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The TARGET Pain Trial
This trial will be undertaken in EDs across Australia
under the auspices of the Clinical Trials Group of the
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine.
This e-learning module
 This e-learning module will advise you of the
background, nature and purpose of this trial
 Please read each information slide carefully
 Select an answer on each question slide
 Review the correct answer and explanation on
the following slide
 Pain is often poorly managed in EDs
 Initiatives attempting to improve pain management:
 Staff education
 Time-to-analgesia KPIs
 Pain score recording
 Nurse-initiated analgesia
 These initiatives have had variable success
The most important outcome is a
high level of patient satisfaction
with their pain management
This is supported by:
Research will have to change its
measured outcomes to terms like
adequate pain relief and satisfaction
with pain care
James Ducharme EMA 2013; 25: 110-111
Q1.Q1. What is the most important outcome in
pain management?
A. Short times to analgesia
B. High levels of patient satisfaction
C. Accurately recorded pain scores
D. Most patients receiving opioids
Q1.Q1. What is the most important outcome in
pain management?
A. Short times to analgesia
B. High levels of patient satisfaction
C. Accurately recorded pain scores
D. Most patients receiving opioids
Times to analgesia may be short but the analgesia may be inadequate
in dose and/or frequency
Pain scores are of little use unless they are acted upon and used to
tailor the patients analgesia
Opioid analgesia may be inadequate in dose and/or frequency
A high level of satisfaction is achievable if
adequate analgesia is given
Also, intuitively:Also, intuitively:
Adequate analgesia should decrease pain by:
by a significant amount
to a level that is mild
Q2.Q2. What is the best way to manage a
patients pain?
A. Administering opioid drugs
B. Administering analgesics intravenously
C. Providing adequate analgesia
D. Using combinations of analgesics
Q2.Q2. What is the best way to manage a
patients pain?
A. Administering opioid drugs
B. Administering analgesics intravenously
C. Providing adequate analgesia
D. Using combinations of analgesics
Opioids alone, drug combinations or the intravenous route may be
inadequate in dose and/or frequency
Adequate analgesia is provided if the patients pain is decreased by a
significant amount and to a level that is mild
Research shows us that:
a significant
decrease in
a decrease in
pain score of  2
(scale of 0-10)
Kelly AM. Emerg Med 2001; 13: 57-60
Todd KH et al. J Pain 2007; 8: 460-6
a mild level
of pain
pain score < 4
(i.e. 0-3)
moderate-severe pain
 pain by  2
 pain until < 4
 satisfaction with pain management
Study hypothesis:
But does it work?
Our own research shows that:
Patients who get adequate analgesia
(as defined) are significantly more
likely to be very satisfied with their
pain management (OR = 7.8)
Jao K et al. Emerg Med Australas 2011; 23, 195201
Shill J et al. Acad Emerg Med October 2012
Q3.Q3. How is adequate analgesia provided?
A. Reducing the pain score by  2
B. Reducing the pain score to < 4
C. Either A or B
D. Both A and B
Q3.Q3. How is adequate analgesia provided?
A. Reducing the pain score by  2
B. Reducing the pain score to < 4
C. Either A or B
D. Both A and B
Only decreasing a patients pain by only 2 may leave them in
considerable pain e.g. 9 reduced to 7
Even if pain is reduced to < 4 (mild), it may not have been reduced
by a significant amount e.g. 4 reduced to 3
Reducing the pain significantly and to a mild level is required
Aim of this trial
 Our target in this trial is to provide
adequate analgesia (as defined) to all
patients with moderate-severe pain
 We will measure the effect on
patient satisfaction
How can you help?
 ED staff can help by endeavouring to provide
adequate analgesia
 This will be achieved by decreasing the pain
score by  2 and to a level < 4
 This differs little from standard practice only
now we have a target to aim for:  2 and to <4
Q4.Q4. What should be used to provide
adequate analgesia?
A. any method or a combination
B. analgesic drugs
C. hot or cold packs
D. reassurance, support
Q4.Q4. What methods can be used to provide
adequate analgesia?
A. any method or a combination
B. analgesic drugs
C. hot or cold packs
D. reassurance, support
Many methods can be used to decrease a patients pain. The way will
depend upon the patient, the pain severity and the cause.
e.g. splinting/elevation/ice may work best for a # wrist
In this trial, any method(s) can be used so long as you provide
adequate analgesia (i.e. decrease pain score  2 and to <4)
 Adequate analgesia is defined as a decrease
in pain score by  2 and to < 4
 There is a strong association between receipt
of adequate analgesia and a high level of
patient satisfaction with pain management
 This trial will strive to provide adequate
analgesia and so increase patient satisfaction
Q5.Q5. Which pain score change represents
adequate analgesia?
A. 7 decreased to 4
B. 4 decreased to 3
C. 5 decreased to 3
D. 3 decreased to 1
Q5.Q5. Which pain score change represents
adequate analgesia?
A. 7 decreased to 4
B. 4 decreased to 3
C. 5 decreased to 3
D. 3 decreased to 1
7 to 4: score decreased by  2 but not to < 4
4 to 3: score decreased to < 4 but not by  2
5 to 3: score decreased by  2 and to < 4
3 to 1: score decreased by  2 but was mild (< 4 ) to begin with
TARGET Pain by providing
Adequate Analgesia
Pain Score:
down by  2
and to < 4
Thank you, in anticipation,
for your support and
co-operation in this study

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Target pain e learning module

  • 1. The TARGET Pain Trial This trial will be undertaken in EDs across Australia under the auspices of the Clinical Trials Group of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine.
