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Tamil proverbs
Ainthil Valayaathathu Aimbathil Valayaathu
 牀牀牆牀む逗迦 牀朽牀橿牀鉦 牀牀牆牀牀む逗迦 牀朽牀橿牀
 What won't bend at five will not bend at fifty (literal)
 You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Sudum varai neruppu, sutrum varai boomi, poradum varai manithan. Nee
 牀牆 牀牆 牀朽牀 牆牀 牀牆 , 牀牆牀園 牀牆 牀朽牀 牀牀逗, 牆牀牀鉦萎 牀牆 牀朽牀 牀牀牀逗む牆. 牀牆
 Fire lasts only as long as it heats. The earth lasts only as long as it
revolves. Man lasts only as long as he tries. You are man (literal)
 To be human is to strive.
Mayirai katti malayai izhu - vanthal malai ponal mayir
 牀牀牀逗牀萎牆 牀牀牆牀牀 牀牆牀迦牀 牀 . 牀朽牆牀む鉦迦 牀牆牀 牆牀牀鉦牀鉦迦 牀牀牀逗萎
 Pull a mountain by tying a hair to it. If you succeed you will get a
mountain, if you lose you will lose a hair (literal).
 There is no harm in trying, especially if it is a low-hanging fruit.
Maamiyaar udaithaal mann kudam. Marumagal udaithaal pon kudam
 牀牀鉦牀逗牀牀鉦萎 牀牆牀牀む牀む鉦迦 牀牀牆 牀牆牀牀牆. 牀 牀牀牀橿 牀牆牀牀む牀む鉦迦 牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牀牀牆
 If the mother-in-law breaks it, it is a mud pot. If the daughter-in-law
breaks it, it is a golden pot.
Kudigaran Pechchu Vidinja pochu
 牀牆牀牀逗牀鉦萎牆 牆牀牀牆牀牆 牀朽逗牀逗牆牀牀 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牆
 A drunkard's words are gone by the next dawn.
Nirai Kudam Neer Thalumbaadhu kurai kudam Koothadum
 牀牀逗牀 牀牆牀牀牆 牀牆牀萎 牀 牀牆牀牀 . 牀牆牆牀 牀牆牀牀牆 牀牆牀む牀む 牀牆
 Fully Filled pot does not spill (literal)
 Empty vessels make the most noise.
Thani Maram Thopu aagadhu
 牀む牀 牀牀萎牆 牆牀む鉦牆 牀牀牀
 A single tree doesn't make an orchard.
Mullai Mullal thaan edukka vendum
 牀橿牆牀 牀橿牀橿鉦迦 牀む鉦牆 牀 牀牆牀 牆牀朽牆 牀牆
 A thorn can only be removed with another thorn (literal)
 Fight fire with fire.
Agathin Azhagu Mugathil Theriyum
 牀牀牀む牀む逗牆 牀牀巌牆 牀牀む牀む逗迦 牆牀r 牀牆
 The beauty of the soul is in known in the face (literal)
 Meaning: Face is the index of the mind.
Aazham paakamal kaalai vidadhe
 牀牀巌牆 牀牀鉦萎牀牆牀牀鉦牀迦 牀牀鉦牀 牀朽逗牀鉦牀
 Don't step in the river without knowing its depth.
 Look before you leap.
Yaanaikkum Adi Sarukkum
 牀牀鉦牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牀 牀 牀牆牀牆牀牆
 Even elephants do slip.
 Even the mighty do slip.
Erumbu ora kallum theiyum
 牀 牀牆 牀牀萎牆 牀牀迦 牀牆 牆牀 牀牆
 Even ants can wear out a rock (literal)
 Persistence never fails
Kaakaikum tan kunju pon kunju
 牀牀鉦牆牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀む牆 牀牆牀牆牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牀牆牀牆
 Even a crow thinks its child is golden.
Aatril pottaalum alandhu podu
 牀牀園牀園逗迦 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牆 牀牀橿牆 牆牀牀
 Even when throwing in the river, measure what you throw
InnA seitharai oRuththal avar naana nannayam seithu vidal
 牀牀牆牀牀 牆牀牀牆牀む鉦牀 牀 牀む牀む迦 牀牀朽萎 牀牀鉦 牀牀牆牀牀牀牆 牆牀牀牆 牀朽逗牀迦
(牀む 牀牆牀牆牀園橿)
 Make a wrong doer feel shy, by doing him a favour. (Source:
Nizhalin arumai veiyilil thaan theriyum
 牀牀逗巌迦逗牆 牀 牆牀 牆牀朽牀逗迦逗迦 牀む鉦牆 牆牀r 牀牆
 Only when in the sun do you miss the shade.
