This document analyzes the revenues and efficiency of corn farming in Bunga Mas sub-district, South Bengkulu. It finds that the average variable cost of corn farming is Rp. 10,498,631 per hectare, while the average fixed cost is Rp. 4,676,650. The average acceptance per hectare per season is Rp. 31,863,014. The average revenue is Rp. 16,687,733 per hectare with a business efficiency of 2.09. This means for every Rp. 2,090 of costs, farmers get Rp. 2,090 in returns, showing corn farming in the region to be financially efficient. The document provides recommendations to increase
The village Gundosali and the village of Tanjung Aur has the
potential on the commodities jagungnya, so that the
development of tani these plants need to be improved so that
the farm business to more efficient. This time the scale of
business each farmer business is still small, so required efforts
to farm business corn more efficient and more successful.
The success of farmers in attempting to tani corn can be seen
from the big and the small income corn. To know the cost of
used and amount of acceptance by the farmer business corn,
farmers can measure the level of the income of the farmers
3. Research Objevtive
1. How big the revenues corn farmers in the
Bunga Mas sub-district South Bengkulu?
2. Whether the business tani corn in Bunga Mas
sub-district South Bengkulu efficiently to
4. The location and the Research
Research Methode
This research carried out in the Bunga Mas sub-
district South Bengkulu and done in November 2016
The determination of the sampling method
The determination of the sample research based
on a census. The number of farmers corn majority
votes in the village Gundosali with number of 44
farmers and Tanjung Aur village as much as 46
farmers corn and total corn farmers who examined is
90 farmers.
5. Data Collection Method
Research Methode
Observations; questionnaire and interview; and
Library Study
Data Analysis
To know the greatness of revenue tani corn used the
formula according to Soekartawi income
PD = TR - TC
To know whether a farmer business corn worthy to
cultivate, then used the equation below
R/C =
6. Karateristik respondents corn entrepreneurs
No The explanation The amount The amount of
1. The age (Years) < 35 15 17% 6,00
36 - 40 25 28% 3.60
41 - 45 33 37% 2.73
>45 17 19% 5,29
2. The level of Study
SD 10 11% 9,00
SMP 20 22% 4,50
Senior High School 60 67% 1.50
3. Business Experience tani corn (Years)
<10 -15 35 39% 2.60 hkd
16 - 20 30 33% 3.00
21 ->25 25 28% 3.60
7. Variable Cost
Cost Type Average Cost (Rp/Ha/MT) The percentage of
Seeds 1.375.587 13
Fertiliser 2.196.321 21
Herbicides 422.113 4
Employment 6.201.803 59
Variable Cost 10.498.631 100
Average variable cost is the cost of large and small can affect the
production of produced stated with the units (Rp/Ha/MT). Variable costs
include the cost of raw materials and labor costs
8. Fixed cost
Fixed cost is relative remains in number and must be
issued even though the production is obtained more or less
stated with the unit of Rp/week. Fixed cost a farmer
business interest in the sub-district corn Mas consists of the
cost of the land, depreciation and marketing
The type of equipment
Average -Average
The percentage of
The cost of the Land 1.119.939 24
Depreciation 302.807 6
Marketing 3.253.904 70
The Total 4.676.650 100
9. Total cost
Average variable cost on business tani corn in the sub-
district Bunga mas is Rp 10.498.631., the cost of the
variables in this research is the purchase of seeds of corn and
labor wages. The total cost remains on this research
amounted to Rp 4.676.650. Then the average overall cost on
this research is Rp 15.175.281/ha/Mt
Cost Type Average Cost (Rp/week) The percentage
The average Variables 10.498.631 69
The average Remains 4.676.650 31
The Cost 15.175.281 100
10. The acceptance
Average acceptance received from the weekly corn
business is determined by the amount of corn produced and
sold, dikali with sales prices corn. Based from a matter of
visible average acceptance of corn entrepreneurs in Interest
Sub-Mas is Rp 31.863.No. 14/ha/planting season
Business acceptance tani Average Acceptance of Business
Acceptance tani
The Total production of
The selling price of corn Shelled sweet 3.529
The acceptance of 31.863.014
11. The income and business efficiency
Average income that is received by the farmer
business corn during 1 the planting season is determined by
the total acceptance of reduced with fixed costs and variable
costs. Based on calculations from the seen that the average
revenue of corn is Rp 16.687.733/ha/planting season.
Based on the table above can be known that the value of
the business efficiency tani corn in the sub-district Bunga
mas of by 2.09,
The explanation
The income
Acceptance (TR) 31.863.014
The Total Cost of (TC) 15.175.281
Net Income 16.687.733
Efficiency 2.09
12. Conclusion
1. Average variable cost on business tani corn in the sub-district Bunga
mas is Rp. 10.498.631 and keep costs Rp 4.676.650
2. Average acceptance of corn entrepreneurs in Interest Sub-Mas is Rp.
31.863.014 per hectare once the planting season
3. Average Revenue corn is Rp. 16.687.733
4. Business efficiency tani corn in the sub-district Bunga mas of 2.09,
The value of the business efficiency by 2.09 means that every Rp
2.090 costs incurred by businessman corn then will provide the
acceptance of Rp 2.090 for small corn.
13. Suggestions
2. To get a greater income, entrepreneurs should increase the amount of
corn production
3. For the government of the district or related institutions, needed
intensive mentoring to alter the mindset of society, socialization about
nutrition corn so that the change of paradigm of society toward
nutrition corn, and giving the right help to optimize the production of
4. For other researchers, it is recommended to examine the more
information about the feasibility aspect (financially) corn processing and
marketing business to tani corn better again.