TapCrowd mobile apps for conferences and corporate events. Discover how to interact with your audience through live voting, Q&A, social networking, and personalised push notifications. Trusted by international life science conferences, high-stake corporate events and over 400 companies worldwide.
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TapCrowd mobile apps for conferences and corporate events
1. Mobile apps for conferences
Communication, interaction, personalization
V2.0, December 2014
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Self-service app building & app management platform
TapCreator is an online platform that allows anyone to create and maintain
professional native mobile apps for all popular platforms.
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Build an event app in 3 easy steps
1 Select a Flavor 2 Activate Modules 3 Add Content 4 Submission time!
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Case: life science conference Berlin
Discover the full case: http://tapcrowdevents.com/tc_case/hematology-debate/
86% app rating by delegates
72% response rate on session evaluations in app
90% active usage of app throughout the conference
40+ real-time questions for speakers via app
1.500 personalised inbox messages delivered to delegates
5 minutes maximum time for organisers to receive evaluations at end of session
Rented iPads distributed to all delegates
On-site engineers and on-site server infrastructure
All content managed via pharmaceutical approval flows
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Case: international conference Eurocities
10.560 app sessions
43.360 app actions
34 actions per user (average)
756 QR codes scanned
1.020 items bookmarked as Favorite
166 personal MeetMe messages sent
Discover the full case online: http://tapcrowdevents.com/tc_case/eurocities/
Helpdesk for app support
Delegates used the app to scan products
they liked,at the end they received a
personal gift bag with their selection
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App functionalities
General Info
List important information regarding your
event. From opening hours & event
location to ticketing information.
Allow attendees to easily network which
their peers. Efficient networking has
finally arrived!
Keep your audience up-to-date with the
latest event news.
Conference Bag
Visitors can tag content they would like
to take with them e.g. product brochures
from a certain exhibitor.
Session & Speaker Rating
Request ratings from attendees after
sessions and speaking slots.
Exhibitor Catalog
The exhibitor catalog is a list which offers
detailed information on each exhibitor.
Personal Agenda
Your audience will love creating their
own schedule filled with the sessions
they want to attend.
Interactive Floorplan
Easily guide visitors the way with a multi-
level interactive floorplan including
indoor navigation.
Note taking & slide sharing
Allow attendees to take notes in the app
Speakers can share slides live during
Ad Banners
Integrated ad banners offer extra
visibility for your sponsors.
Sessions & Speakers
A list with sessions and detailed speaker
information which can be divided into
tracks and rooms.
Push Notifications
Send last-minute event information to all
users of the app. Enable your partners to
send sponsored messages.
List of your event partners with detailed
Live Q&A & Polls
Voting for attendees with live displaying
of results, and asking questions to
speakers (with moderation)
Attendees can send messages to each
other to improve networking.
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Live voting and Q&A
Delegate can vote live during debates, panel discussions... Results are
displayed on stage in real-time.
Allow delegates to ask questions to speakers. Questions can be moderates
and are then displayed on-stage using iPads for the speakers or on large
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Send relevant push notifications
Send push notifications to delegates to alert
them: plenary session starts in 5 minutes !
Send an automatic push notification when
delegates arrive at the venue (geofencing):
Welcome to the conference ! Please register at
the front desk !
Send personalised push notifications: Your flight
is delayed !
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Stimulate networking
Allow delegates to send
messages using Meet Me
inside the app, to other
delegates and to your help
Use the speed
networking feature with
badge scanning to
stimulate networking
during e.g. a reception.
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TapCrowd integrates with your existing platforms
Your event registration
platform, CRM
Synchronize attendees,
user login/PW, personal
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Professional services
No time to do it yourself ?
No problem, TapCrowd provides affordable
professional services, tailored to your needs.
App Submission to app stores
Content input
Graphical Design
App customizations
API Integrations
On-site support
On-site servers & technical engineers
iPad rental for VIPs
TapCrowd provides end-to-end services for each
phase of your project
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On-site server infrastructure
Optional on-site server infrastructure for venues without internet or wifi.
TapCrowd can provide an on-site engineer team to assist your communication team.
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Contact us ! We are looking forward to talking to you !
Europe (HQ)
Grauwpoort 1
B-9000 Gent
+32 9 298 01 92
聴nirah Sk 25, Beikta,
34342 Bebek Mh.
Av. Eng. Luis Carlos Berrini 1500
Brooklin Novo, S達o Paulo, SP
+55 11 3588 0400