Kadugu ciruththaalum kaaram kuraiyaathu
 牀 牀牆 牀牀 牀む牀む 牀牆 牀牀鉦萎牆 牀牆牆牀園牀
 The mustard its small, but it is still too spicy (literal)
o Don't measure the worth of a person by their size/shape
o Size does not matter.
Moorthy chinnathaanalum keerthi periyathu
 牀萎牀む牀む 牀牀逗牆牀牀む鉦牀 牀牆 牀牆牀萎牀む牀む 牆牀r牀
 The idol may be small, its fame is big.
o Don't judge the worth of a person by their size.
o Size does not matter.
Puli Pasitthalum Pullai Thinnadhu
 牀迦 牀牀牀逗む牀む 牀牆 牀迦牆牀迦む 牀む逗牆牀牀
 Even hunger wont make tiger eat grass (literal)
 A person never loses his nature no matter how hard-pressed.
CiRu nunalum than vaayaal kedum
 牀牀 牀 牀牆 牀む牆 牀朽鉦牀鉦迦 牆牀 牀牆
 The frog that talks is soon dead (literal)
 Know when to keep quiet.
Kattrathu Kai Man Alavu, Kallaathathu Ulagalavu
 牀牀園牀 牆牀牀牀牆 牀牀 , 牀牀迦牀迦鉦 牀牀迦牀 (牀牆牀朽牀鉦萎)
 Alternatively "Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean". (Source:
Theeyinal sutta punn ullaarum aaraathe naavinaal sutta vadu
 牀む牀牀逗牀鉦迦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀牆 牀牀橿牀橿 牀牆 牀牀園鉦牀 牀牀鉦朽逗牀鉦迦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀
(牀む 牀牆牀牆牀園橿)
 The wounds of fire would vanish with time but the wounds caused by
words never (Source: Thiruk-kural)
Paambin kaal paambariyum
 牀牀鉦牆牀牀逗牆 牀牀鉦迦 牀牀鉦牆牀牀園 牀牆
 Only a snake will know the tracks left by another snake. (literal)
 The persons involved in similar activities know each other better
than others do.
Tholvi unnai th嘆rkadikkum mun tholviyai nee thorkadithu vidu
 牆牀む鉦迦牀朽 牀牀牆牆牀牀む 牆牀む鉦園牀牆牀牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆 牆牀む鉦迦牀朽逗牀 牀牆 牆牀む鉦園牀牆牀牀牀逗む
牀朽 (牀朽逗牀朽牀鉦牀牆牀む萎)
 Defeat defeat before defeat defeats you. (Source: Swami
Aalaakku arisi, moolaakkup paanai, mudhaliyar varugira veeraappap
 Half an ounce of rice, a quarter ounce pot. But look at the false pride
of the mudhaliyar.
arai koththarisi anna dhaanam. Vidiya vidiya maela thaalam.
 Half a pot of rice is given as charity. but the announcing drumming is
done all night.
Minnuvathellam ponnu alla.
 牀牀逗牀牆 牀朽牀む迦牀迦鉦牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀迦牀
 All that glitters is not gold.
Verumkai enbathu moodathanam,un viralgal pathum mooladhanam.
 牆牀 牀牆 牆牀 牀牀牆牀 牀牀む牀む牀牆 牀牀牆 牀朽逗萎迦牀牀橿 牀牀む 牀牆 牀迦む牀牆
 There is nothing called empty hands. You always have 10 fingers in it
 Your effort is what all you have got.
Veetai kattipaar,kalyanathai senjuppar
 牀 牆牀牆牆牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牀牀鉦萎, 牀牀迦牀牀鉦牀む牆牀む牆 牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牀牀鉦萎.
 Build a home, organize a wedding (literal)
 If you think daily life is painful, try building a home or organizing a
Muyarchi udayar igalchi adayar.
 牀牀園牀牀 牀牆牀牀牀鉦萎 牀牀牀巌牀牆牀牀 牀牆牀牀牀鉦萎
 There is no downward journey for those who keep trying.
