed a poppy
and a small flag. [There is] a line of people longer than any in D.C. I made it a
point to stop and shake hands, especially with little ones, some no more than
4-to-5 years old. The future of our county is in their hands. There is no way I
can thank Talons Out to allow me to be a part of this.
28. Upper Peninsula Honor Flight www.upperpeninsulahonorflight.org
Mid-Michigan Honor Flight www.midmichiganhonorflight.org
Talons Out Honor Flight www.talonsouthonorflight.org
The Honor Flight Network www.honorflight.org
29. Talons Out Honor Flight
501(c)(3) non-profit
98.3% goes to flight
100% volunteer driven
Serving southern Michigan shore to shore
Indiana border to Grand Rapids