  • 2. This e-learning module This e-learning module will advise you of the background, nature and purpose of this trial Please read each information slide carefully Select an answer on each question slide Review the correct answer and explanation on the following slide
  • 3. Background Pain is often poorly managed in EDs Initiatives attempting to improve pain management: Staff education Time-to-analgesia KPIs Pain score recording Nurse-initiated analgesia These initiatives have had variable success
  • 4. Arguably:Arguably: The most important outcome is a high level of patient satisfaction with their pain management
  • 5. This is supported by: Research will have to change its measured outcomes to terms like adequate pain relief and satisfaction with pain care James Ducharme EMA 2013; 25: 110-111
  • 6. Q1.Q1. What is the most important outcome in pain management? A. Short times to analgesia B. High levels of patient satisfaction C. Accurately recorded pain scores D. Most patients receiving opioids
  • 7. Q1.Q1. What is the most important outcome in pain management? A. Short times to analgesia B. High levels of patient satisfaction C. Accurately recorded pain scores D. Most patients receiving opioids Times to analgesia may be short but the analgesia may be inadequate in dose and/or frequency Pain scores are of little use unless they are acted upon and used to tailor the patients analgesia Opioid analgesia may be inadequate in dose and/or frequency
  • 8. Intuitively:Intuitively: A high level of satisfaction is achievable if adequate analgesia is given
  • 9. Also, intuitively:Also, intuitively: Adequate analgesia should decrease pain by: by a significant amount and to a level that is mild
  • 10. Q2.Q2. What is the best way to manage a patients pain? A. Administering opioid drugs B. Administering analgesics intravenously C. Providing adequate analgesia D. Using combinations of analgesics
  • 11. Q2.Q2. What is the best way to manage a patients pain? A. Administering opioid drugs B. Administering analgesics intravenously C. Providing adequate analgesia D. Using combinations of analgesics Opioids alone, drug combinations or the intravenous route may be inadequate in dose and/or frequency Adequate analgesia is provided if the patients pain is decreased by a significant amount and to a level that is mild
  • 12. Research shows us that: a significant decrease in pain a decrease in pain score of 2 (scale of 0-10) = = Kelly AM. Emerg Med 2001; 13: 57-60 Todd KH et al. J Pain 2007; 8: 460-6 a mild level of pain pain score < 4 (i.e. 0-3)
  • 13. moderate-severe pain pain by 2 and pain until < 4 satisfaction with pain management Study hypothesis:
  • 14. But does it work? Our own research shows that: Patients who get adequate analgesia (as defined) are significantly more likely to be very satisfied with their pain management (OR = 7.8) Jao K et al. Emerg Med Australas 2011; 23, 195201 Shill J et al. Acad Emerg Med October 2012
  • 15. Q3.Q3. How is adequate analgesia provided? A. Reducing the pain score by 2 B. Reducing the pain score to < 4 C. Either A or B D. Both A and B
  • 16. Q3.Q3. How is adequate analgesia provided? A. Reducing the pain score by 2 B. Reducing the pain score to < 4 C. Either A or B D. Both A and B Only decreasing a patients pain by only 2 may leave them in considerable pain e.g. 9 reduced to 7 Even if pain is reduced to < 4 (mild), it may not have been reduced by a significant amount e.g. 4 reduced to 3 Reducing the pain significantly and to a mild level is required
  • 17. Aim of this trial Our target in this trial is to provide adequate analgesia (as defined) to all patients with moderate-severe pain We will measure the effect on patient satisfaction
  • 18. How can you help? ED staff can help by endeavouring to provide adequate analgesia This will be achieved by decreasing the pain score by 2 and to a level < 4 This differs little from standard practice only now we have a target to aim for: 2 and to <4
  • 19. Q4.Q4. What should be used to provide adequate analgesia? A. any method or a combination B. analgesic drugs C. hot or cold packs D. reassurance, support
  • 20. Q4.Q4. What methods can be used to provide adequate analgesia? A. any method or a combination B. analgesic drugs C. hot or cold packs D. reassurance, support Many methods can be used to decrease a patients pain. The way will depend upon the patient, the pain severity and the cause. e.g. splinting/elevation/ice may work best for a # wrist In this trial, any method(s) can be used so long as you provide adequate analgesia (i.e. decrease pain score 2 and to <4)
  • 21. Summary Adequate analgesia is defined as a decrease in pain score by 2 and to < 4 There is a strong association between receipt of adequate analgesia and a high level of patient satisfaction with pain management This trial will strive to provide adequate analgesia and so increase patient satisfaction
  • 22. Q5.Q5. Which pain score change represents adequate analgesia? A. 7 decreased to 4 B. 4 decreased to 3 C. 5 decreased to 3 D. 3 decreased to 1
  • 23. Q5.Q5. Which pain score change represents adequate analgesia? A. 7 decreased to 4 B. 4 decreased to 3 C. 5 decreased to 3 D. 3 decreased to 1 7 to 4: score decreased by 2 but not to < 4 4 to 3: score decreased to < 4 but not by 2 5 to 3: score decreased by 2 and to < 4 3 to 1: score decreased by 2 but was mild (< 4 ) to begin with
  • 24. TARGET Pain by providing Adequate Analgesia Pain Score: down by 2 and to < 4
  • 25. Acknowledgement Thank you, in anticipation, for your support and co-operation in this study