Paavam seiyadhu iru maname, naalai gopam seithe yeman kondodippovan.
 Desist from sinning, for, tomorrow an angry god of death may
deprive you of applying the corrective by taking you into his fold.
Thannirai kooda salladail allalam, athu panikati agum varai poruthal
 牀む牆牀 牆牆牀萎牆 牀牆牀 牀牀迦牀迦牀牀牀逗迦 牀牀橿牀橿迦鉦牆, 牀 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀牆牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆 牀朽牀
牆牀牀 牀む牀む鉦迦.
 Even water can be held in a sieve, if you wait till it turns to ice.
AAdath thireyathaval medaii konal enralaam
 牀牀牀む 牆牀r牀牀鉦む朽橿 牆牀牆牀 牆牀牀鉦牀迦 牀牀牆牀園鉦橿鉦牆
 She who cannot dance says the stage is imperfect.(Literal)
 A bad workman blames his tools.
Adi mel adi vaithal ammium nagarum
 牀牀牀 牆牀牀迦 牀牀牀 牆牀朽む牀む鉦迦 牀牀牆牀牀逗 牀牆 牀牀 牀牆
 If you keep hitting it, even the ammi will move. (Ammi is a large
grind stone usually not moved from its position) (Literal)
 Try and try till you succeed.
Arukamataathan keil 58 aruvaalam
 A person who does not know to cut has 58 sickles in his hand.
Theedhum nandrum pirar thara vaara
 牀む 牀牆 牀牀牆 牀牆 牀牀逗園萎 牀む 牀朽鉦萎
 Good or bad, it doesn't come from others. You are responsible for
what you get/face.
Kaatrullapothe thootrikol
 牀牀鉦園 牀橿牀 牆牀牀鉦牀 牀園牀園逗牆牆牀牀鉦橿
 Make hay while the sun shines.
Poruththaar Boomi Aazhvaar
 牆牀牀 牀む牀む鉦萎 牀牀逗 牀牀橿牀朽鉦萎
 The patient will rule the world.
Pudichhalum puliam Komba Pudichitaru
 He has taken a strong position (in the activity he is engaged in)
Saathi irundoliya verilai (Source: Avvaiyar)
 牀牀鉦む 牀牀萎牆牆牀牀鉦巌逗 牆牀朽園逗迦牆牀.
 There are only two castes in this world: ones that give, and ones that
Ettuchchuraikkai kootukku uthavathu
 牀蹍牆 牀牆 牀牆牆牀萎牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牀む朽
 A picture of a vegetable can't be used in a kottu('koottu' is a sort of
stew made with vegetables and lentils).
 A recipe is not the dish.
Kattikkodotha chaappaadum chollikkodutha vaarthaiyum pala naaal
 牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牆牀牀 牀む牀 牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牆 牆牀牀鉦迦牀迦逗牆牆牀牀 牀む牀 牀朽鉦萎牀む牆牀 牀牆 牀牀 牀牀鉦橿
 Packed food and words of wisdom from others don't last more than a
few days.
 Self-reliance lasts longer than depending on others.
Koozhukkum aasai meesaikkum aasai
 牀牆 牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀 牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀
 You can't drink thick porridge if you want to keep your mustache
Kuppura vizhunthaalum meesaiyil man ottavillai
 牀牆牀牆 牀 牀朽 牀牆牀む 牀牆 牀牆牆牀牀牀逗迦 牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀朽逗迦牆牀.
 I fell flat on my face, but there is no dust on my mustache (literal)
 Make sure your lies are believable.
Aakkapporthuavanukku aaraporukkavillai'
 牀牀牆牀牀牆牆牀牀 牀む牀む 牀牆牀牆 牀牀園牆牆牀牀 牀牆牀牀朽逗迦牆牀
 He could wait for the food to be cooked, but couldn't wait for it cool
down (literal)
 You waited this much, wait just a bit more.
Paalukkum kaaval poonaikkum thozan
 牀牀 牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦朽迦, 牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牆牀む鉦巌牆
 Guardian of milk, as well as friend of the cat (literal)
 Beware of those that get a commission from both parties.
Naai vaalai nimirtha mudiyathu
 牀牀鉦牆 牀朽鉦牀 牀牀逗牀逗萎牀む牀 牀牀逗牀
 A dog's tail can't be straightened (literal)
 It is difficult to change one's nature (similar to 'a leopard can't
change its spots').
