This survey provided useful information for planning a new music magazine, including that it should be weekly, around £1-£1.20 in price, and cover genres like indie, rock, and pop. It also showed that including fashion, food, events, and places would appeal to readers. The responses helped define key aspects of the magazine while coming from a sample size in the target demographic.
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Target Audience survey analysis
1. This survey was conducted to help me decide on
specific aspects of my music magazine overall I got
a feedback from 26 people, which I think is a
reasonable sample size. My initial idea for my
magazine is one that contains new and up and
coming music artists and also help on how to
succeed within the music industry. However I
needed extra information to know how to make it
work and be a success.
The main information I needed was:
price, release, content and genre.
2. This was useful as it’s
basically an even amount of
men and women who took my
survey. This means that my
results will give me equal and
reliable information. This is
because if all men took my
survey then the results will be
bias towards them.
Luckily the majority of people
who took my survey were
between 15 and 25 years of
age (my initial target
audience). This will be helpful
as I know that almost all the
results collected will be
reliable when planning my
3. Although never has 33.3%,
there’s still 66.7% of people
that do actually read a
magazine. This is good as I
know that the majority of
people do like magazines. Also
it shows me that people prefer
a weekly magazine. Suggesting
that they are reliable and
dedicated magazine fans.
Also I got a response saying:
‘Whenever one catches my
interest’ this shows me that it
is key to create a good front
4. Although the majority of people have said
no, there is still a reasonable amount of
people that do. Also it just shows how I
need to make sure that I have a USP that
could make people want to read music
5. This is helpful because from my results I
can see that the most listened to genre
of music is Indie. The second most
listened to is rock and the third most
listened to is pop. Therefore I now know
the main genres of music and artists to
include in my magazine. Also from the
other responses I got I can see that there
is other music genres I need to consider.
All this information will hopefully help
my magazine appeal to my target
6. Although the category of 1-
2 hours a day has the
majority vote, I can see
that most people listen to
music for 4 or more hours a
day. This is good to see
because it tells me that my
audience are keen music
fans and that they probably
care a lot for music.
Therefore my music
magazine has a greater
chance of success.
7. I asked this question
because I felt fashion is
often inspired by music
and therefore it would
be a good extra to
include in my
magazine. From the
response I can see the
majority of people do
care about fashion, and
therefore I will include
it in my magazine.
8. This question was
designed to help me
decide on a good price
for my magazine.
Because the majority of
people have an average
of under £10 to spend a
week, I can tell that my
magazine needs a
reasonably cheap price in
order to persuade and
allow people to buy it.
9. I decided to ask this question so that I knew what else to include in my magazine to draw in readers. I can see
that the majority of people spend their money on clothes and food. This has given me an idea to include good
food, recipes, restaurants, bars and drinks as I think it would appeal to the reader from this data. Also the third
popular option was gigs therefore I know that including concert dates will be a good idea. The other responses I
got were that people spent their money on going out e.g. cinema. This gave me the idea to include information
on secret hot spots and up and coming places as well as music.
The results from this data will also be appealing to advertisers as it shows them what the audience is likely to
buy, and if it’s similar to then their product then it would appear a good business move.
10. This data gives me a
good understanding of
how much people will
be willing to pay. The
majority of people said
£1-£2, and because I’m
creating a new
magazine I will
probably choose to set
my magazine at the
lower end, at about £1
to £1.20. Because of
the cheap price I am
hoping that it will help
persuade people to buy
my magazine.
11. Overall I can conclude that my results have been pretty
reliable because, the age range that took my survey is my
target audience. I also now know that I should create a weekly
magazine priced at around £1 to £1.20 that includes music
genres of Indie, Rock and Pop and that I need to make sure I
have a good USP in order to appeal to non-music magazine
As well as music, I will also be including: fashion, food, drink,
gigs, and up and coming events and places. This survey has
been very successful as I now have a much greater
understanding of what my magazine will look like, even
though I didn’t have a big quantity of data.