Tangent is an international staffing firm with over 30 years of experience providing skilled professionals to clients in over 135 countries. They have a global network and can source talent from their database of over 500,000 candidates. Tangent offers a variety of staffing solutions, including permanent recruitment, contract consulting, outsourcing, and interim project staffing. Their experienced recruiters can source both local talent and fill international needs across a wide range of industries, including IT, engineering, and construction.
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1. Taking
a leading role in providing
effective staffing solutions
tangent InternationaI
europe americas middle east africa asia pacific
2. Global
Tangent is a recognised leader in the field of Tangents staff are a key asset, and many have
international staffing. been with us for 10 years or more. In their chosen
fields they are often the most experienced
We have supported clients in over 135 countries, recruiters operating anywhere today.
over three decades. Our mission is to ensure that
our clients have the right expertise, whenever and Tangent provides local, regional and international
wherever it is required. We have developed a human resource to a multinational client base.
diverse local, regional and international labour Tangent endeavours to find native skills and has a
pool and we can access the widest possible range remarkable success rate in providing a local
of talented personnel at a moments notice. solution. We approach resource planning using a
Our talent pool extends to expertise from every concentric ring approach, first local, then
nation on earth. regional, and only then international.
Whether a customer requires a single consultant
or an entire team, a contingent hire or an
international recruitment campaign, Tangent is on
hand to provide the necessary expertise to get the
job done.
3. Regional
Whatever, Wherever, Whenever
Skills Leasing & Contract Consulting know how to get the best results anywhere in the
We have over 30 years experience providing world. We are here to manage every aspect of a
supplementary staffing to customers. Tangent can customers search.
deploy single consultants or entire project teams
anywhere in the world. Our international footprint Search and Selection
enables us to respond rapidly with just in time Tangents specialist headhunters and team of
resources and our compliance and logistics team qualified research consultants can help customers
ensure that each assignment is executed efficiently. who require the services of a direct, discreet
search practise. A bespoke service for diplomatic
Permanent Recruitment, Contingent introductions.
Tangent works with hundreds of customers
supplying contingent services. Our recruitment Recruitment Process Outsourcing
project managers and team of international & Human Capital Planning
recruiters relish the search for the hardest to find Tangent Staffing Project Directors can be deployed
skills, whatever the time frame. into our customers business to advise on best
practise and attaining efficiencies. We provide our
Permanent Recruitment, Campaigns customers with a staffing strategy roadmap.
This team have significant experience in large
multi-national recruitment campaigns for multi-skill
requirements. Our database contains over
500,000 candidates, and our advertising team
4. Local
Our ICT recruiting includes: Our Design and Construction
u Main and Executive Board, Senior Management recruiting includes:
u Strategy/Platform/Technology/Functional/ u Architecture
Architecture Consultancy
u Interior Design
u Bids, Marketing, Pre Sales and Sales
u Town & Urban Planning
u Business Process Development, System
Development/Deployment u Urban Design
u Application Development, Software Design u Landscape Architecture
u Radio/Transmission Planning/
u Development
Optimisation/Drive Testing
u Infrastructure Deployment, Network Roll-out u Facilities Management
u Core Network Planning and Deployment u Project Management
u Performance Management u Design Management
u Finance and Accounting, Human Resources
u Operations & Maintenance, Network Configuration
u Customer Relationship Management,
Call Centre and Billing
u Network Audits, Re-engineering
5. Thank you for the professional service which you provided when assisting me with
the hiring of a Senior Solutions Engineer. The quality of the candidates which you
provided was excellent and the efficiency with which interviews were scheduled was
exceptional. To complete this assignment in less than three weeks and provide an
excellent candidate who met our criteria was very satisfying. This was a role which
we had been working to fill for a few months, so your clear understanding of the
position and quick delivery has made a real difference.
Head of Programmes, Athens
We get it right
Tangent offers compliant solutions. Our compliance team ensure statutory
requirements are met before personnel are deployed. We never parachute
our personnel into a location, preferring to make sure that they are fully
briefed and have the back-up of a 24 hour international helpdesk.
Intensive screening
Tangent can perform extensive technical and non-technical screening of
each candidate. We carry out:
u In-person interviews and on-line profiling for candidate flexibility and
u Criminal background investigations
u Reference checks
u Employment verification
u Drug screening
u Automated technical testing (i.e. TechCheck, ProveIT)
u Verification of authority to work
6. Interim and Contract Consulting u Search and Selection
International Campaigns u Advertised Selection
Media Response Handling u Contingent Permanent Recruitment
Project Resourcing u Skills Leasing
Human Capital Planning
Europe Middle East
Tangent International Limited (UK) Tangent Innovation (UAE)
11 Woodbrook Crescent, Billericay, Essex, CM12 0EQ, Office Suite 2104, Grosvenor Business Tower, TECOM,
United Kingdom PO Box: 71521, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Email: info@tanint.com Email: mea@tanint.com
Phone: +44 (0) 1277 635800 Phone: +971 444 73 680
Fax: +44 (0) 1277 633133
Asia Pacific
Americas Tangent International Pty Limited (Australia)
Tanintco Inc. (USA) Level 6, 100 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060
5700 Granite Parkway, Suite 200, Plano, Texas 75024, Australia
United States of America Email: tanapac@tanint.com
Email: tanusa@tanint.com Phone: +61 2 9929 9001
Phone: +1 214 387 6005 Fax: +61 2 9929 4447
Fax: +1 214 387 6001
Tangent International (Philippines)
Tangent International (Mexico) 14TH Floor Net Cube Bldg.,
Calle Auras 54, Colonia las aguilas, Lomas de Guadalupe 3rd Avenue corner 30th Street, E-Square Crescent Park West,
Alvaro Obregon, Mexico City, cp-01720 cr-0100, Mexico, D.F. Bonifacio Global City, City of Taguig 1634, Philippines
Email: info@tanint.com Email: info@tanint.com
Phone: +5255 47372959 Phone: + 63 2 479 5478
Fax: + 63 2 479 5401
Tangent International (Malawi)
Private Bag 211, Blantyre, Malawi, Central Africa
Email: info@tanint.com
Phone: +265 1821 856
www.tanint.com Copyright 息 2011 Tangent International Group PLC