Naai vedam pottal kuraiththuthaan aagavendum
 牀牀鉦牆 牆牀朽牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀鉦迦 牀牆牆牀萎む 牀む牀む鉦牆 牀牀牆牀朽牆 牀牆
 When (you) dress up as a dog, be prepared to bark (literal)
 If you take on a role, be prepared to do whatever the role demands
(think before you decide).
Aarellaam paalai ponaalum naai nakkiththaan kudikkum
 牀牆牀園迦牀迦鉦牆 牀牀鉦迦鉦牆牀牆牆牀牀鉦牀 牀牆 牀牀鉦牆 牀牀牆牀牀逗む牀む鉦牆 牀牆牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆
 Even if a river flows with milk, a dog can take in only one lick at a
time (literal)
 What one learns is limited by ones capacity to take in (understand).
Naai vitra kaasu kurakkaadhu
 牀牀鉦牆 牀朽逗園牀 牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牆牀萎牆牀牀
 The money from selling a dog doesn't bark (literal)
 All money looks the same (no matter what was sold) (also known as
the Money-launderer's Manifesto!)
Malayai kelli eliyai pidiththaanaam
 牀牆牀迦牀牀牆 牆牀牀迦牀迦 牀牀迦逗牀牀牆 牀牀逗牀逗む牀む鉦牀鉦牆
 (He) uprooted a mountain to catch a mouse (literal)
 (He) wastes a lot of effort to do simple jobs
Sundaikkaai kaal panam sumaikkooli mukkaal panam
 牀牆牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牀鉦迦 牀牀牀牆 牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牆牀迦 牀牆牀牀鉦迦 牀牆牀牀牆
 A quarter (money) for the berry, three quarters (money) to deliver it

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Proverbs in tamil and english
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牀む牀逗巌牀牆 牀牀巌牆牀巌逗牀橿
牀む牀逗巌牀牆 牀牀巌牆牀巌逗牀橿牀む牀逗巌牀牆 牀牀巌牆牀巌逗牀橿
牀む牀逗巌牀牆 牀牀巌牆牀巌逗牀橿
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The 50 most important english proverbsThe 50 most important english proverbs
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Tsedo Batsukh
Raja Segaran
Upsr 牀朽巌逗牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀萎 2
Upsr 牀朽巌逗牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀萎 2 Upsr 牀朽巌逗牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀萎 2
Upsr 牀朽巌逗牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀萎 2

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Tamil proverbs in-english

  • 1. Tamil proverbs Ainthil Valayaathathu Aimbathil Valayaathu 牀牀牆牀む逗迦 牀朽牀橿牀鉦 牀牀牆牀牀む逗迦 牀朽牀橿牀 What won't bend at five will not bend at fifty (literal) You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Sudum varai neruppu, sutrum varai boomi, poradum varai manithan. Nee manithan. 牀牆 牀牆 牀朽牀 牆牀 牀牆 , 牀牆牀園 牀牆 牀朽牀 牀牀逗, 牆牀牀鉦萎 牀牆 牀朽牀 牀牀牀逗む牆. 牀牆 牀牀牀逗む牆. Fire lasts only as long as it heats. The earth lasts only as long as it revolves. Man lasts only as long as he tries. You are man (literal) To be human is to strive. Mayirai katti malayai izhu - vanthal malai ponal mayir 牀牀牀逗牀萎牆 牀牀牆牀牀 牀牆牀迦牀 牀 . 牀朽牆牀む鉦迦 牀牆牀 牆牀牀鉦牀鉦迦 牀牀牀逗萎 Pull a mountain by tying a hair to it. If you succeed you will get a mountain, if you lose you will lose a hair (literal). There is no harm in trying, especially if it is a low-hanging fruit. Maamiyaar udaithaal mann kudam. Marumagal udaithaal pon kudam 牀牀鉦牀逗牀牀鉦萎 牀牆牀牀む牀む鉦迦 牀牀牆 牀牆牀牀牆. 牀 牀牀牀橿 牀牆牀牀む牀む鉦迦 牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牀牀牆 If the mother-in-law breaks it, it is a mud pot. If the daughter-in-law breaks it, it is a golden pot. Kudigaran Pechchu Vidinja pochu 牀牆牀牀逗牀鉦萎牆 牆牀牀牆牀牆 牀朽逗牀逗牆牀牀 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牆 A drunkard's words are gone by the next dawn. Nirai Kudam Neer Thalumbaadhu kurai kudam Koothadum 牀牀逗牀 牀牆牀牀牆 牀牆牀萎 牀 牀牆牀牀 . 牀牆牆牀 牀牆牀牀牆 牀牆牀む牀む 牀牆 Fully Filled pot does not spill (literal) Empty vessels make the most noise.
