This presentation observes how searches are conducted in the international PubMed database. First, the search strategies used are examined, then the bibliography of some selected articles. Finally, two full text articles from the searches conducted are presented. The searches included terms like (blogs OR wikis) AND nursing AND (utilizacion OR learning), nursing AND (education OR learning) AND (wikis OR blogs) AND utilizacion, and learning AND nursing AND (wikis OR blogs). Six references are then listed from the resulting searches on topics including growing an online nursing research network, using digital communication to support clinical supervision, learning preferences among nurses, using blogs and bags to teach nursing students about ostomy care, internationalizing the nursing curriculum using online
2. En esta presentaci坦n vamos a observar
como se realiza una b炭squeda en la
base de datos internacional PubMed.
Primero veremos las estrategias
realizadas y luego la bibliograf鱈a de
algunos art鱈culos seleccionados.
Por 炭ltimo, dos art鱈culos completos de las
b炭squedas realizadas.
3. (blogs OR wikis) AND nursing AND
(utilizacion OR learning)
nursing AND (education OR learning)
AND (wikis OR blogs) AND utilizacion
learning AND nursing AND (wikis OR
8. (1) Frisch N, Atherton P, Borycki E, Mickelson G, Cordeiro J, Novak
Lauscher H, et al. Growing a professional network to over 3000
members in less than 4 years: evaluation of InspireNet, British
Columbia's virtual nursing health services research network. J
Med Internet Res 2014 Feb 21;16(2):e49.
(2) Mather C, Marlow A, Cummings E. Digital communication to
support clinical supervision: considering the human factors. Stud
Health Technol Inform 2013;194:160-165.
(3) Pilcher J. Learning preferences among neonatal and
maternal child nurses. Neonatal Netw 2013 Mar-Apr;32(2):117-
(4) Reed KS. Bags and blogs: creating an ostomy experience for
nursing students. Rehabil Nurs 2012 Mar-Apr;37(2):62-65.
(5) Stephens M, Hennefer D. Internationalising the nursing
curriculum using a Community of Inquiry Framework and
blended learning. Nurse Educ Pract 2013 May;13(3):170-175.
(6) Stephens M, Robinson L, McGrath D. Extending inter-
professional learning through the use of a multi-disciplinary Wiki.
Nurse Educ Pract 2013 Nov;13(6):492-498.