  • 2. Thani Maram Thopu aagadhu 牀む牀 牀牀萎牆 牆牀む鉦牆 牀牀牀 A single tree doesn't make an orchard. Mullai Mullal thaan edukka vendum 牀橿牆牀 牀橿牀橿鉦迦 牀む鉦牆 牀 牀牆牀 牆牀朽牆 牀牆 A thorn can only be removed with another thorn (literal) Fight fire with fire. Agathin Azhagu Mugathil Theriyum 牀牀牀む牀む逗牆 牀牀巌牆 牀牀む牀む逗迦 牆牀r 牀牆 The beauty of the soul is in known in the face (literal) Meaning: Face is the index of the mind. Aazham paakamal kaalai vidadhe 牀牀巌牆 牀牀鉦萎牀牆牀牀鉦牀迦 牀牀鉦牀 牀朽逗牀鉦牀 Don't step in the river without knowing its depth. Look before you leap. Yaanaikkum Adi Sarukkum 牀牀鉦牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牀 牀 牀牆牀牆牀牆 Even elephants do slip. Even the mighty do slip. Erumbu ora kallum theiyum 牀 牀牆 牀牀萎牆 牀牀迦 牀牆 牆牀 牀牆 Even ants can wear out a rock (literal) Persistence never fails Kaakaikum tan kunju pon kunju 牀牀鉦牆牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀む牆 牀牆牀牆牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牀牆牀牆 Even a crow thinks its child is golden. Aatril pottaalum alandhu podu 牀牀園牀園逗迦 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牆 牀牀橿牆 牆牀牀 Even when throwing in the river, measure what you throw
  • 3. InnA seitharai oRuththal avar naana nannayam seithu vidal 牀牀牆牀牀 牆牀牀牆牀む鉦牀 牀 牀む牀む迦 牀牀朽萎 牀牀鉦 牀牀牆牀牀牀牆 牆牀牀牆 牀朽逗牀迦 (牀む 牀牆牀牆牀園橿) Make a wrong doer feel shy, by doing him a favour. (Source: Thirukkural) Nizhalin arumai veiyilil thaan theriyum 牀牀逗巌迦逗牆 牀 牆牀 牆牀朽牀逗迦逗迦 牀む鉦牆 牆牀r 牀牆 Only when in the sun do you miss the shade. Kadugu ciruththaalum kaaram kuraiyaathu 牀 牀牆 牀牀 牀む牀む 牀牆 牀牀鉦萎牆 牀牆牆牀園牀 The mustard its small, but it is still too spicy (literal) o Don't measure the worth of a person by their size/shape o Size does not matter. Moorthy chinnathaanalum keerthi periyathu 牀萎牀む牀む 牀牀逗牆牀牀む鉦牀 牀牆 牀牆牀萎牀む牀む 牆牀r牀 The idol may be small, its fame is big. o Don't judge the worth of a person by their size. o Size does not matter. Puli Pasitthalum Pullai Thinnadhu 牀迦 牀牀牀逗む牀む 牀牆 牀迦牆牀迦む 牀む逗牆牀牀 Even hunger wont make tiger eat grass (literal) A person never loses his nature no matter how hard-pressed. CiRu nunalum than vaayaal kedum 牀牀 牀 牀牆 牀む牆 牀朽鉦牀鉦迦 牆牀 牀牆 The frog that talks is soon dead (literal) Know when to keep quiet. Kattrathu Kai Man Alavu, Kallaathathu Ulagalavu 牀牀園牀 牆牀牀牀牆 牀牀 , 牀牀迦牀迦鉦 牀牀迦牀 (牀牆牀朽牀鉦萎) Alternatively "Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean". (Source: Avvaiyar)
  • 4. Theeyinal sutta punn ullaarum aaraathe naavinaal sutta vadu 牀む牀牀逗牀鉦迦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀牆 牀牀橿牀橿 牀牆 牀牀園鉦牀 牀牀鉦朽逗牀鉦迦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀 (牀む 牀牆牀牆牀園橿) The wounds of fire would vanish with time but the wounds caused by words never (Source: Thiruk-kural) Paambin kaal paambariyum 牀牀鉦牆牀牀逗牆 牀牀鉦迦 牀牀鉦牆牀牀園 牀牆 Only a snake will know the tracks left by another snake. (literal) The persons involved in similar activities know each other better than others do. Tholvi unnai th嘆rkadikkum mun tholviyai nee thorkadithu vidu 牆牀む鉦迦牀朽 牀牀牆牆牀牀む 牆牀む鉦園牀牆牀牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆 牆牀む鉦迦牀朽逗牀 牀牆 牆牀む鉦園牀牆牀牀牀逗む 牀朽 (牀朽逗牀朽牀鉦牀牆牀む萎) Defeat defeat before defeat defeats you. (Source: Swami Vivekananda) Aalaakku arisi, moolaakkup paanai, mudhaliyar varugira veeraappap paarum Half an ounce of rice, a quarter ounce pot. But look at the false pride of the mudhaliyar. arai koththarisi anna dhaanam. Vidiya vidiya maela thaalam. Half a pot of rice is given as charity. but the announcing drumming is done all night. Minnuvathellam ponnu alla. 牀牀逗牀牆 牀朽牀む迦牀迦鉦牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀迦牀 All that glitters is not gold. Verumkai enbathu moodathanam,un viralgal pathum mooladhanam. 牆牀 牀牆 牆牀 牀牀牆牀 牀牀む牀む牀牆 牀牀牆 牀朽逗萎迦牀牀橿 牀牀む 牀牆 牀迦む牀牆 There is nothing called empty hands. You always have 10 fingers in it Your effort is what all you have got.
  • 5. Veetai kattipaar,kalyanathai senjuppar 牀 牆牀牆牆牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牀牀鉦萎, 牀牀迦牀牀鉦牀む牆牀む牆 牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牀牀鉦萎. Build a home, organize a wedding (literal) If you think daily life is painful, try building a home or organizing a wedding. Muyarchi udayar igalchi adayar. 牀牀園牀牀 牀牆牀牀牀鉦萎 牀牀牀巌牀牆牀牀 牀牆牀牀牀鉦萎 There is no downward journey for those who keep trying. Paavam seiyadhu iru maname, naalai gopam seithe yeman kondodippovan. Desist from sinning, for, tomorrow an angry god of death may deprive you of applying the corrective by taking you into his fold. Thannirai kooda salladail allalam, athu panikati agum varai poruthal 牀む牆牀 牆牆牀萎牆 牀牆牀 牀牀迦牀迦牀牀牀逗迦 牀牀橿牀橿迦鉦牆, 牀 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀牆牀牀 牀牀牆牀牆 牀朽牀 牆牀牀 牀む牀む鉦迦. Even water can be held in a sieve, if you wait till it turns to ice. AAdath thireyathaval medaii konal enralaam 牀牀牀む 牆牀r牀牀鉦む朽橿 牆牀牆牀 牆牀牀鉦牀迦 牀牀牆牀園鉦橿鉦牆 She who cannot dance says the stage is imperfect.(Literal) A bad workman blames his tools. Adi mel adi vaithal ammium nagarum 牀牀牀 牆牀牀迦 牀牀牀 牆牀朽む牀む鉦迦 牀牀牆牀牀逗 牀牆 牀牀 牀牆 If you keep hitting it, even the ammi will move. (Ammi is a large grind stone usually not moved from its position) (Literal) Try and try till you succeed. Arukamataathan keil 58 aruvaalam A person who does not know to cut has 58 sickles in his hand. (Sarcasm)
  • 6. Theedhum nandrum pirar thara vaara 牀む 牀牆 牀牀牆 牀牆 牀牀逗園萎 牀む 牀朽鉦萎 Good or bad, it doesn't come from others. You are responsible for what you get/face. Kaatrullapothe thootrikol 牀牀鉦園 牀橿牀 牆牀牀鉦牀 牀園牀園逗牆牆牀牀鉦橿 Make hay while the sun shines. Poruththaar Boomi Aazhvaar 牆牀牀 牀む牀む鉦萎 牀牀逗 牀牀橿牀朽鉦萎 The patient will rule the world. Pudichhalum puliam Komba Pudichitaru He has taken a strong position (in the activity he is engaged in) Saathi irundoliya verilai (Source: Avvaiyar) 牀牀鉦む 牀牀萎牆牆牀牀鉦巌逗 牆牀朽園逗迦牆牀. There are only two castes in this world: ones that give, and ones that don't. Ettuchchuraikkai kootukku uthavathu 牀蹍牆 牀牆 牀牆牆牀萎牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牀む朽 A picture of a vegetable can't be used in a kottu('koottu' is a sort of stew made with vegetables and lentils). A recipe is not the dish. Kattikkodotha chaappaadum chollikkodutha vaarthaiyum pala naaal thaangathu 牀牀牆牀牀逗牆牆牀牀 牀む牀 牀牀鉦牆牀牀 牀牆 牆牀牀鉦迦牀迦逗牆牆牀牀 牀む牀 牀朽鉦萎牀む牆牀 牀牆 牀牀 牀牀鉦橿 牀む鉦牀 Packed food and words of wisdom from others don't last more than a few days. Self-reliance lasts longer than depending on others.
  • 7. Koozhukkum aasai meesaikkum aasai 牀牆 牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀 牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀 You can't drink thick porridge if you want to keep your mustache clean. Kuppura vizhunthaalum meesaiyil man ottavillai 牀牆牀牆 牀 牀朽 牀牆牀む 牀牆 牀牆牆牀牀牀逗迦 牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀朽逗迦牆牀. I fell flat on my face, but there is no dust on my mustache (literal) Make sure your lies are believable. Aakkapporthuavanukku aaraporukkavillai' 牀牀牆牀牀牆牆牀牀 牀む牀む 牀牆牀牆 牀牀園牆牆牀牀 牀牆牀牀朽逗迦牆牀 He could wait for the food to be cooked, but couldn't wait for it cool down (literal) You waited this much, wait just a bit more. Paalukkum kaaval poonaikkum thozan 牀牀 牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦朽迦, 牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牆牀む鉦巌牆 Guardian of milk, as well as friend of the cat (literal) Beware of those that get a commission from both parties. Naai vaalai nimirtha mudiyathu 牀牀鉦牆 牀朽鉦牀 牀牀逗牀逗萎牀む牀 牀牀逗牀 A dog's tail can't be straightened (literal) It is difficult to change one's nature (similar to 'a leopard can't change its spots'). Naai vedam pottal kuraiththuthaan aagavendum 牀牀鉦牆 牆牀朽牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀鉦迦 牀牆牆牀萎む 牀む牀む鉦牆 牀牀牆牀朽牆 牀牆 When (you) dress up as a dog, be prepared to bark (literal) If you take on a role, be prepared to do whatever the role demands (think before you decide). Aarellaam paalai ponaalum naai nakkiththaan kudikkum 牀牆牀園迦牀迦鉦牆 牀牀鉦迦鉦牆牀牆牆牀牀鉦牀 牀牆 牀牀鉦牆 牀牀牆牀牀逗む牀む鉦牆 牀牆牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆 Even if a river flows with milk, a dog can take in only one lick at a time (literal) What one learns is limited by ones capacity to take in (understand).
  • 8. Naai vitra kaasu kurakkaadhu 牀牀鉦牆 牀朽逗園牀 牀牀鉦牆 牀牆牆牀萎牆牀牀 The money from selling a dog doesn't bark (literal) All money looks the same (no matter what was sold) (also known as the Money-launderer's Manifesto!) Malayai kelli eliyai pidiththaanaam 牀牆牀迦牀牀牆 牆牀牀迦牀迦 牀牀迦逗牀牀牆 牀牀逗牀逗む牀む鉦牀鉦牆 (He) uprooted a mountain to catch a mouse (literal) (He) wastes a lot of effort to do simple jobs Sundaikkaai kaal panam sumaikkooli mukkaal panam 牀牆牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牀鉦牆 牀牀鉦迦 牀牀牀牆 牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牆牀迦 牀牆牀牀鉦迦 牀牆牀牀牆 A quarter (money) for the berry, three quarters (money) to deliver it (literal)